What's the Frankfurt School all about?

What's the Frankfurt School all about?

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Trolling far-righters, as far as I can tell.

One day Jewish revolutionaries waked up and realized that the working-class didn't actually wanted a revolution.

The Frankfurt School was about them dealing with that. It ranged from calling them fascists and hoping that if they were embarassed enough about it they would support anything Jews proposed (Adorno), to proposing a new revolutionary coalition between the intellectuals, marginalized groups such as women and blacks, and the lumpenproletariat (Marcuse).


Is that Margret Atwood in there?

Honestly, name everyone in the photo.



be a dear edit the wiki nicely. Its full of shit.

They're the Jews who used subliminal messages (better known as cultural Marxism) to turn stupid, white women into race-mixing whores no sane white man could ever love or procreate with, in order to precipitate white genocide.

At least, that's if /pol/ is to be believed.

slaying pussy and confusing retards

It's the right wing version of the 'Chicago School'. Just plain hysteria by people who never actually understood the ideas of its people

>The mother who pursues a career is something completely different than the mother whose purpose in life is raising children. Labor reifies her thoughts. Then something completely different is to be added. She has equal rights. Apart from exceptions, she doesn't radiate the same love as before anymore.

evil cultural marxists obviously

a very broad group of intellectuals with vastly different interests

Generally highly misunderstood to the point of hilarity.
Conservatives and flat out reactionaries would agree with a lot that people like Adorno talk about in their works


It is like Hamburger U for Hot Dogs

>>>The mother who pursues a career is something completely different than the mother whose purpose in life is raising children. Labor reifies her thoughts. Then something completely different is to be added. She has equal rights. Apart from exceptions, she doesn't radiate the same love as before anymore.
what a fucking beta

They were basically butthurt Marxists that were trying to figure out why the people wouldn't revolt and install communism.

Adorno was particularly assblasted. They ended up trolling large swaths of the intellectual world, which I guess is Marxism's final hoorah.

>The Frankfurt School was about them dealing with that. It ranged from calling them fascists and hoping that if they were embarassed enough about it they would support anything Jews proposed (Adorno), to proposing a new revolutionary coalition between the intellectuals, marginalized groups such as women and blacks, and the lumpenproletariat (Marcuse).

Yes, but for entirely different reasons. "The Authoritarian Personality" argued that Fascism came from being a normal, healthy, stable White person and a desire to protect that state of normalcy. Most would see that as a good thing. Pathologically Goy-hating Jews like the Frankfurt School saw that as something to be destroyed. The Left had always believed this, but now it was fully articulated. Almost all of the 1960's Counter Culture was fashioned on The Frankfurt School's ideas. It really needs to be said that the 1960's wasn't a"youth revolt" so much as an American version of a Jewish Bolshevik revolution.

The driving force of the Left was always Jewish cultural supremacism combined with an alien hostility and lack of empathy towards their host culture and its people. Marxism was always a vehicle for Jewish cultural aggression. The Frankfurt School is living proof of that.

"the authoritarian personality" is an absolute joke and Adorno's F-Scale has about as much diagnostic validity as the MBTI

I agree. But it was treated as valid scientific exercise for the longest time because few were willing to call Adorno out on his clearly obvious ethnic prejudices and biases. It was even sponsored by the American Jewish Committee, which makes the whole thing pretty obvious as to what was going on.

>It really needs to be said that the 1960's wasn't a"youth revolt" so much as an American version of a Jewish Bolshevik revolution.
even in france?

cute jews doing cute jewish things
