How to pull off classic Americana-core? What are the essentials?

How to pull off classic Americana-core? What are the essentials?

An attractive face.

To add to the list: white tank tops, probably classic black converse, denim jacket w/o patches, chambray shirt, a striped t shirt would compliment the style, go for plain blue jeans with a few in each different shade (no acid wash), no tears in your jeans unless it's from wear, and above all have an attractive body and face. Your haircut needs to fit too. You cannot be a skeleton or fat ass. Check out any of the characters from sandlot for inspo. Rmber- you gotta look tough, but not downright intimidating. Also the outsiders to a degree

Have that, what's next?


It's hard unless you are a chiseled handsome white guy. You can try to copy James Dean all you want but you'll never be him. Depends on what side you want to be. The tougher greaser side or the prep soc side

good thread

ops pic is shit tho


Why is it shit?

post more pics like this

promotes purchase of fast fashion abominations

vintage clothing, 60s or older

don't dilute it

What the fuck are you talking about bitch

look at the clothing
they're literal topman screenshots

The only non fast fashion stuff I buy is outerwear and footwear, everything else is semi disposable to me

sucks for you

if you're gonna smoke make sure it's only lucky strikes and buy a zippo


Ok. Here's some, but the overalls kid isn't Americana desu
Some inspo


>overalls kid isn't Americana desu
he is
the whole movie's supposed to be a spit take on 1950s culture. that's americana.

Some more, starter pack inspo

Thanks, I wasn't sure.




Can you guys post more pics of good glasses and hats for this?

basic tee with hem borders
light denim jeans, rolled
converse all stars