>Trench Edition
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w2c trench boots
Fucking love those boots
I was just gonna get black puttee's to wrap around some all black low/high tops
Me on the left
>Trench Edition
Low-tier shit.
Lol wtf!?
"Then they were all like 'ahhh! Help! Save us!"
Why did they do it?
To keep all the dirty filthy shit you'd step in a trench.
They were cheaper and easier to make than gaiters
And in my opinion look cool af when wrapped up high enough
I want to wrap some black ones around my leg with black denim joggers or cargo to add some texture and have something a little.bit different than the regular tapered moto joggers and denim you always see lately
You made it clear, thanks. Post fit when you do it, sounds interesting.
he literally looks like the real thing
go shit post somewhere else
they are godly if they fit right
how is this shitposting in a fucking milsurp thread specifically taking influence from ww1 you retard
I wish actual pantaloons like this were in style..
I think that's why I was so happy when tapered joggers started becoming acceptable to wear, cause they were the closest I'd be able to get to wearing ww1 pantaloons in streetwise clothes.
I'm pretty sure he was referring to the joke the other guy made.
I think he was talking about the chicken run post, which I still don't know why was posted, is it the similar silhouette? With baggy thighs and skinny shins?
Don't worry about it, it's just some autist that hates knoch because he can't achieve the same levels of milsurp fits as knoch does
Love how absolutely perfect the pantaloons line up with the puttee's, it's perfect.
worst fit I've ever seen
Lol seems like you guys enjoyed the ww1 stuff more
Why shitpost the only interesting thread
Well considering I posted 99% of the pics ITT, I'd figure I'd throw in some MILSPO street wear for the plebs that don't like WW1.
Next time you see those ripped jeans ask them if it's from being on their knees too much
Oh okay, I figured that it was just some dude trying to derail the thread
A lot of older style riding boots with laces are similar in appearance.
Puttees are great, but only if you won;t be taking your boots off for any reason. I got mine so I would have to wear my long boots all the time when I was riding.
Forgot I had them actually. I should wear them on friday for the BBC filming.
>'Puttees on,' insisted the Corporal: 'puttees always in working hours.' We wanted to weep while we pulled the harsh trousers as high as our knees and wound the drab puttee from boot-top upward, till it gripped the trouser-hem above the calf. Then we pulled the slack of the trouser dropsically down again over the puttee to hide the join. It did more than hide the join: it hid the reality of our legs and was hot, tight and hideous, like an infantryman's rig.
This is a much cooler fit
BTW you REALLY need to get a shorter haircut, long greasy looking hair makes you look like a cereal killer, also grow a little facial hair, you look babby faced, good luck
I'm hit and miss with fits.
Nah man, long hair is ace. All I get on my face is pathetic. Both conducive to when I wear dresses sometimes too.
Long hair with your face makes you seem creepy and unapproachable, I'd be nervous to talk to you
I like what I like. Bit unfair, there's a lot to be said for a person in motion vs in still images.
I for one like your hair.
Well much appreciated, it's significantly longer now. I tend to tuck it into hats so all I have to hand are casual shots on my new bikes. All in milsurp though at least.
W2c sheep lined coat?
Those are 20s-30s work boots as worn by SA and RFB paramilitaries during Kampfzeit
that wrap is atrocious senpai
An M1909, or swedish lifepelt. They come in white too, but I don;t like that. You can find them on your local ebay I bet, for an arm and a leg. If you're a dab hand at google translate you might want to do what I did and buy one off a swede. They go for 60-80 euro domestically, so even with shipping that's still good.
You may be surprised to learn I'm not an infantrymen circa 1914. Also that guide is bugger all use, the japanese use a much longer tying strap on their puttees compared to western ones, and a slightly longer overall length. I followed a british guide but didn't get them tight enough.
Nice fuckin coat though.
The lower half really kills it.
Just the meemzy's
the pants are pretty basic and nothing to hate, wish there was more fraying on the distress job though, other than that decent milspo fit, I wouldn't mind rocking that if I was cold and lazy
>Dachstein jumper
Excellent choice fampai
Actual British WW1 pattern trench boots this company found in their basement. They used to make them, back in the day, like many other companies.
William Lennon.
The squared off toe made walking up and down sharply cut trench steps (cut into the earthworks) easier.
I've often toyed with getting a pair, they still make them the exact same way they were made a century ago, same machinery and all. But desu senpai they're kinda ugly.
MTO a few weeks, but you can choose your leather..
I'd get some just to say you have them, you could show your grandkids them someday and tell them how they were made like that 150yrs ago
Yeah, it's not like they're very costly.
I have thought about it.
I'm just impatient, and the back and forth (to where I live) if the sizing isn't right makes me reluctant. I have trouble getting decent RTW shoes as it is.
Better get them while they're still being made though, I suppose. Trying to decide what kind of leather would do well. I saw a few years ago some boutique store online had ordered some custom collabs in this style in less functional leathers.
that fit would work better with a more traditional cableknit no zip sort of sweater
boots clash hard with the jacket in that. jacket should be worn with less era specific boots imo
I think those are actually french airplane pilot boots.
no, they're german from 1935 iirc. I emailed him about those some time ago.
Hey, it's Milsurp Maxwell back at it again. You always make these threads interesting dude, thanks for posting. What are you filming with the BBC?
if u sell me a german winter camo ww2 parka im gonna pay you
that or one of those early german flecktarns
not original obvs
luv u
It's an excellent jumper.
I wear what's comfy. If the fit is good that's a bonus.
Something to do with inside out, it's in Brum city center tommorrow. I'm not sure I'll be shown, they want to film off the back of the rickshaw. The behind of my head might have a starring role.
You mean one of these?
where to cop a parka like this?
Is this /milspo/ approved? They take a more subtle approach to the theme but overall it's alright I guess
This is fucking neato for everyday wear
Also you all need more camo in your life.
1st and last camo is best camo
All the camo ones are actually the same designated pattern, but for some reason the Norwegians give no fucks about consistency.
Still waiting on this fit of yours.
Still looking for black puttee's, is there any cheap milsurp sites that would ship to Canada for cheap??
Nobody has checked these trips yet?
Is the old airborne jacket effay?
Nobody checked any of the threads continous.quads and trips, I don't even think new faggles even know to check them
Ah right, I see. Have fun with the shoot anyway!
I prefer the paratrooper look
Reminder that if you wear military ropes and you've not done any military service in your disgusting life, you should neck yourself
h-how do i teachwear x nazi paratrooper core?
oh god
HAHA XD that'll show em for wearing things i don't like
Conscript core when?
Military ropes??
>Fucking love the Reich stag paratrooper core
Other than WW1 Tommy core this Is the 2nd best I've seen
>Also does this fuckin gook slave come with the SkS??
>The Canadian AK
A HEAVILY modded SkS for you Veeky Forumsggles that might not notice the bolt