Is there any reason to NOT support $15/hr minimum wage if I currently make less than $15/hr and am in debt?

Is there any reason to NOT support $15/hr minimum wage if I currently make less than $15/hr and am in debt?

Obviously prices will go up, but my car loan and student loans are priced by the "old standard," so doesn't that effectively make my debt less if I live on the same amount I've been living on and contribute my increased earnings to paying off my loans?

It would be like, for example, buying a house for what they cost 30 years ago with today's wages.

Foreign labor. Chink will do your low wage job for $1 on the hour. More advanced positions will go for $2-5/hr.

You won't have a job soon

Im a landlord, ill raise your rent. simple as that.

How would a landlord be affected by a raise in minimum wage? Don't electricians and plumbers make more than that anyway? The only people who you'd be paying more are the people who cut the grass.

Watching mcdonalds employees fight for high wages is the funniest thing ever. Take a look at california. Everything is expensive as fuck, apartments are like 3000 a month for a 1 bedroom van-sized square and all the "minimum wagers" have to room together by the 10s to afford rent.

Here's the deal. Housing goes based on average earnings. They will creep up the price until demand is equal with supply. Basically the lowest earners are fucked no matter how much they're paid.

a landlord has to eat to you know.. if they raise minimum wage the price of everything will go up. so in order for me to make a living i have to raise rents. Its a cycle that retarded minimum wage people don't seem to see.


Will you still have a job at 15 and hour or will you be replaced by a kiosk? Or will the business that employs you simply go broke?

quads checked. Alice is my waifu.

Landlords make bank, especially the guy who owns the complex I live at and 5 more, in addition to several houses he rents. I doubt maintenance costs are anywhere near what he brings in on rent.

I'm a meat cutter, so I doubt I'll be replaced by a meat cutting robot any time soon.

And its going to fuck what remains of the middle class as well. Everything will become more expensive. But will that bricklayer or the secretary making $20 get a raise to suit? Fuck no. Its just going to continue to increase the income inequality between the have and have nots.

not all landlords make bank.
also if the landlord is used to only spending 10% of his income on food and then the next year after minimum wage is raised he is spending 20% of his income on food, he will raise the rent. He isn't in the business to be charity for retards that don't understand the difference between a job meant for young adults entering the workforce and a career.
Like i said, it's a cycle that retarded minimum wage people don't see because.. well... because they are too stupid... they will never win, even when minimum wage is raised a few years later they will still be where they are, at the bottom, at minimum wage.
You can't just assume that just because your minimum wage is raised you will be living like a king. you don't deserve to, you are at the bottom, and the people above you will make sure you stay at the bottom.

i agree minimum wage needs to be raised, but to jump up to $15 an hour is retarded. Everyone want's to live like they are rich and famous, but they aren't they are just minimum wage workers with no education that feel like they deserve more because they are overgrown children that cry about not having as much as the next person.

Well that's what I think is best all around, a raise to $9 and tie it to inflation. I was just wondering if it would be as big of a personal benefit to me as it sounds by reducing my loans due to the inflation it will bring.

>Alice is my waifu.
I'll take the Red Queen!

yeah it will help you pay your loans, it will be good in the short run, but in the end if you don't change your spending habits, your goals, and your priorities, you will always be in the same spot.. at the bottom. If you want to get out from the bottom, get out from under loans, and always be looking for a better job, not always better pay but a job that has more opportunity for growth.

>I currently make less than $15/hr and am in debt?
Well, shit.
Are you planning on being in debt and making less than $15 forever?
Because once you don't, you may look at it differently.

I don't think there should be any minimum wage at all. If u dont like the pay dont work there. Business should be able to do whatever they want. Just a person can. Take the money or don't, if no-one wants to work there cuz shitty pay then the employer would obviously raise his pay. If one person doesn't do it someone else will. Thats why its a free market, supply and demand.

there's no reason either way but if your quality of life is shit then you would be better off learning new skills or getting a second job.

higher min wage needs to happen to some extent obviously and it will be fine to experiment with $15, nobody knows really what will happen over time. but these sorts of decisions take a fuck load of time and most likely you're overestimating how much of a difference it will make for you to earn a few bucks more. i was miserable at 15, and i was equally miserable at 20, i was just able to afford some furniture and a few extra dates every month.

the reality is that most people "supporting" the min wage rise are shitty employees that believe if the economy is good that they should be treated well regardless of how many kinds of people would gladly take the job in their place. the "living wage" deal is horseshit for most of these people because they blow their money on junk and living in places they can't afford. i know that they are shitty employees because people have figured out min wage isn't really enough for an adult a long time ago and not just recently on twitter. if you commit to the job and are dependable, even the scummiest company will give you good appraisals and a "living wage".

and it won't affect the majority but yeah it's pretty logical to expect a lot of people to just get kicked off.

Actual landlord here; this is dumb as fuck. Housing costs have outpaced a normal basket of goods significantly. Rent doesn't need to go up I already make double my mortgages on my two rentals.

Unemployment is more likely to go up than prices. Only in a minimal store (like a landowner, or family shop) would prices be raised instead.
If you'd be helped by a minimum wage increase, and you're in debt; you probably don't have the job security to benefit from the increase, and will just complain about the Job market. Make sure to somehow blame the growth in unemployment on Republicans though.