Has anyone else transcended to rafcore yet? After years of bothering with fashion I've embraced minimalism and wear basic monochromatic shit everyday.
Has anyone else transcended to rafcore yet...
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I'm way ahead of you pal, I've transcended to roof-core
yes of course
>looks good on everybody
what more can u ask nigga
I wear full lemaire
Couldn't care less about conceptual fashion meme shit
I just like nice clothes
looks fashy.
Same here except full rick
Me too.
I don't wear what I like. But I wear what is timeless/minimal just to care less about what I wear.
There are far more important things in life than just wearing cool clothes, at least that's how it is for me.
Pic kind of related.
Lemaire, Raf Core and Yohji looks really stupid and fedorish on anybody
Yes. Even the people at the office asked me if I have a uniform.
raf looks like the /r9k/ version of an american apparel ad
>Lemaire, Raf Core and Yohji looks really stupid and fedorish on anybody
I wear full Ross, and a really nice Citizen watch.
I've seen lots of them. He still has older models for the runaways to implicate which category it caters to and leaving Y-3 for the youth.
>He still has older models for the runaways to implicate which category it caters
You are dumb as fuck you probably shouldn't even be talking about designers
that's what i plan to do after i get too old for my young rebellious style
delete this reeeee
Minimalism is NOT wearing only black and white.
But how would you know, you're fucking clueless.
Consider suicide.
its a big part of it
It is though
It's not everything there is to minimalism but reductivism is big part of what makes something minimal
Both wrong
>people will praise this retardation
>limiting and minimizing color palette is not minimalism
Are you dense or baiting?
>wear basic monochromatic shit everyday
this is me
its just really hard to find good white shirts.
i want to do this in a couple years.
I am not the guy you're responding to.
Reread my post again , the syntax is important. I never said
>limiting and minimizing color palette is not minimalism
You are either clueless or have a reading disability.
No it is not.
>its just really hard to find good white shirts.
No, it's not.
okay, drop some info bro
apc, ami, acne, norse project
Fuck even if you're poor you have cos and uniqlo
You're not looking hard enough
>Has anyone else transcended to rafcore yet?
yes. easy to do very cheap with good quality basics from uniqlo etc. shoes are all i spend $$$$$$ on anymore, everything else are cheap (but good quality) basics.
i completely agree with you user. especially with the Uniqlo U stuff coming out every season now, it's gonna be super easy to get that minimalist semi-slouchy fit.
eventually after my glow up i'll start buying better brands, but for my college budget Uniqlo definitely gets it
>uniqlo, common projects, usually what i'm dressed in!
>high quality basics!
>dark minimalism!
what the fuck happened to this board, it's stuck in a time warp to 2011
Guys I got my first programming job after I got my diploma. I want to go full rafcore at work.
Where can I get decent quality dress shirts to wear under my sweatshirts for about 50 euros a piece?
I also need good quality wool pants (around 100 to 150 euros).
I have black achilles CP but I was wondering about buying a dress shoe. Are chelsea boots better with this fit or should I just buy derbies?
Thanks in advance.
i said good lol
literally the only casual white button up i have that i like is some old versace shirt i found on grailed.
apc sale for wool trousers.
derbies are way better than chelseas desu. especially with spring coming up
Yep, I find it quite funny to be honest. Really shows that they don't care about fashion, it's only about "being Veeky Forums"
But that shit looks absolutely terrible.
Yes. There really is a lot more to life then worrying about the clothes you wear. It's a refreshing feel knowing that you always have an outfit planned out because your entire wardrobe goes together. Sadly most teenagers on Veeky Forums do not realize this and will continue to spend their Burger King paychecks on gaudy hype shit.
You'll grow up.
Dress -shirts
Emmanuel Berg
van Laack
Can you explain that skit to me? I liked world peace but I didn't understand that one.
pleats/nopleats, cuffs/nocuffs
what do (You) wear and why?
What kind of shirts are you looking for? Fabric, collar type, are you going to wear them tucked or untucked?
this isn't a good sign comrade
why are you here lol
Seconding this. Any good will pants around 100£ Most are shitty or brands that I have no idea how their quality is.
Raf Simons core is literally autism core, I seriously think he is autistic to be honest, his whole appearance, the way he sits and the way he always looks uncomfortable, also, his shoes look like middle school autism shoes and even use >velcro
Thanks a lot but damn "regular fit" ;(
I got a dries van noten shirt for 3k yen 2nd best 3k yen i ever spent
Hate to break it to you but you have to be pretty fucking autistic to be a fashion designer
thank you for getting my hopes up, actually.
ive never been to a ross so idk what that part is about, but i think hes parodying a big fancy dressing black guy or something, or maybe just a well off guy that's real full of himself
Yea, I'm not trying to imply that my wardrobe is t-shirts and jeans, because it's not.
What I mean is that I dress minimal just to care less about what to wear when I wake up etc.
Which was what Mark said too about why he wears the same t-shirts everyday.
Why can't he be here? I personally agree with what he says and he's just sharing his opinions.
If you didn't know, you can be interested in fashion even if you don't dress well or care about how you dress.