
Do they ruin your appearance too much or do people not really care about them?
I have a massive scar on my thigh from a mole removal, as my GP apparently didn't know how to do a decent scar closure.

I have one like that on my face from a cyst removal. I don't think people will care especially since it's on your thigh

If you're a girl scars can suck, but for guys it's not that bad. Girls care more about having that nice perfect skin.

Only if they're self inflicted cu(ck)tting scars that show off that you're a mentally weak subhuman that has no recourse for normal human emotion outside of masochistic self mutilation.

literally nobody cares

I think scars are pretty cool. Especially eyebrow or lip ones.

Obviously not self inflicted cutting scars. Those just make me sad.

ive got a huge ass dogbite scar on my left forearm that i actually like now

i'm fucked

scar beats a massive mole so you're good

depending on placement scars can actually make or break your look id say.

self inflicted scars will fucking destroy anyones ability to take you seriously. you will become homeless and die in a ditch.

body scars literally no one cares about. use them for scar story times.

face scars are a diffirent story. there can be good and bad scars.

burn scars are unfortunate.

I have a nasty lump scar under my lip. the skin was ripped out entirely as a chunk, and was fully replaced with a new layer. those scars are meh.

long gashes are generally manly. I have a long scar going along my eye socket right under my eye. at this point, you get points for scars in potentially deadly places. As my scar is right at an eye orbital socket, i would place it as a higher tier scar.

scars are cool.

i wish i had one. my face is not ugly but oily and rugged, my hair is smelly and messy, i can't smile, i don't care i just wanna be everyone's monster


Well if you take off my pants I have fucked left leg.
I also try to only wear long sleeves, to cover up my hairy Italian arms, along with some scars.

>TFW brother hits you with a rock on the head and now you have a bald spot.

Anyone ever had luck with reducing scars? I have some raised scars I'd like to have smoothed down.

I think they're kinda cute on girls. But yeah, huge red flag.
I gotta wear sleeves forever.

try some aloe vera then sand it with 1000grit sandpaper then put some neosporin on

>i cant deal with my problems on my own please let me cry on you :(
fuck off

I have one running through my right eyebrow and one huge one directly in the middle of my brows. I've never heard a girl say they're ugly. I either get "cool" or no mention at all. I dunno; maybe most people are polite.

Facial scars are the only ones people will really notice unless one on your body is particularly gnarly.

Pic for reference.

Don't worry about it.

>tfw have weird second belly button looking scar on otherwise completely flat and smooth stomach

I personally hate it, but I have yet to come across someone who has even cared a little

I have ton of scars, one in the middle of my face cause I fell down from a 2 story bed when I was a kid and had to get my nose fixed
I like them honestly, they are unique, and tell a story.

He's right though, I'm just glad I did it where most people won't see. It's literally a mental illness, and the fact that you're defending it is laughable.

who gives a shit? it's just a mark on your skin

selfharm scars scare people off, every other scars not so much. My appendex scar was never a topic to be talked about but the 40 on my left arm seemed always to be more important

prime belly for raspberrying there

I'm no expert, but this doesn't sound quite right.

I've heard good things about silicone strips. They're expensive but you can wash and reuse them.

I have a vertical scar on my upper lip from running face-first into a chair as a 5-year-old. It's not very noticeable from a distance, but I like it

I've got a scar on my dick from fucking and jerking off. Is that manly?

me too. The scar looks a hell of a lot better than the huge lump that was there before. plus the scar is going away.

*licks scar*
mmmm.... yessssss... M'lady

Do acne scars and circumcision scars count? :'^(

My boyfriend has a huge scar down his 6 pack from getting his intestines taken out. I think It looks kinda sexy.
I have scars from a breast reduction and I receive nothing but compliments on how amazing my breast are. My boyfriend covered me in bruses the 1st time we fucked because he was so pumped about them.

...what if they're self inflicted but situated such that it's not immediately obvious, and are pretty much always covered up?

Most guys seem to like them

Scars have mostly faded but cancers a bitch

I have a pretty big scar on my back after I got skin cancer removed. I never take my shirt off in public anymore

He is a boy..