What's good methods of keeping motivation up and a urge to keep on studying?


>Had a 1 week break from study
>Need to get back to it but being lazy

do you feel like it's just not the time to study?

chop wood, carry water


I want to study bc i'm passionate about my course im going into next year but at the moment i just feel like eh.. i've studied so much in past month its killing

if you have to force yourself to study you're in the wrong field.

I think theres a difference between grinding a study session and feeling drained, i know what im passionate about.

It's easier if you make it a habit. So after classes, work, or dinner, go study and continue to do this everyday at the same point of time.

Take a break of 10 minutes after every one or two hours. In these ten minutes, make coffee and just relax. Do not fill your mind with other things. You could also meditate instead.

Thank you very much, i take it you speak from experience.. when did you use this?

Writing my bachelor thesis at the moment and i am procrastinating on a whole new level. 9 days left. Future me will figure it out. Check “master procrastinator“ at YouTube, the ted talk thingy, its good

Just take aderall.


Aderall has changed my life for the better.

I learned this from others, but I used it myself in college to get my grades up.

Grinding and/or studying doesn't feel half as bad when you do it on a daily basis. I felt good about myself as I wasn't procrastinating any longer.

Adderall is good but in the long run and constant use you need to remember a lot of the adderall memory comes from association. You associate those things with the good feeling adderall gives you, just keep that in mind.
Also take magnesium, drink a lot of water and keep longer no adderall periods. Magnesium helps to curb the tolerance, water is needed because stimulants and adderall needs water to function. Keeo breaks so you wont fry your brain out, its a very real thing. Also adderall is really bad for your teeth and has a bad halflife. Personally id get something less euphoric or you might really fuck up your hormone production. The human body can produce only so much of hormones and at some point you will become numb and tolerant to them, so do keep the breakdays for real. Adderall also in the long run becomes bit empty to use, dont take anymore than you feel the study amount is or youll start getting these empty thoughts and feelings that will stay with you for months.
On your breakdays if you get severe lethargy and depression it means you havent kept enough days off and youre going through a severe withdrawal.

I dont recommend using anything unless its prescribed but im making sure people dont fall for a retarded meme and fuck themselves up.

>if you have to force yourself to study you're in the wrong field.

is there a field that is about dank memes, minecraft and procrastination? i guess not so im gonna stick with something that im not too retarded to pass through and pays more than mcslave wagie jobs

motivation comes from action, not before action.

u dopy shit just get more disciplined. put study chocolate in the fridge if you need to

I've had moderate sucess with these. I have found that taking St. John's wort and ginkgo biloba have much better effects on mood/focus than "Brand Name" nootropics or brain boosters do. So, if you're interested, try out the St. John's wort and ginkgo biloba combo. Note that there are health effects from taking St. John's wort too much though. Just research it.

More or less a last resort for me. I find that smoking a cigarette before a big test or a long study session really helps me get through it, for the first thirty minutes anyways.
>inb4 lung cancer, health effects, death
Yeah, I know. I wouldn't advocate smoking, but it works for me when I really need to get something done. Plus, you can't beat smoking one with your best m8.

>Broccoli and kale
These two vegetables have changed my life. I eat them for breakfast every morning with a banana. You can buy a fucking pound of kale for $0.60 at the grocery store. It lasts forever, is healthy as fuck, but tastes like shit. I only eat it raw because I'm too lazy to cook. But seriously, kale and broccoli: healthier skin, improved focus and constant energy throughout the day, plus when you cum it is like a pearly white explosion. It's amazing. Of course, cardio, and exercise compound these effects. Only drink water too except...

This is more of a habit. Grinding up some coffee beans and making a fresh pot to sit down with is /comfy/ as fuck. This isn't hipster bullshit. Another user pointed out having a routine or time or day to study. Mine is about 11PM at night with a fresh pot of coffee.

Home never does it. I think its subconscious; that is, when you are home, all you want to do is relax and shitpost on Veeky Forums. You need to go to a place where studying and learning is the priority. The school library is good. Perhaps the local faggot café is more to your liking. Regardless, finding a place where you can be productive is the best.

>Just starting
Just do it.

How to get that in Australia ?
Everything remotely like it requires a prescription, and none of the doctors I've been too want to hand that out.

Network with law school friends.

Just buy nicotine gum - you get the nicotine without having to smoke.

Work smarter not harder senpai. Take whatever material you want to learn and turn it into SRS falshcards. Study a little everyday and don't get burnt out.


>mfw got through college making flashcard of everything
>didn't learn shit B average short term cramming
>grad school is hard as fuck WTF why
accidentally my whole brain
now middle tier schlub job life to pay off student loans
drive middie tier boring sedan bc gas mileage
limp dick fuck thick middle tier gf
pushing rope pepe. I'll never American Psycho 3some Sabrina and Christy

try nootropics before you scramble your brain with stims


You're doing it wrong m8, here I'll set you str8.

1. Download Anki
2. Get a cheap as fuck laptop or tablet with keyboard
3. Take notes and record lectures simultaneously on laptop or tablet. Use a service like evernote, Google drive, or Dropbox to keep your shit synced up across devices
4. The night after the lecture sit down and turn your notes into flashcards. Use copy and paste liberally and ask yourself questions in different ways, don't just do question - definition shit
5. Make these cards on study blue or some other online flashcard maker that let's you export as csv
6. Upload your cards into Anki
7. Study your daily cards. This takes

This is the most helpful to me. During finals I always take short breaks and I get 8+ hours a day done easily.

It also helps to leave smartphone off and close all distractions. I always get the most work done w/ a big bottle of coffee in the library.

you can get modafinol off the internet its similar sorta deal less intense tho

this guy knows what the fuck is up

btw, what do you use to record lectures? I feel like it would take a lot of hdd space

As annoying as Guy Kawasaki can be on social media (had to unfollow on Twat) and the Apple brags.. this book helps the mind want to achieve the higher level. Big time.

Not the same guy but windows comes with sound recorder. It's really basic but free, unless you want audacity

To store your knawladge. Just use a flashdrive or a cloud service like Google drive or dropbox. I use Onedrive but use what ever floats your refugee boat.


Everything I can see requires a script even if I'm ordering online in Australia

I'm just saying , wouldn't recording 2-3 hours of audio be a significant amount of memory? and the. 5 or 6 classes per week for 14 weeks?
I guess it's probably worth it though to buy some drives
do you find yourself listening to the lectures again after class or do you just jump to specific parts

Like I said, not the original guy lol

But your right. If you assume one minute is a mb, you'd have 180 file for a 3 hour class. Do that 6 times a week for 14 weeks is 15GB in data. So yeah its big but no one says you have to keep it for ever. Original guy said take that information and make flashcards. If you insist in keeping it, technology is beautiful and storage is cheaper than OP's mom.

Also, I wouldn't listen to a whole lecture again, just find the main parts.But if D
Don't undestand your own notes? Use the audio to find where you messed up.
Still struggling? Listen to most if not all of the audio. It's all about priorities. Spend time on what you need, and if you already know it, don't bother.

>2-3 hours of audio
That's what, an 80MB compressed MP3 at 192kbps?
Literally nothing.

I'm the original guy. Yeah actually the audio is optional but helps in the following cases:

>Miss a part or want clarification of notes
>The ability to listen to lectures later like a podcast

I recorded all my lectures senior year of school. The memory usage was negligible. If it's too big just keep it all on your computer.