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my favorite overpriced meme shoes were 45% off today :^)
I have them in black because I'm afraid of wearing white shoes. 1 stain and you're fucked.
Also, copped these yesterday because they go well with my jacket.
very nice
Did i do good fa?
these are sick, i'm jelly. where did you get them?
stans are from YME, a store in oslo.
bet they look great in black as well. i think whites look the best after they're softened up and a bit dirty, personally.
needed some new dress shoes that fit me. went for the ones w/ the combo tap sole so i don't slip and slide everywhere
learning foreign languages to find rare items is a new low
Its not really a low if you are learning a new language. Pretty good actually.
A second knochencoat
Great cops, my man
nice cop
Mmm, good cop
I really like this
what lang
>2017 is just one month old
>Trump President for a week
>all fashion has become militaristic or all black fascist look
I'm okay with that.
thanks mate
gettin ready for spring
Copped dis to go with some sports wear thinking of getting some kappa or fila shoes to go with it
yeah love the texture and cut. Definitely catch some attention but not too intense
Copped some vases.
w2c some sick vases