Slavcore fit

What do you guys think of my fit, going for Slavcore style, rate /10?

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Tы пoхoж нa бyлгapcкий


as a russian this is so emberassing to see. please delete this

this nigga look like elliot rodger

nigga i know you from school

You look like a dipshit, congratulations. Not even slavcore either

Wash your socks you filthy fucker. My god.

hello pidor

>нe блoндин

who are you

decent apart from the gay glasses

as ukranian I wholeheartedly agree, you don't look like slav, OP, you look bad and not in a smart way

As a croat, this is not a slav fit in any way shape or form.

You look like a boarding school cunt

noice sweater

how is anything about this 'slav'

чилл нигaзз. cлaвкop из нoт aбayт eкшyaл cлaвc.

чильнyл тeбe зaщeкy))

>нe нocить oдeждy нacтoящих cлaвян

Doslovno se ubij pederu

heres a real slav for ya. enjoy.



mort the chicken, mein nigger

it doesn't look slav - lennon glasses, color of sweatshirt, pants, hairstyle... it just looks awful, boring and nonironic


fuck off dumb rich random normie

that's a fucking roger federer core or something

kurwa 0/10


it doesn't look slav - lennon glasses, color of sweatshirt, pants, hairstyle... it just looks awful, boring and nonironic MORT THE CHICKEN
it doesn't look slav - lennon glasses, color of sweatshirt, pants, hairstyle... it just looks awful, boring and nonironic MORT THE CHICKEN
fuck off rich random normie ffk off rich random normie fuck off rich random normie

it doesn't look slav - lennon glasses, color of sweatshirt, pants, hairstyle... it just looks awful, boring and nonironic MORT THE CHICKEN

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most of the replies to this are the fuckin worst. Veeky Forums community the most gulliable, dumbass cunts around.

You what

lmaooo nigga u a lame why u on this shit anyways poser