You know the drill
Style rate thread
Other urls found in this thread:
8/10, pretty bland, too much white for my taste
massive faggot, 9/11 would steal urethral penetrator for personal use
It's a kubotan user
needs more Gucci/10
maybe switch the NMDs to Gucci slides
I don't really like Gucci shoes but will probably cop these
only lgbts where vans
I'm trying to be nice/10
Sort of a late 70s rocker look. I like it. 7/10
Gay cowboy out of ten
Talk shit post your style
C.E. Utility Bomber. Got it from Japan though.
someone who thinks that theyre "classy" and "masculine" but actually dresses like an autist
Man I just wear what I like. Buuuuuut one of my teachers did want me to be tested for autism when I was in middle school so you may have a point there.
is this bait?
what said
sfw punk
really sfw punk
if you can pull it off its good
Never was a fan of black and/or skinny jeans. That's just my taste though.
where do i get that shirt and pants?
spot on,kek
in not troll post fit, otherwise you seem to make gucci look fresh
I didn't understand,can you please rephrase user?
underrated post
nvm on the jeans, i just need the shirt and REALLY don't want to order it off ebay tbqh
i bought it and messed up,seller sent me the right one and got a full refund
>inb4 shill
nothing matches except shirt and trousers
>wearing a carhartt jacket when you're a skelly
I started wearing that right wing fall/winter fascist look. Don't know if I should commit suicide or not. Might post my fit after I get some sleep.
Where do you keep your knife and what kind of a holster do you have? Thinking about copping a reasonably priced knife to replace my shitty flip knife.
Good besides the ck shirt that logo is repulsive
On point
I hope this is just an ebin maymay
i pay 20/gram starter packs
The arab fuccboy look will be in this year, eh?
Talk to me about those boots real quick.
i don't even do drugs pleb
putting gross shit in your body
auto 0/10
Can I get an ID on those khakis my man
>fuck trump
>i don't even do drugs pleb
i read that as im mentally underage, very much a virgin, and still play roblox
i read this as actually underage, very much a virgin, and thinks they're cool because they pay $20 a gram for oregano in a ziploc bag
Got them here. Pretty damn good boots.
>i know you are but w-what am i.txt
dont try too hard with your burns just like your fits
w2c that shirt? It's pretty dope, why the knife though?
>thinks drugs are cool
>not underage
pick one m80
>why the knife though?
to slaughter protrumpists obviously
Simple is good user, i like this
Here mine
I have an Opinel No. 8 high quality blade and cheap. I usually carry it in a 'Neck Carrier' similar to pic related. I live in a small town if I go to the city I put it in my pocket.
I really hope you do it justice
>gucci guilty
Oh hey 8th grade me
melbourne urbex kit/10
>trump fag triggered
what backpack is this
Fuck forgot to crop when i pasted
Art Disco Black Backpack
retarded baby on ur fit
thanks, I always wanted to work some anchors and hearts, but as a detail, without looking like I'm trying to be a chaos magickian or a jojo overdoser.
current pouch just has an ashtray with someone putting out a cigarette, boring
Fuck yes bro. n1/10
krink markers are shit you dumb toy
Kinda basic.
Roblox? The only way he would have to play that, is if his parents didn't love their autistic son enough to buy him Minecraft, for being such a massive faggot, so he had to resort to playing Roblox.
Childish and pedestrian
god damn those make me hard
you dress like a 40 year old norm-dad
> fucking normcore
>dont dress keklike
boring boring boring except for this one
Whats that Moomin-CD in the bottom right corner?
3/10, bet you love top gear too
6/10 too much going on for me personally but do like your shoes and glasses very much so
6.5/10 slimmer darker jeans would really complete this look. Definitely the jeans letting you down lad
8/10 just not into the tunes
2/10 fuck off
9/10 very strong aesthetics just don't know about the zippo. r u a cowboy
9/10 I wear very similar clothes abroad and in the summer. Wearing this combination for me now i'd freeze but very nice
7.5/10 love the colour orange but hate those ugly clunky reeboks
2/10, if going to be a fascist at least dress well and drive something better than a hair dryer on wheels
9.5/10 strong look
w2c frames
r u jeff mangum
other thread died
how do you pee on this?
they're ralph lauren, can't remember the exact model though
That's as good a reason as any