What is a strong jawline

What is a strong jawline

I have a very broad square shaped jaw but it doesn't protrude forward very far and I have a recessed chin.

I see some people with smaller, more narrow jaws, but it protrudes forward a lot farther and they have stronger chins.

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>What is a strong jawline[?]


I honestly don't see the appeal in jawlines.

Well what does that mean? Would both jawlines described in the OP be considered strong then?



Stop yelling at me

Fuck off, retard.

Say that to my face you little rat bitch I fucking dare you


A strong jaw is usually a wide jaw, which most square faced people have.

A strong jawline would just be a jawline that is protruding and visible.

So which would be stronger as described in the OP? A broad square jaw with a weak chin, or a narrow but protruding jaw with a strong chin?

Do I have a strong jawline


op I believe this is the jaw you are talking about

What's wrong with it?

Kind of but it's typically less exagerrated. I've noticed a lot of people with Scottish genes have narrow jaws but strong chins.

Your chin is too large.

Remove your glasses, they distort your eyes.

His chin isn't too large. His jaw is too small.

Lose body fat, get a thicker neck, and mew.

Looka t his cheekbones, your jaw can never be as large as your cheekbones, because it threatens the facial structure and its strength.

He's at 80% jaw, and it grows larger as your grow older.

His chin needs to go.

What about me anons

Bump and I already know that my mouth is disproportionately small but what else should I know

Bump pls

Bump why does the other guy get answers and not me


No what

And do you have any advice user

how does one lose body fat if already skinny as fuck?

Would like to know this as well

Your ja wis good, but can still be improved. Your jaw is not asymmetric, but the way you hold it is. Try shifting it to the left.

You could still get a better jaw if you clench your teeth asnd observe tongue posture (aka mewing)

> Clench your teeth

What if he has a bad bite? I wouldn't recommend doing so. If you do have an over bite jut your jaw from doing a chin tuck exercise and mew as normal

>bad bite
Then he needs a custom mould, aka starecta.

I was mewing in this picture (I stuck my tongue to the roof of my mouth) but I didn't jut my jaw forward. I've been told it's not good to jut your jaw forward.

Only your teeth need to touch, the relative postiion depends upon what your teeth are like.

Also, your entire tongue should touch the roof of your mouth, not just the tip.

And yes I have an overbite and my teeth are misaligned. But I can't afford to get it fixed so I'm not sure what to do about that.

It's why I don't smile. I think my smile looks bad.

>Also, your entire tongue should touch the roof of your mouth, not just the tip.

How do I do that

It took me two months to get it right because there wasn't enough space for the tongue to rest up there.

practise swallowing small amounts of water and stop mid-swallow, with your tongue to the roof of your mouth. It's VERY uncomfortabel the first time and you won't be able to hold it for more than a few minutes in the first few weeks.





How bad of an overbite is it? Can you post a pic?

You should look into starecta. You need to contact some kind of a laboratory that can print (or make) bite holders according to your teeth.


And if you think that doing this is merely superficial, this isn't. My posture improved and now I maintain tongue posture ~60% of the time. I still can't do it in my sleep. ALso your mouth feels much better after a month or two if you do it properly.

Also, I have mild OCD and I kind of induced tongue posture for my OCD so I used to compulsively maintain posture.

Hmm ok here's a picture of me trying to stick my whole tongue to the roof my mouth and jutting my jaw forward.

Is this better? Should I do this?

Yep, that looks good to me, but there is no way I can really know exactly what you're doing, so you're going to have to help yourself.

Sticking your jaw forward is the outcome of observing proper tongue posture. You need to make sure that your teeth are "locked in" and that your upper teeth correspond to your lower teeth (the second upper molar shoudl touch the second bottom molar, etc). If you have had a tooth extraction or braces, this is harder, although it doesn't look like you have had either from your pic.

- make sure your tongue is inside the cavity created by locking your teeth and NOT between the teeth. If it is between the teeth it will make your cheeks swell and make you look like a baby. I learnt this the hard way.

you also need to apply small amounts of forward pressure. If complete upward pressure is 90 degrees, then the ideal angle is around 80 degrees.

mewing fucked my face up

look grotesque nowadays

my life would have been better if I hadn't come into contact with these autistic, fringe sites

>make sure your tongue is inside the cavity created by locking your teeth and NOT between the teeth

I don't understand. Can you elaborate on this

Lift weights and do cardio


>go to library genesis
>dowload farhads facial aesthetics
>take two hours of your day to read
>get your answer after 6 months

Takes time but it is the only way to go. Don't waste time asking here, HR or lookism. They get everything wrong.

What did it do to your face


shaved your eyebrows and make a movie about a guy that like to fuck people in the forest

also good luck with your chemotherapy

>just kidding

You look good user

You really have to ask?

Thanks user

>You look good user

Are you joking? He looks like an inbred space alien freak.

I got my wisdom teeth extracted about a year ago and now I'm hearing that wisdom teeth extraction can cause your maxilla to collapse in a few years

Is this true anons?

Pls help I'm scared

No, that is complete horseshit.

Will it affect your face at all

How so? He's pretty cute

I often get compliments on my jaw and i've been told that i have good facial bones, but i'm fuck ugly because of my mouth and chin desu.
But my eyes and Jaw are the best things about me apparently

asked my surgeon when I got mine taken out.

He said the worst that could happen is if they're really prominent and possibly make your jaw a little wider, and taking them out could make it more narrow. BUT, he specified that's not common and I never got any face changes. Had the surgery almost a year ago.

I know right?

He looks like an incel cuck.

Is this strong? How can I make my jawline bigger or more defined? I feel like if it wasn't for my chin my entire jaw would be complete shit

He looks better with proper posture

Woah you're the complete opposite of me, if we join forces we'll have the best lower face ever

How so

well fuck i was about to post to make fun of these jawlets but you took it from me

posting anyway for an example of what a strong jaw looks like in profile.

Seriously? You look below average


You have a strong jaw but your right eye is wonky so your face looks just above average overall

You don't clench in mewing, you make sure your teeth are in contact.

It's like jaw posture - back posture doesn't mean tensing your back muscles in one position all day. It's more of a new base position than a movement.

top kek you fucking mongoloid

He's below average because he looks like a skinny nerd. His jaw itself is above average, though.

It's average at best. He's obviously pursing his lips to push his jaw out make it look more prominent than it probably actually is

lads, please.

>pursing his lips to push his jaw out

lol what how would that even work

id say your jawline is your best feature

I see. What is my worst feature besides my weird mouth


Yes, it can. They aren't there for effect, the teeth serve a function.

It is going to happen.

that's, like, average.

Cro front, Melon back, below average test, prominent occipital, narrow spacing, deepsock, aspie features.

3/10 would not talk to

Also, start lifting and test, you'll slay like no one else.


>tfw i get the joke

Am I lost?

might be this webcam tbqh

old-ass selfie for comparison

Last Saturday, I don't even wear glasses

You are objectively the ugliest guy in this thread

hes blonde with blue eyes and white. literally 10/10

You don't have the face needed to be a twink so dont be

You either need to lift or grow your hair longer. Skinny with shaved head just looks like your terminally ill.

Another picture tbqh

He is an insult to the Nordic race

best in the thread great jaw
2nd best. Would look better without the dumb hair and glasses.
3rd best. weird looking but in a cute way
average Jew



r u retarded

i'm the world's cutest death cultist

You know you're going bald right

same hairline I've had since I was like fourteen, and if the men on my mom's side are any indication it's the same one I'll have at forty.

it sux though, I started using rogaine recently.

I am
I have had a severely matured hairline for several years now but it doesn't seem to be getting any worse. It receded back and then it stopped. But it's really bad and that's why I shave my head and wear hats.

should I do mewing if I have a neanderthal-tier underbite?

how am I doing lads

u look like pasolini

Nice jaw but avoid the shitty filter and get a new haircut that makes your hairline less prominent.

I have a neanderthal chin as well. My profile looks like some sort of retarded half ape half human mongrel

You look p good user except for your giant ears

Are you half white/half azn

thats a tiny mouth