trail mix is supposed to be high calorie fucker
this. op is a retart. you eat trail mix on the trail not on the conch you lazy fuck.
Heh, almost as cool as that T shirt that says about being a cool mom, what a neat hat!
even better
not as good
You can change the colour, and the one selected has embroiled letters like the one in OP's pic.
I'm getting it
i really like the pale blue colorway tho. what color are you going with
Red with white letters, maga
LOL that's like so random
Hope you all kill yourselves rather sooner than later
>you eat trail mix on the trail not on the conch
oh good you can read
>you eat trail mix on the trail
holy fucking shit
What would you call this style of hats and shirts
what -core is this
i don't know if you're memeing or what, but I would wear these all day. ironic irony is here to stay
my life wont be complete until i find the trail mix hat
Srsly w2c
I figured out how to make this EXACTLY on zazzle, which is where the lady who designed this made it herself.
Go here:
In the tab #2 choose Basic Adjustable Cap and change color to Carolina Blue
In tab #1 add text and paste this: this trail mix has HOW many calories??!?
choose the font roman block and the text color is blue (isacord 3522)
as you can see the "calorie??!?" is slightly cut off at the bottom in my original pic, to fix this click the design tab, put ur cursor in the middle and drag up a tiny bit. might take a couple trys but i got mine to not be cut off as you can see in pic related.
it says the hat color is temporarily sold out but it will prob comeback in stock soon.
>Veeky Forums has finally picked up on a 2014 dead tumblr meme
fucken sad
no one knows or cares take your negativity else where this hat is sick af
im sure everyone in your 7th grade art class will like it dude it's totally random and funny XD
kool i like it nothing you say will change my mind
a noose