I'm a black girl studying fashion and even I can admit that pale skin is just significantly superior to darker skin in terms of fashion
Pale skin just makes clothing look so much better. Sure you can find some very dark skin people who make clothing look good but they are rare
ive noticed that even a little bit of tan can make clothing look significantly worse. Why is this? What is it about pale skin that makes it so much more suited for fashion
more colors match with white pasty skin than with black skin
Jack Cruz
Its just the color contract honestly but that doesn't stop a more warm toned person to not look good in clothing.
Henry Taylor
Because good fashion is a sign of intelligence and black people are too stupid for that
Dylan Reed
This piss poor racebait. Here's a response for your ignorant ass
Jayden Adams
Black people, especially black women are really good at putting really nice clothing together
Ethan Edwards
same reason you start on a blank, white canvas when painting
Owen Reed
instead of talking about fashion this board is trying its best /pol/ imitation. Veeky Forums has gone down the shitter.
Zachary Sanders
that's true for a lot of styles, but there are some styles only blacks can pull off (usually bright colors and gaudy ornaments)
Cooper Brown
or we're just being honest because this is Veeky Forums and not tumblr
you're big kids you can take it.
Adam Lewis
that doesn't even apply or make sense. what a shitty analogy. why are people on here such complete idiots?
Nolan Flores
Where? i have never seen a fashionable negro.
Nathaniel Brown
Black people set the fashion trends people at trailer parks wear
Colton Bailey
who gives a shit about random websites. what are you 13?
Joshua Perez
i dont agree im pale af ESPECIALLY my arms and i feel like i need a tan to wear plain white t shirts
David Sanders
It depends on their taste in fashion, but no matter what style it is they always seem to do it pretty well, asians do too. I think you're thinking about street fashion which might not cater to your taste but since I live in a place where theres mostly minorities (and Im guessing you dont) I can confirm that they can actually put clothes together really nicely
Kevin Gomez
Dylan Johnson
Fucking hell, racists are compete morons.
Benjamin Gonzalez
if you were painting, would you want a black canvas?
Justin Roberts
Exactly, just look at issey miyake and gucci
Aaron Flores
>Veeky Forums has gone down the shitter >actually, this is normal for this website >WHO CARES ABOUT WEBSITE um k
nice get. HAH
Dylan Thomas
They're also very deluded
Matthew Parker
it's time for you to leave, shitskin
this is a white website
Christian Hall
I don't think I've ever seen a fashionable black person in the flesh. I live in Australia so maybe that's why
Anthony Clark
Who cucked you :(
Brandon Mitchell
Not even him but a canvas can be any color, it depends on what you're going for in your painting you fucking idiot art isn't supposed to be that direct
there's a strong case for not considering them fully human
Caleb Young
>Not even him but a canvas can be any color, it depends on what you're going for i'm talking about doing paintings like on an art easel, where the canvas is white
John Collins
Not him, but you could paint the canvas black.
Caleb Allen
the day of the rope is imminent
Ian Gomez
Easels don't have the canvas built in you tard
Nicholas Foster
You do know some easels are blackboards right?
Easton Powell
I see more niggers than abos. There's a nigger suburb just a little bit south from me in brisbane. They're mostly chill but I wouldn't be surprised if that area ends up like the nigger parts of Melbourne in the future
Kayden Ramirez
but you'd start with a white one and paint it black, like a white person wearing all gothninja
you buy them separately i think but that's not part of the analogy
Nathan Barnes
That doesn't even make sense. If I painted the canvas black, all the white would be gone. The color of the canvas is supposed the skin color in this analogy, for your gothninja comparison to work, I'd have to leave splotches of white in the canvas.
Jonathan Morales
You can buy black canvas
Owen Russell
It's very common to do an underpainting first, you can even start off with bright blue like in pic related. That's part of why the white canvas thing doesn't hold up.
James Nelson
The reality is certain colors look better on different complexions. Stronger, saturated tones work better on darker skin tones while muted, desaturated colors look better on more pale tones. One is not more desirable than the other, they are just different.
Dylan Morris
Chase Howard
Pale skin is fucking Low test.
Mediterranean skintone is best. Reminder that mediterraneans created european culture.
Jaxson Allen
>Black people, especially black women are really good at putting really nice clothing together
You know the mulatto girls at your college are not representative of all black people, right?
Most black women are dumb and obese.
Justin Howard
I have ginger-tier skin. Do you know what this freckly pale mess is? Genetic damage.
Humans in areas with varying levels of sun evolved the ability to get pale for Vitamin D in the winter and tan like champs in the summer to protect themselves.
But then a mutation occurred where the ability to tan was all fucked up and those humans managed to survive in places like the UK where you don't get burnt to a crisp and have your genes run out of the gene pool.
Freckles are a mistake.
Brayden Brooks
No I live in an suburban area and in a place saturated with minorities and I am preferring mostly to non-mixed blacks and carribeans. Nice cope and denial. Stop projecting
Anthony Hill
That blacks are dumb and fat is backed up by statistics, guy.
Michael Nelson
u can go kingkrule core
Tyler Morales
i find black people on average tend to dress more fashionably than other races. I mean, sometimes they can pull off nice all black fits. And then the other blacks dress like shit (red shoes, sagging pants with belt and a tee)
Colton Clark
I think the answer is simply that it contrasts more with the clothes and makes them stand out more. Also people with a perfectly even skin tone have weird 'aura' of perfection about them
The average black persons fashion is street wear, which as we all know is fucking trash
Lincoln Flores
>be skinny and pale white guy >used to be insecure about it >realise i am inherently effay
feels fucking great my boys
Robert Bell
>t. Pic related
Ryan Brown
You have never gone outside apparently
Nolan Ortiz
And white people?
they just throw on whatever they get from costco. Or underarmour/nike shit. this is the case for most places unless you are near a city.
Jayden Ramirez
Black people are the worst dressed race along with Middle easterners and spics. The average black, middle eastern and spic has art work shaved into their hair, a moustache that's about 1/4 of an inch wide they purposely shaved that way, childish basketball shoes usually color matched with their polo shirt, extremely embarrassingly tight jeans, gaudy jewlery and listens to drake and asap rocky exclusively
Connor Ortiz
I live in a suburban area and I HIGHLY doubt that you do and I have seen more skinny blacks than fat ones honestly, stop deluded yourself with your white supremacy bs
Justin Myers
You have also never gone outside
Evan Thompson
I rarely even see inspo online that involves black people, arabs or spics
How are you gonna tell me I'm wrong when literally 99% of the pictures on this board right now are white or asian people
Easton Miller
so no one would see my mistakes
Owen King
My observations are completely based on the man people I see around the city and at uni
I'm talking about those that are actively interested in fashion that I see. If there is a black person who has spent money on fashion, he'll be wearing street wear
Though to be fair my two black friends have very different physiques to me and wouldn't exactly look great in high fashion (not that that how I dress)
Evan Gonzalez
>using this board to gauge reality
Autism confirmed, why does your keeper let you browse Veeky Forums?
Brayden White
Thats my point. This board isn't reality. It's all the best shit pooled together in one place and even here you don't see blacks, arabs and spics dressed well
In real life you see even less fashionable coloured people. I can't say I've ever seen a coloured person looking fashionable before irl and I live about 10 minutes from the centre of london
Bentley Clark
I can debunk think so easily, what state do you live in? And which part?
Tyler Smith
Did you not read my post
Ian Perry
Oh I didnt actually read the last part. Well anyway, you dont live in ny or anywhere in america so I cant really acce[t your point sorry
Ryan Cook
>Thats my point. This board isn't reality. It's all the best shit pooled together in one place Hahahahaha you're fucking retarded. This place was only good 2014 and before. Afterwards, absolute speds like you flooded this board and ruined it. The only reason why you haven't seen any inspo with black people is because you're a teenage newfag. You don't know shit about the humans around you and most certainly not fashion either. Maybe the reason why most people don't dress like Veeky Forums's "high fashion" is because it's autistic as fuck and has no sense of personal style because you're literally dressed by the internet.
Go back to your containment board you tard
Or better yet, go outside for once
Adrian Cooper
Why are you so angry I'm just stating my opinion man...
Asher Ramirez
>be english / german >pale skin >take shirt off anywhere >comments on pale skin
my whole life. I've been made fun of my skin colour. probably more then any minority or black person.
Joshua Kelly
Maybe that's what it is. if you're talking about "fashion killa" types from my you're delusional
Jace Wood
Don't state your opinion if you aren't prepared for people to disagree with you
Dylan Cruz
Ok cool it
I was wrong beard art work and basketball shoes are cool too
Grayson Nelson
You hate yourself so goddamn much
Sebastian Wilson
I dont think there's ever been a point in Veeky Forums history in which black people were regularly posted. Infact some would cite the recent rise in streetwear posters as the precise reason Veeky Forums sucks now. Which timeline are you operating in you nigger?
Evan Cox
Well statistically speaking, globally Europeans are a minority
Isaiah Thomas
No im not talking about millennials who wear Adidas and kim k trash either
Eli King
>its another thread where retarded white people expose themselves
Lincoln Ward
No it's the influx of /pol/ autists like you, kill yourself
Asher Jackson
I'm starting to hate white people and not too long ago I was proud of my whiteness. White people are toxic fake faggots, the only real people I have in my life are black. White people are ignorant and turn their self hatred on other people
Angel Long
Oh boy
You've done it now
Blake Martin
Lol dont worry, just stay away from toxic people. Veeky Forums is just filled with mentally unstable shutins
Ryan Reyes
>"wtf i hate white people now"
Samuel Butler
>When the banter so hard it turns white boys into blm activists
William Wood
Veeky Forums has been pretty hard on black people lately and t b h I don't like it. It reminds me of when I used to go on tumblr and every second post was some sad minority taking their pent up aggression out on white people
Stop turning Veeky Forums into tumblr. Leave black people alone
Aaron Carter
There's a fit as fuck black guy in my biotech course who's also fa as fuck. Would fuck.
Jack Adams
Thread tl,dr but it depends. In most cases, I think that western bone structure is way more wanted, and that's why it's hard for black to be as desirable. Although, me too, like most of the others, prefer pale skin over darker. But for example in the picture, I think of the most powerful models currently
Michael Gonzalez
/pol/ is the most trafficked board on Veeky Forums so it's only natural that they spill over into other boards, that's why dylann roof inspo threads are so common on Veeky Forums
For the IQ stuff you can look up transracial adoption studies. Where blacks are raised by white families they still have a lower IQ than whites. You stress that you live in a SUBurban environment. What you might be seeing is the top 10% of blacks that have the intelligence and agency not to get fat as hell. Check out an urban environment like Chicago and tell me again that blacks are all thin and have great style.
I could be the fattest white man on the planet and it wouldn't change these facts, slick.
Samuel Gutierrez
this..Nordcuck BTFO
Parker Robinson
Go outside, not every black person favorite food is exclusively fried chicken, watermelon and grape koolaid
Samuel Russell
You think you're being nuanced but don't you realize that I am not thinking in black and white terms, here? I am showing you a trend and you think that I deny exceptions exist. You're the black and white thinker.
Aiden Scott
>elaborate bait >average fa poster I can't tell anymore
Kayden Myers
Because it's relatively neutral? Same reason you want skinny models.
Anthony Lopez
My point was that not every stereotype is real, the statistics you showed is a stereotype you fucking nonce how am i thinking in black and white terms?
Anthony Gutierrez
I don't think you understand how to read statistics. Average does not mean all. You will be shocked to hear it doesn't even mean most or any.
Connor Martin
Then you just helped me prove my point, thats exactly what im trying to say..
Brayden Sanders
>really pasty >can't wear shorts because my legs look female
Tyler Thompson
the RA in my dorm wears designer clothes all the time, and he looks good in them imo
Jackson Collins
>studying fashion What
Liam Fisher
>Pale skin is fucking Low test Kek. Is it info from dazed or twitter?
90% of the strongmans(bear mode high test) are pale whites from Scandinavia and Eastern Europe.
Oliver Hernandez
>anime forum for fashion >white website
kek cumskin. did leddit cuck you newfag? go back, you belong over there.
Owen Morales
They have, I've been here for years. Stop shitpostsing like you know something when you don't and go back to /pol/.
Christ, this thinly veiled/pol/ thread is terrible. Mods please delete.