Confidence, most of you all lack it so let's start a confidence thread...

Confidence, most of you all lack it so let's start a confidence thread. You can have a nice fit but it won't matter if your confidence is shit. What are some things you do to boost your confidence

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Fuck my bitch

Your fit wont matter if your ugly as fuck and skinnyfat or fat.

>What are some things you do to boost your confidence

Dress nicely

receive compliments

id on jacket pls

this is the correct answer

i don't obsess over what autists on Veeky Forums say

>become a nihilist
nothing fucking matters, so what people think of me doesn't matter, so I just do/say shit without worrying
that's confidence right

Close enough

what are those boots

Just do things that make you feel good about yourself. I think confidence si very related with how you perceive yourself.

Your not going to like who you are in a vacuum, you need to go out and do things to love yourself

is confidence the biggest cringy meme buzzword to ever be used on this board
like everytime I hear it mentioned I can't help but think of some insecure kid dressing up in his "siqq fashion cops" spending an hour to choose his outfit in the morning, then finally picking up the courage to walk outside pretending to act all cool and "fashion" when inside he's shitting himself worrying about whatever each stranger he walks past thinks of him
This confidence meme you all seem obsessed over is something that should just be there naturally, you shouldn't have to try or pretend, it should just be there, and if it isn't you should really just stop what you're doing and sort your shit issues out before you into "fashion"

That was weirdly specific, sound almost like you're projecting

Nice projection

nice reddit

seconding this

>Spent my entire life being insulted endlessly by friends and strangers
>Learn to just focus on other shit
>Even though I suck ass at most other things
>Puberty did me good, I guess
>I don't have "confidence"
>I just don't give a fuck what anyone else thinks because I don't socialize with them to any normal level and therefor I've long since stopped caring about impressing them
>They confuse my apathy due to decades of bullying and insults as confidence

fuck lol

ebic reddit post

W2c pants

someone better answer all these questions about OPs pic

>just start getting into Veeky Forums
>wear horrible printed t-shirt
>girl i like tells me my shirt is nice

>family comments on clothing im wearing
>have autism attack and have to leave the room

literal autism


but I would die in a vacuum and I want to be dead

>frequently receive compliments
>still insecure


How can I get over my fear of people?

Without talking to them.

Have you tried killing every single one of them?

Do you feel judged by people? Most of the time no one cares about what you do, also everyone judges people sometime.
Also think that everyone else is just like you.

>What are some things you do to boost your confidence
probably if i had a bigger dick and less oily face i'd be perfectly confident and i would've achieved a lot in life

>Most of the time no one cares about what you do
This advice is true as far as it goes, but it's only really helpful to normies who are over anxious.

It's true that people don't consciously care about you but if you're consistently wrong they will pick up on it.

yeah, I think I've actually become a solipsist to not have to face my insecurity. Feels pretty terrible actually, probably gonna have to fix that
>everything about a person is completely permanent
what the fuck dude
Just like having discipline is a habit, acting confident in order to be more confident is something that you can do to get used to thinking in a certain way. This also applies to people with depression who have toxic thought patterns. You can change the thought patterns by not acting on what you feel that you need to do at any given moment and instead doing something that is likely to reinforce a healthy thought pattern

fuck off with your toxicity you bitter nerd, support the people around you instead of dragging them down

Would you say that you're confident in what you are doing and that you don't care about what others think because others are morons, or are you convinced that you and what you do is worthless and that it won't matter if you tell someone what you do because they'll see that it's shit? I'd say that it's a big difference between the two
talk to them enough to realize that it doesn't matter what they think of you as long as you are content with/like yourself. That's something to work on aswell, liking yourself more

go to the gym. you can't be effay if you're fat and you look beta if you're scrawny. latter point you can't understand until you leave your autistic echo chamber. unless you're model tier being scrawny will never look good.

one word, Phenibut

>using drugs

partially this kek

I'ts not a "real" drug! It's a medicine. Caffeine is also a drug. Alcohol actually works the same as a socializer drug by enhancing the GABA-receptors in the brain as well. Very interesting "drug"

Wear more red. It subconsciously primes you to give less of a fuck.

yeah but drinking alcohol to boost your confidence is not a good recommendation, i guess it can be the same with Phenibut.

>not real drug
>analog of GABA, the brain's most common inhibitory neurotransmitter
you're taking a drug that's decreasing your body's response to stimuli
you could work on changing the thought patterns that entice your brain when encountering stimuli but instead you're popping synthetic GABA to calm you down. Do you have a clinical condition? Because if so then it's great that you're taking it

can you elaborate more on this?

>Evolutionary anthropologists Russell Hill and Robert Barton of University of Durham, in the United Kingdom, analyzed the outcomes of four 2004 Olympics sports events, in which contestants were randomly assigned to wear either blue or red outfits. The red side won significantly more chance would predict across all four sports, 16 of 21 rounds of competition, and 19 of 29 weight classes. Hill and Barton suspect that a red uniform's association with aggression and anger might tip the competitive balance "when other factors are fairly equal."

There are other studies. One factor is that you are seen as a bigger deal and more of a threat in red - which is one reason we hesitate to wear a lot of it.

w2c this jacket famalam

Another snippet:
> Be careful the next time you get dressed for a job interview. Maier, Elliot, and other researchers recently asked test participants to evaluate job candidates based on appearance. Those wearing red ties were judged as having less earning and leadership potential (compared with blue ties) and rated less likely to be hired (compared with green). The researchers see their findings as an extension of the negative impact that red can have during IQ tests—when intelligence and ability are at stake, they write, "red takes on the meaning of failure and leads to lower perceptions of competence."

But I think this is the wrong interpretation of the data.

From another article:
>Fascinating stuff. Pazda and his colleagues found another effect—that the women who were exposed to the photo of the woman wearing red engaged in “mate-guarding” and “derogation”; in other words, they were more likely to speak negatively about the woman wearing red ("I would guess that this women cheats on men", “I would guess that this woman has no money”, etc.) and more likely to protect their significant others from her.

Basically, red is attractive to the opposite sex, but makes haters of the same sex hate you more.

As for the actual reduction in test scores, I think that ties in to the increased aggression and confidence. Aggressively and confidently answering questions is not how to ace a test.

Get your anxiety and depression taken care of, take your meds

you could be more polite and simply say that you should exercise and eat well

everyone is attractive in their own way, get that poor attitude out of here

unfortunately you cross a threshold where you stop getting compliments because people are intimidated


SLP Rangers iirc

dress for yourself, not for approval
be aware of local fashion and trends to stay grounded but just do your own thing
recognize what fits and styles are appropriate for your body type, face, personality, work. etc.
focus on the positives aspects of yourself, try to improve the negatives if you can but don't fret over them if you can't
in the journey of self improvement you'll find that what you once saw as flaws either don't matter or they're part of what makes you unique, embrace them
but most importantly, don't worry too much because no one really cares

keep your chin up, have decent posture but don't over compensate, smile, assume everyone is your friend, give them a reason for them to actually want to be your friend

good vibes for everybody

Original pic:
Probs pants.

were you trying to write the shortest comedy ever? if so, great work!!

I think the first one is a bit of a catch 22

Dressing for yourself, knowing who you are, and being honest with yourself are important. But at the same time personal style can be a pretty big barrier for many people who dont know you to overcome, since so many people see clothing choices as a 1:1 representation of someones personality. It can be a tricky path to walk on because so many people will write you off before you even get a chance. People do care, they dont care about all the little minutia and quirks you might have but if you dress oddly or have very extreme tastes they will care. And that can be great, but it can also drive many away.

I guess what Im trying to say is, I think the ability to be aware of when to compromise on personal style and a style that is more inviting -or at the very least a style that wont deter new people- should be worn is important. Because yea, you dont want to dumbb down your tastes so much that you arent yourself anymore but also dont want to drive people away before they even get a chance to know you.

Slp rangers I think

no this is a good way of wording it, I totally agree
it can be conflicting for sure
my advice there is that it's better to have personal flair or a personal spin on a more common (or conforming) style rather than trying create your own style

being aware of your surroundings is probably the most important, especially with internet fashion


>be me, literal king autist sperglord
>talk to friend in class
>he tells me i appear confident

confidence is not something you actively seek, but rather the result of the lifestyle you're leading and your personality traits
deliberately trying to project a confident persona is one of the most cringeworthy things you could. sorry you're a beta bitch with no self-esteem

Honestly... I'm 24, been smoking weed since I was like, oh I dunno, 17? Not being high in public is the greatest thing on Earth. I have a history of wearing very dumb, loud clothing and if I'm stoned I'm super self conscious. Sober me just don't give no fugs, everyone else is boring. My dumb brain just wants to get stoned all the time, it can't be stopped!

Your attitude tells me everything I need to know about your confidence, I'm not gonna bother taking advice from someone projecting so hard.

>>waaaaah waaaaah
don't you even have an argument against what I said? You're admitting that my points are cogent but that you don't want to accept them?
what's the difference between living a lifestyle that will lead you to feel confident and actively trying to find stuff to do that will make you feel confident?

>waaah your projecting waaah

the difference is you're tellign yourself a lie hoping that you'll come to believe it down the road rather than looking to change the material condition that lead you to being a spineless fuck lacking in confidence

explain further what the material condition is, and how do you challenge that?

Not him, but what he says is somewhat true. It's very easy to differentiate between someone who is naturally confident and someone who is attempting to appear confident

find the root(s) to your lack of confidence and work on them. is it something easy to pinpoint like being ugly or poor or having a bad social skills? good, at least you'll have an easy time figuring out what to do. is it something more abstract or enduring, like deep seated issues stemming from traumatic events? you might need therapy or a herculean force of will
pretending to be confident won't fly. you'll be telling yourself and others a lie, and sensible people will be able to see right throught it. it's not healthy

holy fuck

Alright. You seem to have an approach towards internal problems that lie pretty closely to psychoanalysis, both your reasoning and psychoanalysis has the theme of finding the root source in order to get rid of the problem in common. I'm sure you've heard of cognitive behavioural therapy or CBT too, it has proven just as effective when it comes to improving people's sense of quality of life. The main difference between the two is that while psychoanalysis focuses on finding the root cause of one's issues, CBT aims to stop the problem by changing the thought patterns that enable it.
I'm with you when it comes to the easy to spot-ones like career, social skills, being in shape and whatnot as long as the dedication is at a healthy level (whatever that is). However once could call you arrogant because you assume that every enduring, abstract issue stem from traumatic events. One could also say that you just really like Freud. I'm leaning towards calling you arrogant though

answer got all autismo but you're talking about different philosophies of therapy wheather you realize it or not

like this a lot. it takes like 4-5 hours to fully kick in but lasts a very long time like 10 hours. what dose do you take / how long does it last?
btw dont mention it a lot. dont want it to be banned like kratom.

Pretend your handsome as fuck and it'll eventually work itself into your psyche

you couldn't be more wrong, go read some philosophy please

This is great advice.
Don't let it be all you think about, as you should develop your personality outside of that, but convincing yourself to humbly think you look exceptionally good can do wonders.

Dior AW07 combat boots

Good luck finding a pair

They're SLP ranger boots actually

I really like your post

>everyone is attractive in their own way
bluepilled fucks like you should stick to reddit

retard "alphas" like you should go fuck yourselves. I've probably been on Veeky Forums longer then you since you don't even realize how autistic this sort of terminology is stupid as hell

the opposite of bluepilled doesn't imply being "alpha", newfag
"everyone is attractive in their own way" is classic millenial post-Disney delusion that contradicts all the hard evidence pointing to the contrary the world offers you

No it's a healthy worldview that states everyone has a unique form of beauty they can offer. Your bitter conclusion reached by "all the hard evidence the world offers you" shows how little you actually know considering your probably a moody middle class teen in a first world country the only reason you would be this much of a bitch is you're an edgy pussy,

>healthy worldview

read: delusion

wow good argument.
tell me how much of the world have you actually seen? Have you left your country at least?

The most beautiful people i've met weren't just the most attractive physically. I've met very ugly people that offered so much beauty to the world they couldn't help but be surrounded by love.

calm down gandhi you're on Veeky Forums not a mountaintop

haha another good argument. you're really showing how knowledgable you are. If you're going to bring up "all the hard evidence presented to you by the world" to a "classic millenial" in a post disney delusion then please elaborate or shut the fuck up edgelord teen.

i'm not even the guy you were arguing with

then fuck off, this guy is being a little bitch for no reason

>healthy worldview
why, because it lets you sleep at night?
your conception is classic romantic delusion. the world is full of people who have nothing to offer and perpetuating lies like "there's something beautiful in everyone" only makes them more comfortable with their status quo and miserable in the end

yeah he's a bitch but so are you

go be a fag somewhere else

accepting everyone can offer their own form of beauty is not the same as accepting the poor conditions of your life. i would sleep at night just fine either way because i don't depend on the beauty of others to be at peace with myself. i want to know why you think the world is "full of people who have nothing to offer" and why you think they would be miserable in the end because you've offered no reason. You probably have talked to not even 1% of the worlds population and have formed a close personal connection with less than 100, you most likely also have no distinguishing skills or intelligence so without reasoning you just sound like an edgelord.

no fuck off to your own conversations

I think you're just projecting

suck my dick i picked this one to shit up and i'm fucking going to

fuck you

yeah, then how come you claim everyone has their own beauty when you too haven't talked to even 1% of the world's population? you're so fucking retarded, go back to your reddit hugbox

fuck what you think, bitch

>You probably have talked to not even 1% of the worlds population

you've talked to 70 million people?

>hurr durr look at how edgy i am
i knew Veeky Forums was filled with emo teens but this is out of control.

>offers no reasoning again
I think everyone has their own form of beauty because everyone i've met has been able to meet that requirement. Your stating that only some people are worthless (i assume you're not saying that about everyone) so your statement demands a larger breadth of knowledge of people in general. If you were stating everyone is worhtless and you everyone you had met fulfilled that condition we would be in the same boat. If you can't do basic logic you should try to at least explain your points, faggot

aside from that i've offered at least 1 reason which is 1 more then you edgy teens

I've met worthless people, therefore worthless people exist
Even if you have met only "beautiful people" through your whole life (rose-tinted glasses imo) you can't expand upon that and conclude that all people are beautiful
seems like YOU have a problem with basic logic, disneybro

hurr durr edge edge edge edgy teen hurr im an adult edgy teen look at me im mature and not e d g y edgy t e e n a g e r haha lol edge edge edge

edge edge edge

leave him be, he probably has an attractive face coupled with comfy upbringing, his worldview is a literal fantasy