Most Veeky Forums car?
Most Veeky Forums car?
Chav tier
Overrated trash
80's/90's coupes definitely
Post more Toyota's
My current car going to sell her soon
>inb4 that Mexican faggot says "AUTOMOBILES ARE MERE INSTRUMENTS" or whatever the fuck
classic Italian cars
tell me that these are not the coolest cars
FC is heaps nice, 86 is shit
Vintage RE very rare.
don't bother if you know nothing about cars
90's performance coupes and hatchbacks are Veeky Forums
Classic Italian cars are very Veeky Forums
Current cars that are about 2-3 times the median yearly wage are Veeky Forums
sleepers are Veeky Forums
if that's the case then god I wish I could be a chav
>rare af
>Missoni interiors
>most of them are sold at over 90.000$
And then came in the retarded britbong in his shitty vauxhall corsa and call it "chav tier".
However, the most Veeky Forums car of all time must be the citroen x maserati SM
honhonhon 10/10 machine
Hey newfags. How the fuck is it hanging? Probably shitty because apparently none of you have ever heard of the 1992 geo tracker, the official car of Veeky Forums.
Fucking plebs.
let's say you're rich as fuck. you got your own island. you get drunk in the day and doot around on this thing then get it stuck in the sand.
what could be more fashionable?
And he's backkk!!!
I thought that we'd already established that Veeky Forums knows fuck-all about cars.
suzukis are dope as hell
suzukis are still noice the 2017 jimny is cool af
there is only one truly fashionable suzuki
Tfw you're not driving a finisher car
Post up that sexy style jzx81 tho
Porsche 599
God damn it he's back
believe it or not boys and girls but I used to drive one of these
I eventually sold it for $750 ($300 profit) when moved to Minneapolis
forgot picture
Only true answer
Man, those things are awful.
is the 5 door version considered fa?
My negroes
ey b0ss
Fuck dodge stealths are ugly lol, and they're just awful cars too
Why would anyone like this thing? That's really random
shit car shit meme go away
no but the LWB pickup so is
only correct answer
two eighty zed
that album cover should've been saved for something serious
it's way too cool for the actual content
is my whip effay approved?
who actually says "zed"
A yaris?
>no room
>not actually that great on gas
>slow as fuck
>ugly as sin
>cheap build and quality
throw it in the bin
That's fuccboi not Veeky Forums
step aside
Fuckin sweet
Phonetic Englishmen?
>not actually great on gas
I get between 40-45 mpg and my car is almost 10 years old.
it's supposed to be affordable and it's fairly good for it's price
>no room
I took me and 4 lads up north on holiday with luggage and we were perfectly fine, its roomier than you think.
>ugly as sin
ye it's pretty fucking ugly
>slow as fuck
it gets up to speed as fast as your regular sedan, it's just a very regular car all around. I don't understand why it gets so much hate.
It's not a pussy wagon but it's not that bad.
It's literally a snap with a VSCO filter over it
I appreciate you educating these fools. But please user, if you aren't going to get it right, let me do the work. You don't reply to the replies without pictures of garbage cars, and you need to get your shit together with that file name.
Please show the 1992 Geo Tracker, the official car of Veeky Forums, the respect it deserves.
And don't just copy something I said in one thread, because it is something new every time. Step aside philistine, and let a professional show you how it is done (I'll even use the picture of the other side of this pussy destroying monster so your image folder can suck a bit less dick, faggot).
I didn't know Veeky Forums was just openly welcoming 13 year old boys onto this board. Clearly that's what I'm dealing with since none of you limp-dick nose-pickers have ever heard of the 1992 geo tracker, the official car of Veeky Forums.
And to think having an imposter show you would have gotten the message across.
Step aside, peasants.
All hail the king.
meme or autism?
well it's really sweet regardless
The car equivalent of a punchable face
Basically any bmw before the E36
Peugeot 406.
Veeky Forums, pretending old and cheap cars are Veeky Forums
>implying e36 isnt sexy as fuck
Irony aside how good is this car. I need a beater that I can drive around
Saw Alfa Romeo wagon today I was like fuggggggggg
I have one of these
the content is good
This comes at a very close second.
didn't realize there was so much samurai love on Veeky Forums. Pic related is my buddys
you do know its a meme tier ricer in eastern europe due to bring dirt cheap right? Every gopnik has it
Based user
COP from Training Day
so cute
*blocks your path*
None other. SR20 rips.
My ride. It's value has increased by 15.000 euros since I've owned it
You can delete this thread. The correct answer was posted yesterday.
move over normie