[nocoiner breathing intensifies]

>[nocoiner breathing intensifies]

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Bitcuck cope.

Lol, had a hearty kek

Funny thing is there will still be delusional nocoiners bashing bitcoin even after the price passes the previous ATH

it just keeps going up

when are we going parabolic, phams?

altcoiners benefit too right?

Fear of missing out will kick in soon, the price will rocket, shorters will sell and get cucked like usual, then bears will throw in the towel and buy buy buy then we pass previous ath

Major bitcuck cope.

because the price of bitcoin doesn't mean jack shit you dumb nigger. it's essentially worthless aside from a successful past transaction where you sold it.


no, unless you sell before your shitcoin crashes

vitalik is already at it


Alright here's what i've got: New ICO, pretty futuristic, pretty ambitious

Oooh you dont want to read too much? Well They're aiming to file unregistered land in firstly Ghana, on the BTC blockchain. Obviouse reasons + warlords.


Their marketing sucks.

do they expect africans to be able to understand how to use the blockchain?

Africa is already balls deep in Bitcoin my man . they just totally skipped the banking phase and went straight to crypto

>Africa is in bitcoin so it must be good

you're on the wrong side of history my man :^)

Bitcuck cope.


did I say that , you stupid illiterate fuck?

Bitcuck cope.

Le bit-bubble

How heavy is the Chinese presence there? I know they're spreading across Africa like locusts from the Old Testament.