The euro is a failed currency


it is and no one is questioning that, there is no debate to be had

a better question is: How do we profit when it collapses?
or do you believe those incompetent eurocrats along with 28 eu retards will figure out how to fix something which profits some countries at the expense of the rest without a civil war vis-a-vis united states in the 19th century?

i'm betting the usd will collapse faster

There's nothing to discuss anymore, we've seen the experiment fail terribly and I'm just glad that the UK held onto its own currency and didn't fall for the cuckery all the way.

I have been hearing this for years now, especially from hardcore eurosceptics
Its failed but its there its being used by people, corporations, goverments and it doesnt look like its going anywhere any time soon.
Dont misunderstand me, I want it to fail (and EU with it) but its just not happening. TTIP, European army, more laws from brussels and other developments not gonna let it fail.

It is a failed currency, but a phenomenally successful political instrument.

>we've seen the experiment fail terribly
you and i not following the same news

>massive german trade surplus by riding on foreign aggregate demand through fta whilst keeping their competitiveness down through loss of sovereign monetary policy, which makes the only viable solution for the south to increase their productivity through lower wages

Also, the outcry and butthurt of german economists of muhh QE and helicopter money because it decreased the interest the german savers and banks get even though the only goal of ECB is stable inflation throughout the eurozone

well germans cant think 2 steps forward and do not understand irony

lowering wages does not increase productivity. It makes you more "competitive" in a global market place

in actual reality lowering wages in developed countries works for noone, if you are gonna hire a chinaman you just go straight for china and dont give two shits if serbia cuts 10 euros/month out of its workers salaries

In other terms everyone is fucked

This pretty much is what I think. Let alone the massive debt this countries already have and Germany is not willing to forgive the payment of it, even though we saved'em their asses after WW2

Im writing my bachelor thesis about the ecbs interest rate policy at this moment and its a joke. It is proven that m1 (non-banks liquidity) which they are trying to increase to meet their inflationary goal, has no effect on Inflation in an low-Inflation economy (check oout prof. richard werner). It will not work

and is me
Meant to say that having a budget and trade surplus while having a common currency is bad. If your partner has a trade surplus and you have sovereign monetary policy, you can easily devalue your currency to boost exports, but you can't do that if you're in eurozone. So basically, Germany is currently engaging in some sweet beggar-thy-neighbor policy and telling everyone else to step up their game, even though they're masively profiting from €.

Germans lost 350 billion Euros in interest from 2010-2016 due to low interest rates and QE since last year.

was rushing on the phone. Yeah, you're right. Lowering wages make you more competitive in international trade.

All currencies except Bitcoin are failed currencies.

funniest thing is there is people who actually think that Germany can be blamed for anything. Implying that there was a nation on earth acting for its own best and not for some elite that has nothing to do with the country.

Bitcuck cope

>after WW2
it's payback time

All currencies fail eventually what's your point?

you mean all fiat currencies right?

>thinks there is some other currency tban fiat
Kek. Cryptocucks are a joke. They are a volatile commodity at best. Nobody uses them as a currency you jackass.

no i meant only and exactly what i said don't be a delusional faggot please. crypto is the most fiat of all currencies obviously.

What about Israel, they went up...

Name a real currency that isn't fiat dumbshit.

are you some kind of special needs child?

>cant answer a simple question
Topkek. Kill yourself.

There is no need to be upset.

okay that's like...
>hurr durr i'm a helicopter! what kind of helicopter i am?
>are you retarded?
>lolololol can't even answer a simple question kill yourself!!

you guys are something else...

...Anonymous (ID: 8kt3/7sK)
04/25/16(Mon)13:45:13 No.1214630
(OP) #
All currencies fail eventually what's your point?
...Anonymous (ID: IB6hLMbb)
04/25/16(Mon)13:46:20 No.1214635
you mean all fiat currencies right?

You are the dumbfuck who made this ^ retarded statement. Of course he is talking about fiat currencies you mouth breather. The fact that you made this lame distinction means that you are either:
1. A stupid fuck bitcoiner who thinks bitcoin is a real currency
2. Just a plain old retard

Which is it?

reverts to calling names instead of answering a simple question

all currencies are fiat currencies and they always will be fiat currencies.

lol or
3. none of the above i just know what i'm talking about and you faggots clearly don't

yeah after i was called dumbshit... oh my did i offend your sensitive little autist ego?

ok there downy

Lol... I'm done.

you know i find it awfully hilarious that you fucks argue and rage about something that only exist in your stupid little zika ridden heads.

why so angry? we are only trying to help educate you

You do realize that you were the first one to try and correct user with something you are obviously ignorant on, right?

more wrong

thank god i'm not trying to educate you we would be here all day