How to get the blonde guys physique

how to get the blonde guys physique
i'm 6'1 175 lbs my abs are visible but i want them to look good in any lighting

Probably by climbing you fuckin dink

this Veeky Forums not Veeky Forums you idiot.

the blonde guy died in accident a couple y ears ago

also i introduced this pic to Veeky Forums

what accident what was his name
i found this image on google


Bodyfat% of


I find it interesting that the rock climbing culture shills cigarette smoking. And even marijuana. Watch several documentaries and this movie Nordwand, there's a clear message promoting tobacco smoking. Kinda weird.

Very Arnie in Pumping Arnold tier. They don't really give a shit about each other.

can i get an ID on the shoes in this pic?

Sure friend check your mail.

how can you be so sure they were PROMOTING and not simply using?

dude works his chest and abs much more than everything else

Mostly you just want to get your body fat percentage down but Google this:

Inside the Muscles: Best Ab Exercises

both those guys have the body of someone who swims competitively

no, they have body of someone who climbs rocks

SICK bro, everyones so stoked for you. So glad you brought us this pic

get yourself a Bachar ladder

do Abripper X2 and AbripperX3, only really good exercies from that clown. 30 days of that and you will slay

check them out man, they saved me
