Models of Veeky Forums, any tips to make your face look model tier? Besides genetics? Feel free to comment. my dudes.
Looksmaxing: The Thread
Please respond
You need perfect skin
A good skincare routine will help, foh sure. Models have the skin of a baby's butt. They probably have good skincare products as well as drink a shit ton of water.
im a model
Are you 6 feet? have an amazing lower third and very good eye area? a good head of hair and non receding hairline? stubble? god tier bushy guybrows? thick neck?
teach us sempai
i am like 6'2
i have a very good defined jaw and chin and mouth with full lips
my eyes are a bit hooded and long eyelashes
good head of hair and good hairline
no stuble atm
yes god tier eyebrows
yes thick neck
my skin is pretty shit right now because i havent shaved in a while and i have blackheads on my nose and pimples on my face, but still just walking around the streets of nyc, scouts come up to me and ask me if i want to model for them and shit.
my bone structure is supreme. high pronounced cheekbones and well defined jaw along with everything else
am model
Most of it stems from a combination of face and body
I've always been complimented on pretty much anything I wear.
I personally think I'm butt fuck ass ugly lmao
I'm over 6'2, weigh around 125-140 depending on what I'm doing in life. Strong features like prominent jaw, full lips, masculine chin.
I HAVE had surgery. And I had to get the best, most expensive surgeries from the most renown surgeons i could possibly find in the U.S
Had a brow reduction and a nose job, as well as some eyelid stuff done to fix my weird, drooping eyes. But even before that I was doing modeling stuff and being complimented.
I definitely have a lot of facial asymmetry. Specifically in my eyes (mostly before surgery), cheeks, jaw is a major one as well.
But most people don't give a fuck and it makes me stand out.
Most my compliments are on these (ordered in level of occurrence)
Voice > Clothing > Height >> Face
I did have braces, and teeth whitening done. I do work out. Just enough to fill out my body a little bit when I cut down my body fat drastically.
I've had some skin procedures done, did accutane for a while, and then had some laser stuff. But just over time a lot of my skin issues slowly fixed themselves.
My diet's very strict on certain things. I don't care to eat some random junk food every once in a while. But I strictly indulge on water, and very basic, healthy foods. I like it, though. So I enjoy it.
Most people "like me" that are by in large unattractive as can be, are best when they thin out, and wear clothing that accentuates them. And some do it better than others. As I said, I can wear anything from leather jackets to womens cardigans and it's fine for me. But some things do specifically stand out, and everybody has that going for them, they just need to figure out what it is. Be it basic t-shirts and blue jeans or they need to wear full rick.
Learn to give a fuck about what you do for yourself, and learn not to give a fuck about others
what have u modeled for pussy
post pics
I have a slight droopy nose tip. Slight. Should I get fillers to push it upwards? I've heard it works! I'm just nervous people will notice.
I also have a slight dented chest. I had a metal bar op to fix it - but there's still a dent. Plastic surgery can fill it up. Should I do that and get pectoral implants?
How often do you drink water throughout the day?
just have a glass of water always near you and drink when you feel like it.
you know that you're consuming enough when your pee is bright yellow/white.
i meant transparent
bright yellow means not enough tho?
it means enough
transparent means more than enough
How does one even become a model? Do I just go to the nearest model agency and show them my face?
no you shouldn't
learn to like yourself instead of fixing what you currently have a problem with, because the entire notion of not being content with yourself will never leave you
No it doesn't. Transparent means enough.
None of these "models" are posting pics.
Any agency worth signing to will have an online application process, you can also turn up to their office during open call times. Alternatively you can find a reputable independent scout in your city and send them pictures n- this is how i got signed, although i was scouted through Instagram initially.
Where you live is very important mind you, outside of London, Paris, Milan, YNC, Tokyo, maybe LA, there isn't much chance of getting any real work.
love yourself for you are
have a good skincare routine, stay in shape, find a haircut that works with the shape of your face
but more importantly, love yourself
you are beautiful
google it then you fucking retard
transparent means more than enough
bright yellow means everything's okay
yellow, dark yellow etc means something's fucked, either you have fucked up liver or something
pls be in bushwick
lmao user im sorry your not chad
Am a model, got scouted on the streets.
Posture, voice, and " passive attitude " ( like how you look like when you're not trying, I don't know how to exactly translate it ) is as important as your physical traits. Being tall and having an angular jaw obviously helps.
Not true.
I tried this "learning to like yourself" bullshit. It's just brainwashing yourself. Don't fall for it.
Get a job instead, save some money, get surgery and actually fix the problem. That's what I did.
"Loving yourself" when you're ugly as fuck won't change anything. You're still ugly as fuck. Everyone can see it. You're just deceiving yourself.
Don't be an idiot. Fix the problem instead.
Basic requirements to become a male model:
- 6'1"-6'3" (6' or 6'4" are acceptable if you have some distinctive feature)
- decent skin
- low body fat
Just think about it, it is EXTREMELY rare that you see a male model with either high body fat, skin that can't be fixed with a little bit of make-up and a few clicks in Photoshop or height below 6' or above 6'4". Meme-tier models like zombie-boy and manbun-guy excluded. On the other hand, I've seen lots of male models that did not have anything besides these three basic points going for them.
If you meet these 3 criteria, you can think about becoming a male model. However, as you can imagine, there are lots of people who meet these criteria across the world, which is why you need to have other features in order to stand out. From this point onward, it becomes really difficult to point out what you need because some people prefer classically handsome models, others prefer models with very distinctive features.
okay then, let me ask you: what is the end goal that we are discussing the means to achieve here?
what else would matter other than being happy and loving the vessel in which you are experiencing life
Modeled for a little bit in my early twenties (27 now). I'm only 6' tall, but the thing that got me noticed was a facial scar on my eyebrow that I've had since I was a kid. If you have something unique people will always be interested. I didn't make much money though and had to keep a second job the entire time. Not really worth it imo.
It's more like a middle ground; you can see a problem that you can take action towards fixing without it coming from a place of self hatred. You can't force yourself to like yourself or whatever you're trying to fix, so just accept that you don't like yourself and stop trying to change that - then over time the self hatred goes away because you're not investing energy in fighting it.
I'm still putting in a lot of effort into changing my appearance, just so you know I'm not advocating a 500 pound fatass learns to love his curves and does nothing about it.
I've been putting a lot of thought into this, and I think we're coming from pretty much the same place. I have a lot of stuff that I don't like about myself and plenty of weird thought patterns that could be fixed over time with enough devotion.
I think it's interesting what you're saying about how the self hatred goes away over time because you're not investing energy in fighting it, but I've gotta ask - does that not enable toxic thought patterns to come through and drag one further down? Accepting that you don't like yourself in order to like yourself feels like a paradox to me
>love yourself for you are
why not?
My explanation may be rather lengthy, since I find it easy to talk about this.
Beliefs are just heavy thoughts and since you've thought them so many times, they become automatic or subconscious. Subconscious is more of a way of saying the thoughts operate without any space where you are able to question them or be aware that they're going on.
Thoughts also become strong emotions and can end up fueling them even more. For example, I've had many panic attacks in my life and it can start with a feeling of fear, but I unconsciously fed the fire by giving so much attention to fearful thoughts that the attack would escalate into a meltdown.
Thoughts get their strength from your attention, belief, and resistance, so using an example that I deal with is "I am ugly". In the past I would try and get rid of it by combing my hair a certain way or making a fake confident face in the mirror or whatever, but when I stopped fighting it, I could see it operating in a fixed pattern. Sometimes when I wasn't even near a mirror, my mind would just start babbling "I'm ugly, worthless piece of shit", so I just let my mind say whatever and let whatever emotion come up and let it dissipate on its own without trying to sort it out. When you keep doing this, the intensity of your mind/emotions comes down because it's running on its old momentum - new fuel is created by fighting it or believing in it. To stop believing in it, you just let everything come up and as you keep doing this you automatically become privy to the workings of these patterns which helps you see through their falseness. It takes months, but when you just let everything happen while not being suckered in by what your mind says (though it still happens sometimes; don't fix that either) everything sorts itself out on its own permanently.
fuck, I love that you took your time to type this out. How do you/did you deal with automatically comparing yourself to others? I keep noticing that I've been doing it without thinking about it for 5 minutes straight, and when I catch myself doing it I get disappointed in myself. Would you just forgive yourself and allow yourself to feel the pain of feeling ugly and worthless until it goes away? I'm with you when it comes to this, have done some meditation and these things seem to improve when you're implementing the way of thinking that you're talking about here
The comparison thing used to be very intense and occasionally I will still get a heavy wave of inferiority, but it's just energy/thought from the past, so just like everything else I let it pass. When it gets really intense, I set the computer down and just sit there and let the emotion/thoughts pass, but I prefer to be completely un-distracted when the waves are that heavy. With the way I'm phrasing it, I don't want it to come off as like a monk sitting there totally not bothered, because obviously the heavy feelings in your body and motor mind are uncomfortable, but I've learned through years of failure that avoidance/resistance is futile, so just let it die down at its own pace.
I don't really do this "allowing" thing as an isolated practice, it's more like an attitude of just letting everything arise without fighting it, or at least it became that way as I kept doing it. If I were to look in the mirror and feel hot, then I let myself feel that way and if I come back to the mirror 10 minutes later and feel ugly, I don't try and change that. What I find helpful is to take pictures of yourself, especially unflattering ones and just look at them while you let all your judgments/fears come up. I don't say this as something to remind yourself of when you feel bad, because that would end up being a protective mechanism which would inhibit you from allowing the free release of the emotions/thoughts, but the thought is just a judgment from the mind and that's it, there's no inherent truth to it.
In fact, there was a brief time a few years ago where I for whatever reason thought that I was really hot. I don't know why I thought that or decided to believe it, but when that was "my truth" I got showered in compliments and adoration. I saw a photo of me from back then recently and I can say this without any real self loathing or whatever, but I was absolutely not good looking back then. However, because I was hot (that was true in my mind) then that was (1/2)
What a mediocre mindset. I'd rather do something about it.
It's delusional.
the reality that I lived, because each of our realities is entirely subjective to us. Have you ever seen naturally positive people always experiencing an external reflection of their positive state? When I was extremely miserable, I continually got external reflections of the same - we only live in our own projections and can only experience reflections of the same.
Anyways, to answer your question, you can allow yourself to feel disappointed if that's what arises, but try and become more aware of the feeling instead of being lost in it. Some feelings do produce different sensations in the body, but the feeling of disappointment seems to be entirely constituted of thoughts, so just see what the thoughts are - even if you are like 10% aware and 90% lost in the thoughts, it's still something. Try and notice your habit of automatically reacting to the thoughts instead of being sucked in right away.
I think you missed the part where I said "I'm doing something about it".
I'm gonna save your words for later reading. Thanks for sharing my man, you might have helped me tremendously. Also loving the positive vibe you're spreading here, this community needs people like you.
No problem, I'll keep the thread open so if you want to ask anything else, I'll answer - I actually like typing, so I don't consider it to be a bother.
would have loved to ask more but I'm off to bed. If the thread is still open tomorrow I might throw something your way.
If not thanks again and take care
>rest of my face is model tier
>ethnic nose
please don't listen to him. fixing your problems is very different from hating yourself. look at those "human barbies" or "kens". They never look good and will most likely never stop having surgery, learn to love who you are while trying to improve everyday, thats what you should do if you really want to be happy
The part about loving yourself is gay but
>have a good skincare routine, stay in shape, find a haircut that works with the shape of your face
is sage advice. Basically all you need to be attractive to the opposite sex. Unless you have a deformity.