Plans that never happened

War plan red was america's plan to invade canada and raid the english empire in the 30's. To be fair, canada and UK were planning to attack US at the same time.

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Saskatchewan was going to become israel before the whole holocaust thing

The Golden Circle

A secessionist secret society wanted to take over the whole Gulf / Caribbean region to help perpetuate slavery. I'm not really sure how serious of an idea it was, and it'd be interesting to see how one-drop rule American racial hierarchy would mesh with the castas system

>Saskatchewan was going to become israel before the whole holocaust thing
Until Canada makes the Jews give half of it back in 70 years because of "Muh colonialist occupation! Muh indigenous rights!"

Butthurt over creating a Jewish state wouldn't change a bit, much like butthurt over jews existing at all anywhere hasn't changed. Only solution is to let the Jews kill the uppity natives and get on with our lives.

Argentina was ready to invade Chile in 1978 over some islands in the Beagle Channel when the Pope offered himself to negotiate a settlement between the two countries.

Peru also wanted to invade Chile, in 1975, but the left-wing general who proposed that die before he could perform the invasion.

Eh, if Jews displaced a few hundred thousand Indians, there aren't 1 billion more of them to be butthurt for a century about it

It was not a real plan but a training exercise for officers. Seriously the level of ignorance on this board is alarming.

Where did you read it was a training exercise?

It was obviously hypothetical and not seriously considered, but I'm pretty sure it was designed for pragmatics rather than practice.

30's population
Canada: 10M
(UK: 50M)

USA: 120M+

Would they even stand a chance kek

Spain's invasion of China. The planning was vague, but if Spain didn't had to fight with literally everyone the invasion could have been succesful. It would have been interesting to see what could have happened.

60s population

USA: 180M

Would they even stand a chance kek

You forgot about the colonial troops from India, Australia, South Africa, Hong Kong, plus her mercenaries.
You forgot about her allies, France and Russia.
France would get New Orleans back. And Russia would get Alaska in exchange for participating in the War against American Aggression.
Mexico would join in and get Texas back.
Columbia would take Panama, and the Philippines would revert back to Japan. The American South would able to get on with their lives independently in exchange for exiting the US Confederation.

I've never heard of this. That's pretty cool desu.


stop pretending canada is a thing that is capable of being a threat

>canada was planning to attack

don't make me laugh, it's all the UK

canada basically doesn't' exist until they changed their flag


>implying the canadians can dig tunnels

Operation Northwoods.

inb4 holocaust

I guess they recycled that idea into the Gulf of Tonkin incident.

>Wars are won with population sizes

In the 1930s, the US's military capabilities were a lot closer to the combined Commonwealth's than they were even in the late 1940s (by which time America would have outmatched them fairly easily).

India alone gives the British an amazing amount of resources and manpower to work with. Combined with it's African territories and the white dominions, that war would be a lot tighter than you'd expect.

IIRC the Canadian "invasion" plan consisted of crossing the border, blowing up as much infrastructure as they could, then running back and fortifying the border until Britain came to save them

Good point. I always thought of the Gulf Tonkin Incident as being inspired by the "Remember the Maine" of the Spanish American War. But in truth, these things don't take much "thinking" to set in motion, or to pull off. It is like gambling with someone else's money... only anonymously... plus you can cheat.

I don't think the one drop rule could survive integrating all those people into it. I think the castas system would be adopted. Here's another proposed country you might be interested in:

I had a roommate who grew up in Nigeria and spent some time in Kenya. Even tough those countries aren't in "Latin Africa" he's very knowledgeable about the continent. I asked him if he thought this country could've worked. He said that he's not sure if it would've worked out in the long term, but it couldn't be any worse than how it's turned out.

I thought that the British, when planning a war with the U.S., aimed to abandon Canada and focus on a Naval War with the aim of forcing a settlement on the Americans?

>the leaf kills the America

Uh we killed 14% of their pop and only lost 500000. Pretty sure that's a logistical victory fag

>mfw Canadians btfo 2 American invasions
>mfw Canadians burnt down the white house

And to think Americucks had the fucking audacity to even plan another invasion

The leafs still gave up parts of New Brunswick, Alaska, British Columbia, Michigan coast, and Alberta over the next century.

Oh, and the U.S. still has the scepter of Ontario from when it bombarded Toronto.

Yeah but there's different degrees of butthurt and the small butthurt of a few injuns and maybe some canadians can't harm anyone or start wars.


The castas weren't actually a formal thing that people used day to day. It was just basically mulatto=shit black=double shit and the same for mestizos and indians. The whites are still at the top and see all others with contempt.

>To be fair, canada and UK were planning to attack US at the same time.

What the fuck, why?

For the U.S., the fear would be If Mosley or a Communist party came into power.

For the UK, it was the fear that should they ever grow weak, that the U.S. could do them in like they did in Spain (Which it did in a sense with India later on).

That's fantasy at best, but would make a fun alt-history scenary.

>but it couldn't be any worse than how it's turned out

The sad reality of Africa in the past century. You can say this about whatever sub-saharan african country you want at any year and have a high % of being right.

They wanted to conquer all China?

Or only some ports?


All China and all Asia if possible. The spaniards wanted it all, remember the empire's duty was to evangelize everything, in exchange for being allowed by the Pope to conquer half of the world. Often the spaniards proved to be less pragmatic than the portuguese and to be honest europeans didn't have that much information about China in the 16th century.

I'm not that well versed in South American history/politics but why does everyone hate on Chile? I mean they seem to be pretty chill honestly and if I was to ever visit SA I'd want to go to Chile, or Argentina desu.

>MFW amerifags claim they won the vietnam war

Everyone hates everyone in south america.

I wouldn't be surprised if Belgium had a plan to invade Germany at the ready.

That's how plans work m8

Our goal was to prevent Communism from spreading to all of SE Asia and beyond. We did that. We also showed Europe that we would follow-through with our anti-communist ideals. A few decades latter Communism was defeated. My shoes are made in Vietnam by the children of the anti-capitalists (they get pennies, our companies make billions). Never minding the fact that 2 million of them died to our 55,000... Yead, I'd say we won. Or do you think the only way you win a war is by having your flag on top of a mountain?

Sounds good to me. Fantasy my ass. The US has a lot of nations around the world waiting for the day the Empire falls. Then they will move in the bite pieces off the homeland.

Settle world resource problems by dividing up USA resources = world peace.

Success breeds jealousy.

So, if the trophy cup at a rat race is filled with piss and vinegar you call that a win?

No one can invade china and win.

>Plans that never happened

Pilsudski’s Prometheism and Intermarium plan.

What about the mongols? Or the first Sino-Japanese war? Or the Boxer Rebellion? Or the Opium Wars?

added an extra zero, pham

>Caesar's plan to conquer Parthia
>Germanicus's plan to invade Germanica a second time and rape everyone again
Fucking Senators and Conspirators.

More like cause a war over who owns what in the U.S.

Chile went to war with Peru-Bolivia and took what is basically current north Chile from them, leaving Bolivia landlocked.

Southern Patagonia was supposed to be Chilean but Argentina cucked them out. Although not completely, which further fuel Argenitinian designs over the tiny bit of Southern Patagonia in chilean hands and specially Tierra del Fuego and the whole sea passage.

So I herp a derp into a herp then derp derp derp derp derp derp?

>Our goal was to prevent Communism from spreading to all of SE Asia and beyond. We did that.
Pic related. Communism is such a shitty system that communist countries are forced to become more capitalistic or suffer economic collapse. So our side was right in the end. That doesn't change the fact that our attempts to militarily stop the spread of communism in SEA failed.

Reminder that the Gulf of Tonkin incident happened and even today is not disputed by Vietnam. However, the second Gulf of Tonkin incident did not happen.

Maintaining a buffer zone for 20 years is a favorable result. Thailand and Malaysia were safe from commies.

pour the vinegar pee out and pawn the trophy, now you're thinking with capitalism

>That doesn't change the fact that our attempts to militarily stop the spread of communism in SEA failed
SEA is a lot fucking bigger than Indochina.

Brutal subjugation by Russia is the only way to get slavs to unite.

Maybe that's why the king of Spain said "fuck that, stop conquering shit that is two years of travel from Madrid".

Anyway, read the link.

I'm American and consider myself reasonably patriotic. I definitely don't have an interest in denigrating the US. I was even in the Army for 8 years. But I'm also a realist. It really irks me that so many Americans can't acknowledge Vietnam as a defeat simply because murica fuck yeah.

I think the refusal to see Vietnam as a defeat contributes to our current situation of repeating the exact same mistakes. We fight with the military's hands behind their backs, prop up weak unpopular governments that are corrupt as well as incompetent, and let ourselves get dragged into long expensive occupations without realistic plans for ending them. But as you say, Vietnam was a huge success, so it makes perfect sense to approach other conflicts the exact same way.....

Hey Mike: Fuck off.

america would've lost heavily according to their own plan...


Thanks to Britain, not america

I am surprised no one mentioned Operation Plan III. Imperial Germany's plan invasion of the United States.

Do you think Caesar's Parthian Plan would have work? From what I know Mark Anthony was trying to follow that Plan and bumble fucked it.

>Americans actually call this a victory

Not the guy you replied to but I think it would have worked. Caesar was a brilliant general whereas Mark Anthony was a fuckup

Not him but it was very common back then to run mock battles and larger excersizes like the 'Fleet Problems'; hypothetical attacks on the Panama Canal.

If thats a victory I'd hate to see USA lose a war. No doubt they will be claiming Iraq and Afghanistan as victories too lel.

Also in the 1920's the US Navy had their own war games for fighting the Royal Navy.

Looking at this plan it's kind of retarded.

Japanese would've got btfo, and Texas would've got 20-30% bigger. Canadians would've been pushed back

Osama Bin Laden wanted a united Islamic hegemony - and believed that fighting the West (America) was the means by which to achieve all of his social and political goals. He spoke about this a great deal and you can read it for yourself.

Now let's look at America's foreign policy goal as the sole Superpower: Prevent another Superpower from rising, Prevent regional powers from form growing.

Now let's look at the Muslim World... Libya is in chaos, and has been cucked of their gold-back currency into the Central Banking System (Rothschild's privately owned piggy bank). Egypt is in chaos, it will take forty years before they regain the power they had in the 80's and 90's. Syria is in Civil War, they will not return to regional power status for generations. Iraq is sectarian-split and at War with itself. You could say our enemies have been taught to kill each other remotely with minimal supervision. Afghanistan is a puppet, Pakistan is our drone testing range (live fire), and Iran has been controlled by international agreements. Meanwhile the cost of Oil is low, Saudi Arabia heading off a fiscal cliff due to this and their massive social programs which can not be funded with declining oil production/prices/demand...

You want me to believe the USA did not win the post 9/11 conflict with the Modern World? Well gee, do you think we beat the Native Americans in the West? They still control Indian reservations... I guess we lost those wars too huh? You see sport, your edgy anti-American "lel" comments that want to paint us as stupid and blundering don't hold much merit when you consider the extent to which we are controlling the world. We have never been more powerful or in a better position relative to the rest of the world.

this is what syrup-suckers actually think. The USA would NEVER loose on home dirt kid

>A few decades latter Communism was defeated

the comeback is inevitable

its purely defense and just to hold out until more allies arrive

What a cuntish fucking world god chose us to be cogs in.

>it's a /tv/ pedo episode


Kill yourself

Except they did and the british burnt the white house.

have you heard of William Walker?
he actually did it, the absolute madman

>Ctrl+F "Operation Unthinkable"
>0 of 0

> Brazilian military governement actually had plans to invade Portugal after the 1974 revolution to save luso civilization from communism

Cool, I just watched an old Englishman yammer on for over an hour thank you.

>Americans never lose on home dirt.
>Except for 1812.
You can't even stop an invasion of Mexicans. It should be pretty easy for someone else to invade desu.

I doubt this is true.

The Brazilian military government didn't had an anti-communist foreign policy. Their policy was based on Third Worldism and South-South cooperation, so they sometimes would even collaborate with communist African governments.

>Brazil shifted its foreign policy to meet its economic needs. "Responsible pragmatism" replaced strict alignment with the United States and a worldview based on ideological frontiers and blocs of nations. Because Brazil was 80% dependent on imported oil, Geisel shifted the country from uncritical support of Israel to a more neutral stance on Middle Eastern affairs. His government also recognized the People's Republic of China and the new socialist governments of Angola and Mozambique, both former Portuguese colonies. The government moved closer to Latin America, Europe, and Japan.