Which pre-modern "core" was the most Veeky Forums?

Which pre-modern "core" was the most Veeky Forums?

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16th century mongoliancore desu senpai

no bamboozle


edo japan obviously

>condensing thousands of years of thousands of peoples' fashion into a "core" blanket term
why don't you go read a fuckin' book




"damn jesus you got some nxtlvl layering goin on here w2c"

I dislike the prima porta statue t b h f a m


victorian period was part of the modern era
so was elizibeth i's reign

medieval florentine poet core

Why does all clothing pre 1950s look so much better than clothing now?

Industrialisation and automation of everything
More mass production, less made to measure and individual preferences
More synthetic fibers to cut costs
Plus through industrialisation of idolism (pop culture) and the general opinion that everyone should dress and do as one wishes a practice of dressing up has taken hold of the people
Plus advertisements are much more refined today and people will buy any piece of plastic shit as long as it's made by a certain corporation, worn by certain people or presented to them in the right cultural context, which of course entrepreneurs know and exploit

>Viking core
here's an exact replica of the early medieval Scandinavian costume


and damn, those asians were fa as hell
how can one even compete


What time frame is this from?
I doubt how strong the red would be, dyes probably weren't that good and quite expensive.
It looks like something the rich would wear.

I hate the hat but everything else is fucking sweet.

This is as good as it gets, Romans and Greeks knew what they were doing.

Regency era


>I doubt how strong the red would be, dyes probably weren't that good and quite expensive.

Thanks for the article, it was a good read.
I did a little bit of research about this and people are bickering about the clasps and the trimmings so I guess we're not 100% sure.

>They combined oriental features with Nordic styles. Their clothing was designed to be shown off indoors around the fire

I know vikings were good traders so does this mean when they traded with Asia they where influenced by their silk clothing's?

Sallet Core

imagine the comfort of just wearing robes all the time, and when you wanna fuck your qt azn housewife you two just instantly remove them with such grace

Clearly you have never worn their robes, senpai.

I think Greek robes are the way to go, less bulky.


>walking through the winter wilderness wearing steel

>does this mean when they traded with Asia they where influenced by their silk clothing's?
perhaps, why not
I doubt the usefulness of silk in a cold climate though

because they had shittier cameras


Modern is anything after WW2

>Early modern Europe is the period of European history between the end of the Middle Ages and the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, roughly the late 15th century to the late 18th century.

t. wikipedia

Pre-modern is anything before that.

fuck you my definition makes way more sense

You realize they wore clothing under armor?

talk about skinny pants, look at those leggins. They definitely were avant-garde

try wearing steel plates with clothing in winter, genius

You wear a thick layer of clothing under the armor, so it doesn't touch your skin. Steel itself doesn't create lower than air temperatures, it just transfers it.

When are we going to bring back robes? So simple, comfy, and clean looking. Also Victorian era was Veeky Forums as fuck.