Ugly != Veeky Forums

Can ugly girls ever be Veeky Forums?

Be honest.

the ugliest people i know are the most Veeky Forums

She's probably not that unattractive if you change her hair up and give her light rhinoplasty and contacts put her in some lingerie instead of that cotton shit. Literally Hollywood tier "ugly"

>she's not that ugly if she had plastic surgery

>Rhinoplasty is plastic surgery
Barely, I mean fuck, my mom got it

Those tits tho

she's odd looking and you're bad at judging faces

the shape of her head is strange. she has a very weird chin.

i don't know why you're getting so defensive about those obvious facts

most american women look like their dads with makeup

ugliness is a REQUIREMENT for being effay.

if you have nice bodily proportions, you need to fuck them up by starving yourself or not doing any exercise until you can begin to master the art of making ugliness seem interesting and cool. Which is what Veeky Forums is all about.

I don't think she's very ugly.

>bad hair
>ugly frames sitting an awkward angle to distort her eyes
>doing a weird thing with her mouth
>eyebrows could probably be trimmed a bit

You must be ugly as fuck then thus making your opinion biased

"I am McLovin"

is that a jew?

The mother of Rick Owens is pretty fashionable.

That pic is fucken ancient

who is she

look at the popular fashion youtubers. one of them has severe fetal alcohol syndrome yet gets tons of subscribers


Citation needed

Why not wear make-up and get bangs to cover your forehead? Come on now, it ain't that hard.


She'd look better if she stopped pulling her jaw back or whatever it is she's doing

T b h no. For a woman, ugly is the death of a girl's appeal, fashionable or otherwise.

> girls
> Veeky Forums
common, your bait is rice farmer level

Sure, the appeal is in the clothing and in the demeanour. Many times ugly people are more endearing.

this pic has nothing to do with what youre asking
would i let "her" suck me off with a paper bag over her head? yeah why the fuck not

is that ugly looking thing Veeky Forums? how the fuck am i supposed to know, it barely is wearing any clothes

americans really are ugly or remarkably bland

bad breeding

I assume your style of decision making runs in your family. Your father must have made similar decision on choosing your mother and hence you are ugly as well.

>an actual haircut


them titties tho

thats a nice ass user

She could legit look like Devin Brugman if she tried hard enough

Here's a better pic for reference

for some people it's impossible but for the vast majority of 'average ugly' people, there's a lot of potential. makeup, hair, and posing can really change a person so long as they don't have any glaring bone structure problems. Maybe not to Veeky Forums levels, but they'll look decent.

ha boo bees

On a related note I can't seem to make any progress with girls. I use to use tinder but quit and now just talk to people. I've gotten three numbers so far this year and each girl has flaked when it came time for our first date. I'm guessing I have poor social skills. How do I improve with women?

this bitch like the real life version of tina from bobs burgers


practice. ask friends who are good with women for advice.