My hair looks like shit right now. I'm scheduled for a haircut in like an hour and a half

My hair looks like shit right now. I'm scheduled for a haircut in like an hour and a half.
What sort of cut would look good on me?

One across the throat.

This will be a very kind and respectful thread

That is so rude (not op) stop being rude and mean

I expected nothing less, so not even surprised

lo fade or buzzcut, also you look like one of my friendos

someone please make a hair general, we dont need 10 threads of people asking what haircut get

Get a mild undercut. Not full Nazi, but your sides are kind of ballooning out. The top length is fine. Get it shorter on the side.
And shave your facial hair off.

shit i just noticed there is a hair general

Sort of took your all advice/listened to the stylist. Came out pretty alright I think

doesnt really matter when your facial hair and glasses are absolutely abhorrent

Mind if I post this on /r/justfuckmyshitup

how much did u paid for that? ima kill your barber if you dont doit now


His glasses aren't THAT bad.

The facial hair on the other hand...

Your barber messed up your hair in much the same way that mine inevitably ends up whenever I get a haircut. I don't always go for an undercut, but I generally want "long on the top, short on the sides/back." I never get what I want.

For yours: Firstly, they decided to cut the top even if it wasn't necessary at all. Second, something seems off with the sides. They seem a little too long, and the hair is sticking up weird.

Seriously, why do they all fuck it up this way? Is there some common code of hairstylists/barbers in which they do this?

How does one find a good barber/stylist who will actually give you want you want?

go to a mexican barbershop


because mexicans have been rocking fades for years so the barbers know how to handle clippers. also its cheap af

go to your leddit shit hole

For what it's worth, all in all an improvement. You need to shave though man.

now hit the gym

They also can't understand what your asking them for though