I'm 5'10.5" and I want to know what it's like being in the 6' master race and tricking others into thinking I am. what kind of shoes can I wear that will not make me look like pic related
High heels
Are short guys not happy when a girl wears any kind of heel?
If it puts her at the same height as me or taller I don't like it. I don't want to look like a manlet out in public
I don't like it but it doesn't matter
Saint Laurent Wyatt 40. Go for the 60s+ if you're an insecure manlet.
Do you guys exist is a bubble? I'm 5'10" and I don't even notice my height until I go in 4 chan and here you fags cry about it. I'm taller than 99% if women and 75% of men I see on a daily basis, how anyone over 5'8" can call themselves short is beyond me
For most men it's sexually arousing
Take that as you will
How does it feel knowing you're looked down on by 25% of all men
Most people here have many insecurities and one way to cope with it is by boasting about something; height is then used a lot. When you add people who are insecure about whatever somebody is using to cope it snowballs and here we are.
The funny thing is that 6ft is just used because it's round, in metrics it's usually 1.75, 1.80, or 1.85 depending on the place.
Short guys are disgusting. I would never date anyone under 5'11
I don't care because I'm not an insecure faggot
Agree, tall people boasting about their height is even more pathetic than short people complaining
It makes me hard
Heels make my cock rock hard
Don't know why exactly but the shape they give to the foot is too damn arousing
>implying that a manlet's opinion matters
OP's pic related are the best tho. Anything open-toe or in the style of a 90s business woman is pig disgusting
>I want to know what it's like being in the 6' master race and tricking others into thinking I am
It will be a trick for a whole 2 seconds until people look at your shoes. I knew a short girl a while back, she must've only been 5' and she had boots with what must've been a 7" heel, which everyone that knew her found hilarious.
Trying to be taller just draws attention about insecurity.
I'm a womanlet so it does matter
If a dude, get some boots. I bought some redwings for riding, and they add a good 2 inches
inch and half isn't much
I'm 6' but flats are just cuter.
Ugh, fuck me, had a 11/10 gf last year, She was 5'9" ish and wore heels like that all the time. I found it classy as fuck and hot as hell. She also wore knee high boots frequently enough too.
fuck me man.
6'2" and find it hot when a woman is as tall as me in heels. In flats no thanks.
nice meme