Can your money work for you? + a rare opportunity life is presenting me

Hey Veeky Forums I'll be honest and you guys will probably call me lazy, but I hate working. Waking up without the freedom to do what I want the majority of the time, the thought depresses me. However I'm more than willing to do it for a time of it means it ends up stabilizing me. Does anyone know if it's possible to invest my money into something, let it be stocks, landlord, etc and actually make money a good amount of money back? Not an extremely high amount but like 45 - 50 thousand a year, and work a small amount / not at all on the side. This might be a dumb question but I'm new to Veeky Forums and trying to pick up as much advice as you guys can give.

Now the rare opportunity, my soon to be fiance's father is a stone dealer in the business for himself. He built the company he owns by himself alone, and makes a decent living in the middle/upper class bracket. He goes on trips around the world for business, he actually just got back from a month in China straight to Costa Rica. Neither of his daughters want to take on the business when he gets older, and there's a possibility that I myself could learn from him, possibly take a business administrator course, and maybe he would hire me, and when he retires make me CEO since I'm married to his daughter and I'm competent. What do you guys think of this? Would you persue this opportunity personally? Any responses and I'll be very grateful.


25x your annual cost of living is enougj

about $500k for a bare minimum

>Would you persue this opportunity personally?
sure, to learn from a self made businessman who is likely not screwing you over, and possibly inherit his empire and don't even have to suck his dick. sounds good. it's just gonna be a lots of work.

>$500k for a bare minimum
>25x your annual c

So basically you're saying save up that amount of money and just live with it in my bank account? or invent / spend it somewhere?

>sure, to learn from a self made businessman who is likely not screwing you over, and possibly inherit his empire and don't even have to suck his dick. sounds good. it's just gonna be a lots of work.

Yeah I was thinking that aswell, it sounds like a really amazing opportunity. I might bring it up to him, I've seen people here who claim to be millionaires, said they started companies, and got gobbled up by larger ones for a payout, maybe I could do that someday lol

just make an cool app bro you'll be a billionaire in no time :^)

yeah bro :^) it's that easy

You're a lazy sack of shit.
Go for it but you'll quit in a week when you realize the travelling around the world is not a vacation. It's a shitload of work and it's a shitload of work under stress, jetlag etc etc.

Oh of course I see how stressed he is. The only thing I believe I'm lazy about is not wanting to work lol, right now weekly I work 60 hours so I'm not lazy in that department, and I know he's not vacationing, He tells me about it.

Read MMM's Early Retirement shit.

Wow so basically MMM is exactly what I'm looking for then.... That's crazy.

well wages and costs of living are all tweaked in a way that you will be forced to work 50 years before you can retire. otherwise too many professionals with useful skills would fall out the workforce before they could contribute maximally to society.

so if you can save 10% or more you are in the well off category of people. i save 40% each year and try to invest my money but it's not nearly enough for meaningful investments so i mostly just play it safe and try to learn more.

i estimate if i keep this up for an other 30 years and i remain lucky with my investments i could retire. in 30 years however i will be almost 70.

there you go.

Go to college and do business, economy or accounting so you have half an idea what you're doing then take on th company, obviously

i just did some calc
in 20 years if i keep this all up and get 3% return on my investments on average and 1% raise on savings every year (let's assume i can increase my wage more than inflation) then i can multiple my current savings by 10. it would be about the present price of 3 homes. however inflation is a bitch especially in my country so it's very unlikely i would live an other 20 years off of it.

> The only thing I'm lazy about is not wanting to work

That's literally the definition of lazy you dumb fuck

I was definitely considering that as an option. When he gets back to Canada I'm going to job shadow him and see his work (not hard he works from home)

Yeah you're right LOL my bad. I just rather work smart, than hard. Make every dollar that goes into my bank account work for me rather

if i could get 10% on inflation however the retirement is in 5 years. but that looks awfully unsustainable unless i start a business and it becomes successful.

>I'm competent

No, you're not.

Frankly you sound like a complete fucking idiot and a colossal manchild

If you kill yourself you won't ever have to work again!

Plus your father in law won't have to put up with your retarded freeloading ass

>I'm going to shadow him
Honestly I'm sure he'd rather eat a bullet

You seem angry. How can you make these claims without knowing anything about me friend? I work 60 hours a week at this shitty security job over this summer, balance that with a girlfriend, and go back to school in September and work my ass off for good grades. I work hard. So now that you know my living situation, why are you sperging so hard?because I want to enjoy my years I have on the planet instead of working 40 hours a week till I die? You're a joke. If you're a workaholic good for you, but I want to get in, get money, and get out ASAP. Time is precious.

>he works security


I'm shocked

You're literally a walking meme m8

That's like if I said I worked 60 hours a week at McDonald's or some shit. You'd be like

>Ahahahahaha I'm shocked You're literally a walking meme m8

The fact is, I'm a student working to pay off my tuition cost. You're just being an assfaggot regardless of where I work. I'm done responding to you. Stay jealous assfaggot.