You need an actual budget. We all have some fantasy shit where we can save $5,000/month if we starve ourselves and are homeless.
When you have an actual budget, we can critique it and say where to cut. I'm thinking rent is the easiest target, but I don't know what you pay or what typical rents in your city are like.
You're NOT saving $1,000/month. What are you actually saving?
As for my experience - minimums on all debt (car, student loans), plus rent/other fixed expenses puts me at $1,200/month or so. When my car and student loans are paid off, I'll be down to $350 on rent. Holy fuck, talk about ball-out money.
I take home $2,800/month (gross around $50k, 5% + 4% employer match goes to Roth 401k), but adding in bonuses it averages out to $3,100/month if not a little more. Fantasy me could save $1,600/month. Now, I generally spend $5-600/month on food, clothes, everything else combined. Realistically I have $1,000/month left over. ($1k/month of base but $1,300/month spreading bonus across all months).
Having $1k/month to either save or pay extra on debt is on the high side for most people making in the $50k range. Most will manage to save $0 - 300/month. These are the wageslaves. Because that vacation sounds fun, they want a $25,000 car, $1,200/month luxury apartment instead of splitting rent in a decent 2br for $6-700/month each.
As for the recommended target on fixed expenses - 50% of your take-home. For you, maybe $1,500/month to rent, debt, bills.