from the back?
From the back
There are several WAYWT threads this doesnt need its own. Regardless it's looks alright but it's nothing big and special
How new? Also, this doesnt look alright
b8 chill
anyone have the screencap of when this guy showed up in the WAYWT thread?
step your game up
I can't believe people buy these shoes
I already did
Is he floating?
They are fakes, bad ones at that
It's regular clothes you faggots I didn't say it was "effay" The shit is literally normal clothing.
I too would like to save the screencap
Are those tracksuit pants?
With a denim jacket AND CONVERSE?
You look like every 12-20 year old in the British Isles congratulations.
those tight pants on his short fat stubby legs + clown shoes is not alright
Newfag nignog
>chucks instead of real sneakers
>denim on top
please stop
this thread is proof Veeky Forums now consists of 90% r/streetwear refugees
God damn, get a load of this guy.
>blacks jeans that don't fit
>fake rick owens ramones
>FAKE rick owens ramones that look like fucking CLOWN SHOES
>FAKE rick owens ramones that look like fucking CLOWN SHOES made out of PLASTIC LEATHER
>hoodie straight out of h&m/zara/whatever
>body language of nerd
How new can you be?
Fucking newfags
You literally look like a clown.
Also, slit your throat.
This fucking thread
>everyone being this new
This was a meme literally only four months ago. Fuck
kek you fags WISH you could dress as well as me
pic related
i need it from the back senpai
finally someone posts the unedited version
>All these newfags
And I've only been here for 3 years
Heh newfag I've been here for 5
5 days? if you don't know what op pic is, you are a newfag.
dildo baggins
short ass guy, clown shoes, fat thighs, haircut
your feet are too big for converse. they look like bowling shoes
why is your torso as long as your legs
Wtf when did I ever say that I didn't know what op's pic was, stop taking your time here on Veeky Forums so seriously you autist