Don't hate,
Constructive criticism always welcome
Old one reached limit
/facial Aesthetic/ General
Also: Don't suck in your cheeks like faggot OP.
Also don't use your own face when starting threads.
Looks alright but something is off, like your face isn't symmetrical. Also switch up the haircut fuccboi 6/10
ethnic chad - 6/10
What is "off" is that his facial features are ugly.
You kinda remind me of the iDubbbz guy but with a more prominent nose. I don't know anything about glasses but maybe consider a different shape.
If possible give haircut reccomendations its starting to get too long lol
thats neil cicierega
ive been scammed
fuck off with these threads to soc. Sick of seeing your fucking mugs over and over again.
I cant stand looking at my face, I look like a flamer whenever I see myself.
all /10
t. objective 5.5
you give me the lowest rating out of all these ugly mongoloids? LMFAO
You look like you cut yourself and might start crying hysterically at any moment.
You need to get rid of the fringe, get pony tail. wash your face and try to smile.
Also, don't open your jaw to make your face look longer. Let your teeth touch.
If you follow my advice, I'd like a pic.
Why are you pretending to be Eliza?
Please be in london
You have a shit hirline and girlish eyes. Why advertise it?
you look ftm desu
Where am I so shit looking tho?
>saggy eyes
>large ears
>untensed face
>too skinny
>posting from a prison
>saggy eyes
>untensed face
I'll work on that, thx
>too skinny
Doesn't that equal effay?
>posting from a prison
Yeah, in a psych ward rn
Sorry for the faggotry, its instagram
its yr boy pizzaface
ditch that haircut you aint dana ashbrook
you look like a gayer more insufferable version of bam margera
too skinny for effay, start doing pike pushups and you'll get nice shoulders.
So can I still try to be effay with that face?
Forgot pic
t. totally objective 9
cool pierre niney / ysl aesthetics, grow your hair longer, get some black rimmed glasses, dress like pic related, and you'll be set.
maybe grow you hair longer, to offset your masculine features. you'd look alright with some facial hair too
clean up skin, shave clean.
cut your hair.
why are you so obsessed with ciara
good features but loose the haircut
god I love londonposting
qt desu
didnt get a whole lot of feedback last thread so Im reposting, would bve happy about some constructive criticism
You are obviously good looking but maybe keep your face clean shaven
I think you could make a lot more out of your facial features, spend some time looking into haircuts that suit your face and you could also work a little on your eyebrows
please get new glasses
Pedicabo ego vos et irrumabo
Who are these two ?
Can I get a quick rundown ?
rate others stupid nignog
stranger things core
dont you ever get tired of posting your ugly bloated face
not at all
CUTE (no homo), I like the hair don't listen to them.
noice hair user
holy shit the distance between your eyes is huge
looks very cool though almost model tier
Which haircut should I get? Last time I went to the barber I just showed them pic related
T-thanks, I appreciate that
please dont get either of those haircuts
Which "those"?
I meant WHAT haircut should I get. That pic was shown to a barber that made me my current haircut
Sorry for my crappy English
Those two are me
And im arbnox
Ayy lmao/10
You would look good with a beard. Not a full one, but stubble ya know? Other than that, your hair has that dry look. Nice length, but I'd give it a wet look and maybe even dye it darker.
Your hair is terrible. Looks like the pubes on a 70s porn star doused with miracle grow in a humid environment.
Passable. Hair is fine.
shorter hair. 7.5
nice hair. 7.5
peculiar 6.5
Is this the camwhore thread? I could use attention.
8 because of that jawline and dem eyes
fucking orient your pictures correctly
hair's gettin to that length that it needs some styling. Good looking though.
weezer frontman / 10. Not a bad look.
i have your hair but smaller you ignorant retard
Dont pay attention to the messy room
wrong orientation, sorry my dudes
quite good, nice eyes
just no
looks alright
very nice, would fuck/10 (nohomo)
good eyes?
a bit too feminine for my liking
eh alright
good good
not bad at all but not a fan of your jawline
dont give such shit ratings with a face like that
ok im tired now ill start skipping
i hope you are joking
You look like you suck dick. If that is the look you're trying to go for: good job.
10/10 perfect. Although your personality is fucking terrible.
Holy fucking shit, where to start. First of all: kill yourself. Second of all: never post this kind of garbage again.
Are you jewish? You look jewish. And that's not a compliment.
I can smell you through my computer screen.
You look like the creature from a movie called Splice. I like it.
Never post with a cigarette in your mouth. Makes you look like the edgy faggot that you are.
You look like you have not showered the past week. Can't wait untill you are all send back.
You also look like you suck cock. If that is what you do then it's a good look.
but you don't have his jawlne
Cheeksuckers gtfo
Pre and post haircut
You are Hitlers wet dream. That's a compliment. 10/10.
what the fuck, looks like a mannequin
>tfw ugly
just mew
u r a retard
if i gave u a bad rating i can rate u again bby im so sorry
you did give me a bad rating but you also gave some objectively handsome dudes a bad rating too which makes me think youre retarded
maybe i gave them a shit rating because of their beards or hair
stop crying please
what about
pretty handsome guy, you should be more careful when you shave tho! probably why you have a few zits or whatever on your chin. if you don't grow a lot of facial hair you can always use scissors and not irritate your skin!
i think you would look nicer with shorter hair too! but you're still a handsome young lad! a soon to be 7 in my book!
I'm still working on getting thinner (and getting rid of acne/acne scars), but be honest
I highly doubt this is actually her, no one would post their own face and go out of their way to insult other peoples looks whilst looking like the back of a fucking watering can.
If you are real, don't be so fucking conceited. On here you are pretty but in the real world you are bellow average. Looking like a dude lmfao. Anyone that posts their face on a 'Facial Aesthetic' board is a vein fuck but this takes the piss
usually don't have facial hair usually got clearer skin just depressed + voluntarily isolated + swamped right now ;^)
I like yr hair
but you look like a brat
but a hot brat
if yr then I like this picture better
if not then damn white people look the same
best itt. heart~break~er!
somehow you look too much like an asshole for any aesthetic appeal
upstate gas station-core
unconventionally attractive in the nicest way
>upstate gas station-core
thanks lad this is exactly what Im going for desu
Bumpity bump
Are you a guy or a girl?
I'm a guy, just with the misfortune of looking like a butch lesbian
This is the second time somebody replied to me with "DARK POLO". What does this mean?
how old are you? how do you get such nice skin??
loved the mouth moods senpai keep it up
generic chad 7.5
I wanted to give you a 6.5 but
>the iDubbbz guy
stop pretending; 6
would eat scooby snacks with 6/10
weird brows 6.5/10
what the fuck
8 because I like the hair but do shave
drink more water, 6
lips seem a bit odd, hair's whatever and the rest is okay. You look confident in the pic but your post says otherwise. Stop going to shitty festivals if social validation is what you're looking for. 7/10
holy shit your eyes almost touch the edge of your face 7/10
nice cheekbones but otherwise pretty nu-male tier 6.5/10
asshole chad 7.5/10
why are you taking pictures naked 7/10
we have similar hair 6.5/10
you look like a pretentious faggot 5/10
pretty fucking aryan 8/10
nice skin 8/10
lose weight 5/10
you look like the guy who looks like a serial killer but is actually really chill 6.5/10
I'm very kissable ;)
boys only
I appreciate this as a Veeky Forumsfag
There are tons of tutorials out there that will help you finding a better haircut, just use them
>faking confidence
I do this a lot but the festival was not part of that and actually quite nice
i'm not cutting hair
Here's me. Im not 100% sold on the beard right now
If I hold my jaw in an underbite all the time, will my bones/muscle develop to do this naturally? I know that childhood mouth breathing fucks up your skull structure, I'm wondering how much of it can be reversed through a constant underbite.
I've been doing an underbite for a few hours a day for about a month now, my resting jaw position has definitely moved forward and I look much better, I'm also able to relax in an underbite without worrying about a sudden movement breaking my teeth.