Post 'em
Post 'em
can't wait for summer
why wait for a season which is the shittiest fashion wise?
fuk u all, i'm from /r9k/ and i have no fashion sense and no gf
your board is cool though
My current winter outfit, UK shitty weather and at College so just dressing pretty normal at the moment. Still a nice basic fit.
Jesus, i'd have to see it in person. It might work if you are tanned and have a nice body.
You sure do dress like a lesbian stripper. Maybe add a sailing cap too. lmao/10
Are you bald?
post a fit pic
simple and cool
slav as fuck
awesome, would wear
normie tier
I.D. on bag?
Antonioli bag you can buy extra for 10€ when you purchase something from them.
>clunker shoes
>90s men's loop earrings
>edgelord ring
>talking shit on anyone
Kill yourself, my man
>I'm too self-conscious for WAYWT
Ugh next
i'm too self conscious for what are you wearing today
Yes, it just so happens that I am slavic, but what exactly does it have to do with the fit?
tromps amerca
nice watch daddy
Can't wait for spring.
Those ipods are definitely effay user
>strawberry pocky
that killed it, man.
hell yea, saved, w2c pants?
nice i love it
if you would change the shoes it would be good slavcore
its ok, nothing special
btw radiohead actually makes good music you should check them out
would be cool if not the earrings and this shit ring
best thing in this post are your dubs senpai :^)
proud american, and an good fit
also check
nothing really works here
and be careful with that gun you can hurt someone
stop posting this shit over and over jesus you have no other clothes?
10/10 if you actually wear this
vneck? these horrible looking jeans? are you ok user?
its ok
w2c everything
>Tee from Our Legacy
>Parka from Raf
>Jeans from Alexander McQueen (memes aside got them for 80€, pretty good for Made in Italy)
>Shoes are turbo autism from Raf
>Wool socks from Falke
>Bag for 10€
which one is better?
>horizontally heavy top
>vertically tight bottom
>>>>V NECK
W2C sweater
anyone else get dressed w/ the lights off?
>>horizontally heavy top
>>vertically tight bottom
gtav char
you're not "vaporwave" and you're not cool either
>Not Miami core
>He doesn't live in Florida
>He's never seen a Hawaiian fit before
that's not hawaiian or "miami core" either it's just mallcore
>Mercedes 300sl Roadster
>Rolex brown leather Daytona
Yeah, no.
I'm too poor for WAYWT
yeah, you can afford expensive pleb status symbols. doesn't make your outfit any better.
Talk shit, post fit
Shit, this doesn't make sense. Go away.
w2 shirt?
bump this
>Miami 80's style
>the Baltic sea
>goth drummer
>the student
>the Biz
>Urban youth
>jazz and art
>the tourist
>Urban milita
>lawyer's son
>the tourist 2.0
>the /pol/itician
>Urban Hipster
>the comfortable
>the architect
the librarian
>vice squad
>gay nazi
>urban tuxedo
>city cowboy
>the day off
w2c Shirt?
i know docs are one of the least Veeky Forums boots but idk what other kind of boots would go with my fits desu
critique/criticism is appreciated
nice sweater
those pants and shirt dont really match
are you in a frat
this reminds me of that one filthyfrank character
best fit ITT
first one, not really a fan of that sweater but that's just me\also i'm totally jealous of your marlboros, they don't sell those here and it makes me so sad ):
not a fan of the pants, nice shirt though
you;re trying to combine too much, and it doesn't really work well together
i was in love with this fit until i saw the kanken
see i love u
this looks like something a high schooler would wear desu
very clean i like
beautiful and inspirational to me
>pic related
Shit tier/10
>cafe racer motorist from the 60's
Shitty watch, get a proper one
anyone knows a better fitting shirt because this one is meh?
do you like dmc
don't let trends define you
memecuck coming through.
don't do a short arm shirt under a jumper ever. Esp. not under that sweatshirt. Get a regular shirt and a knit jumper for that kinda thing you're trying.
watch and jacket make it normie chad tier
all is not lost. Change now.
girl/10 Nah seriously, good effort.
mfa uniform + camel coat fad. Have fun on your journey developing your own tase.
you're alright mate. How's the sizing on those postmans?
Postman's are fairly tts, maybe go half size up if you like thick socks.
Maga hat is top autism lad
great fit
P gud
not a fan of the shirt or the red leather
this is one of my spring fits, although the sweater is black and yellow :-)
id on jacket pls
consider different shoes
I was about to pan this fit, but I admire the fact that you're honest with yourself. This board is a pretty good resource for inspiration, but take everything with a grain of salt.
not a fan of the watch or the glasses but everything else is nice
simple and elegant I guess
No idea what you're trying to pull off here
nice trips but good god frat bros only dress like this ironically now
not to great if I'm being perfectly honest
decent way to pull off prep without going full frat, I like it
consider different shoes and this would be perfect
solid 9/10
also a really good fit
I don't get it
pretty boring actually
I feel like you just arrived here. Better than the average joe, but pretty entry level for Veeky Forums
w2c striped shirt?
Genuine chuckle
rate please
Looks pretty nice, is that a scooter helmet?
In picture it's Uniqlo, but go for Marimekko Tasaraita if you are able to find as they are better quality and the original design.
nah man, i ride a bike. triumph bonneville bobber, like this one
pretty nice man, overall fit is looking good.