>tfw your girlfriend doesn't look like anime
Post Bladee inspo
i like bladee, i like his whole look. but fuck off, find your own thing.
>inspired to cut my ears off after hearing his music
is this the fuccboi general?
Inspired to stab myself in the eyes after seeing what he wears regularly
just kys
Inspired to do that realizing there are people who unironically like him browsing this board
Not him, but seriously consider suicide. He made it. He has done everything that is considered great on this board.
This is plastic boy video. Lean looking dope too btw damn with the 2013 aesthetic
A cool one
Bladee with some Reddit faggot. I like his shorts though.
Now, notice Bladee's old school jawns like 2004
Forgot pic
Best Nike Tech Fleece Jacket
Old Bladee
Phat Fit/Slavcore
For all you "omoh" fans
QT boys
God damn sherms the man
Fuck, lean was lean
Before she dyed her hair all blonde and gross
hows his dick taste my guy