What are some movies with effay characters

What are some movies with effay characters

Pic related was a Veeky Forums character in an otherwise garbage tier show

it doesnt get more Veeky Forums than having a heroin compartment in your heel

Leon Lai in Fallen Angels


Was Don Draper effay


if you're a fedora loving, fragile male, neckbeard virgin then sure

he's a good looking guy though for sure

This fedora meme needs to stop.

He was obviously Veeky Forums for his time.

Always thought sickboy was one good looking motherfucker.


fucking kill yourself. he literally is just wearing a well fitted suit

reddit liking something doesn't automatically make it """"fedora""""

Right. For his time. He's definitely a handsome guy, but his look is dated. And that's the intention of his whole design.

found the neckbeard

Had anyone steen Mommy by Dolan.

The main character is Veeky Forums as fuck.

Watch it.

bobby from twin peaks

and audrey

you have issues, see a therapist

Childhood is idolizing Bobby.
Adulthood is realizing sheriff Truman and Ben Horne were far more effay.

He had some great looks in this one. Honestly, this is the only instance I've seen of tattoos actually looking cool and suiting someone's personality without looking fake and tryhard.

Cooper was more effay than any of them.

I've considered making a pair of my own.

Cooper is honestly on another level in so many ways
Also, log lady was pretty freakin effay for a middle-aged woman

School shooter haircut all the way

i am, and i'm going to buy some ties now.

log itself was very effay

fuck yes, cooper in his black sneaking gear is top tier- picture is a bad example





Fear and Loathing


always hated this stupid fuck, not a single iq in his brains. he let his gf kiss an old man she does not even know in front of his eyes and stayed with her. true cuck obviously.


w2c hawaiian shirts that aren't 100 percent cotton



I loved that movie.

time for memes

I half expected to see some retard from here go on and try the red leather jacket like they did with the scorpion one from drive

What's wrong with the red leather jacket

Anyone know what kind of boots he's wearing?


it's something really hard to sport outside of movies, and if you're not gosling or pitt.

just like the white scorpion jacket

look like some generic military boots

I think that it also helps that his jacket is well worn, you know so its like the 'i wear what i want and i dont give a shit what it looks like' kinda deal.

I dunno just if something's well worn or wrecked it kinda gives of the vibe that you look like you know what you're doing because you've worn that item for so long. like fake confidence. you're more likely to pull something off if you look like you OWN it.

Maybe i'm not making sense but i get what i mean and thats all that matters.