How do i dress like this

how do i dress like this

i really like the way the singer is dressed

buy the clothes they are wearing and fucking put them on

need a tutorial on how to put on pants?

i like the way the guy in the cat shirt is dressed it the exception of the cat shirt

the pants and loafers go really well together

wdym how. you literally see the aesthetic in the picture, just emulate it.

Do heroin

From left to right:
Dadcore, unemployed-uncle-core, teen-girl-core, dudecore

Are you fucking kidding me he looks like curt cobain wearing a trash bag instead of pants

Cat face t shirts are so fucking played out

Is the dude on the left actually kurt cobain jej?

that aint dadcore lul

literally this

Do drugs, skate, hang out with people who do drugs and skate.

diiv great band

u don't?

this is literally what happens when you try too hard

what brand are the white shoes?

Didn't skinny jeans get kicked out because Cole found out he was saying offensive shit on mu?

Also I'm like 80% sure Cole checked into a mental hospital like yesterday

What happened on mu?

devin perez ( the bassist who kindal ooks like a frog ) did multiple amas on /mu/ where iirc he said words like '___fag' or whatever and p4k reported on it so the band had to make a public statement because everyone was calling dev racist and misogo and shit but i think he's still in the band. cole did check into a institution tho for reason not completely known other than him 'being shit to those around him'

the less you care, the better you look... people who don't care & look like shit weren't cut out for it anyways, just like half of this board dressing in high fashion looking like fucking retards.

either you're born with it, or you're not... most of you aren't.