Why are these girls let into the fashion industry? Why is the whole world praising them?
They are objective plain and boring looking and are also really bad at walking on runways. They have nothing to offer, I even believe they give the brands a bad name too.
Jaxson Jackson
Same reason cunts love yeezys, Katy Perry's music is considered good by many, ugly Asian women are considered hot in white countries, Koreans are considered attractive and not subhumans by Chinese people under the age of 30 and thinspo is thought of as the best body type here despite all of you cunts being raging virgin girlboys.
The media presents them as hot and brands them as hot, making people think they should be hot. People love band wagoninng and boom we have the hadids being considered hot stuff.
Kendall however is a solid 7/10.
Elijah Lopez
>Kendall however is a solid 7/10. She is good looking, but not in model standards. She is a plain girl, the regular 7/10 you sometimes see on the streets but forget about the minute after. She can't even walk.
>The media presents them as hot and brands them as hot, making people think they should be hot But people who are actually interested in fashion doesn't like them. Every youtube clip about them has top comments with negative opinions. Gigi, Hadid and Kendall are only liked by little girls who watch the Kardashian show or listen to One Direction. Why is media and fashion still obsessing about them? Why not actually creed and highlight models that actually have potential? Why does brands still hire these girls?
It wasn't like this shit before, you wouldn't see Paris Hilton on a top tier fashion show
Jeremiah Howard
>Why are these girls let into the fashion industry nepotism and marketing
Connor Morales
>ugly Asian women are considered hot in white countries >media presents them as hot and brands them as hot, making people think they should be hot
Huh? Examples of this?
Kevin Robinson
gigi and bella's mother yolanda was a fairly high-profile model. that, along with the fact that their father is insanely rich and well-connected made it super easy for the hadid sisters to get shoed in. I think bella has been modelling since she was a kid and is legitimately the most skilled of the three (she fits that surfer girl look that's been popular since the late 90s). Kendall got though in by connections as well. bella is the one that gives me literal autism anger over her fame though because she's had extensive plastic surgery/breast enhancement and still can't be fucking bothered learning how to walk a runway properly
Hunter Lee
>only liked by little girls who watch the Kardashian show or listen to One Direction. Why is media and fashion still obsessing about them?
Fashion industry is run by gay men that are very much like adolescent girls. Being molested makes them effeminate and puts them in an arrested state of development to when they were first molested. Generally 11-14 years old.
Wyatt Thomas
>x person is "subhuman"
Fuck off, cunt.
Gabriel Bailey
I meant to say >gigi has been modelling since she was a kid
Logan Green
>marketing How? I seriously think luxury brands are more trash now.
>nepotism Sure, but why not give them modeling jobs at H&M or like Maybelline where they actually belong? Why win all these prizes for best modeling? Why label them as supermodels? This is a slap to the face for all the previous supermodels and all the hardworking ones now
Fashion is literally dying
>she's had extensive plastic surgery/breast enhancement Omg, I didn't even know this. This makes everything so much worse.
Evan Cook
her walk is making me so angry
Juan Morales
>How? They are all more than just models, they are reality and internet celebrities, having someone like that walk for you is free marketing on its own, magazines will cover them walking for certain brand. >Fashion is literally dying Oh please you are such a fucking drama queen. They are just models at the end of the day and fashion always has reflected the culture around, this is hardly even surprising and crying about death of fashion because of this kinda silly thing is just feeding the same culture and way of thinking that got them there in the first place. >This is a slap to the face for all the previous supermodels 'Supermodels' to begin with was ridiculous phenomena
Kayden Perry
I know right, imagine being a genetically blessed godsend and working your ass off and having some rich nunces with plastic surgery get all of the jobs and fronting shows
Cara Delevigne is another one, she comes from a long line of powerful men who married models and actresses and shit
Gabriel Foster
>they are reality and internet celebrities, having someone like that walk for you is free marketing on its own, magazines will cover them walking for certain brand. Yes, of course it is. But how can you get so low? They crossed the line. It was never like this before, as I said, you wouldn't see Paris Hilton representing Chanel. Fashion was luxurious before.
>Oh please you are such a fucking drama queen. It's true though, I don't say it's the absolute death but it's dying. It isn't the same as it was before. The Hadid sisters and Kendall are now the face of the fashion industry. It makes the brands trashy. They have changed the whole image of it. As I said, it was luxurious before. Soon they will have fat people walking down the runway or people like Kylie Jenner or Kim K...the purest form of trash. And the whole game will be ruined.
>'Supermodels' to begin with was ridiculous phenomena Why?
>imagine being a genetically blessed godsend and working your ass off and having some rich nunces with plastic surgery get all of the jobs and fronting shows I know, this is all so sad. I also miss the old way of discovery of models, now it feels like it's all about Instagram.
Jason Jackson
>But how can you get so low? How is it 'low', brands have been using celebrities as their marketing for ages, it's not new. > but it's dying This just makes you sound like you don't know shit about fashion. >Oh no, fashion is dying >said someone in every year in the past
>Why? They are just models in the end, someone who shows what the clothing looks like worn and in movement, of course they become celebrities and persons of interest as well so the whole 'supermodel' phenomena makes sense and it's again good marketing to have someone that big walk for you, but they are replaceable, getting cocky over being a model is embarrassing. And the actual 80s and 90s supermodel phenomena was ridiculous, they would just lie in the bed snorting cocaine not getting even up until they were paid enough. But really it was the fault of the people who wanted them so bad in the first place.
Liam Anderson
>How is it 'low', brands have been using celebrities as their marketing for ages, it's not new. They never got the same status in the fashion industry and they didn't win any prizes. Gigi Hadid won model of the year in 2016, she won over KARLIE.
>This just makes you sound like you don't know shit about fashion. I didn't know if I know much about fashion or not, I have been following and showed interest in it ever since I was a little kid though. I just follow fashion shows and read magazines. But isn't a bigger warning sign if ''normal'' people even start to recognize this bullshit?
>They are just models in the end, someone who shows what the clothing looks like worn and in movement. They are not just that. They are a big representation and they are what people associate brands and fashion with. There is a difference how they walk and what expression they are giving. If they were just some people who shows how clothing looks like, like it wouldn't matter who they are, then it wouldn't matter if they were beautiful or thin either. But it does, all of it matter.
Like you said, supermodels is also just about marketing. Everything in fashion is basically about marketing. But they did it the right way. Supermodels looked like goddesses, moved like goddesses and were extremely photogenic. When you would see Naomi in the runway you would think to yourself ''damn I want to wear that too!!'' cause everything on her looked absolutely gorgeous. You would admire them and their charisma and the clothing became suddenly so much better.
Now, they are marketing too. But they are taking the easy way. It puts down the top tier brands. Now it's just plain plastic surgery girls. You could argument that fashion is just about clothing, but models and their charisma contribute a lot to fashion. We care how the models look like. It's about what message and image they are giving.
Hunter Rivera
Subhuman with inferiority complex detected. Eat shit cunt. You obviously identify with being subhuman.
John Perry
Obviously I was talking about the majority, I never meant those who are in the know.
Also that Kendall comment agrees with my opinion so you're not really making any point. A 7/10 is a pretty woman, not an amazing one with wow factor (draws attention, commanding presence, those women that just attract all eyes in the room to them).
Anthony Barnes
>They are a big representation and they are what people associate brands and fashion with
which model represents rick
your grasp on the fashion industry is outdated and even then it reads like a mainstream interpretation of it
Jonathan Allen
This honestly. But I'm fucking annoyed that beautiful women are so rare in fashion these days.
I Saw three of the 7 hottest blondes I've seen in my life in retail.
Wyatt Ward
>Also that Kendall comment agrees with my opinion so you're not really making any point No, I'm a 7/10 and I wouldn't be a model even if I am skinny and have the height for it. There is a lot of attractive girls out there but they just don't have IT. Gigi Hadid is attractive too but she is definitely not model material.
>which model represents rick downsyndrome traps
>your grasp on the fashion industry is outdated and even then it reads like a mainstream interpretation of it explain why? then there is no reason to not have plastic surgery white trash plain looking and overweight becky from the corner to represent Versace then
that would be ~ modern ~
Chase Thompson
this man knows
kendall is ugly though
Mason Martin
not all azns are bad
Bentley Watson
i would fuck at least the blonde.
Jaxson Kelly
>she is definitely not model material The fashion industry disagrees Has it occurred to you that maybe it's you who is wrong
Adam Jenkins
>being this blind
Logan Brown
Fucking damn. I forgot how much young Naomi destroyed the runway. Absolutely stunning
Jack Gomez
>being this blind See, that's something someone could say about you pretty easily considering the fashion industry has clearly adopted these girls already. You refuse to accept change.
Kevin Martin
yes they are. and they stink
Jonathan Evans
Lol I have genuinely no idea who these girls are
Gabriel Carter
>t. 13 year old girl who is obsessive with the kardashians and doesn't know anything about fashion or modeling
Zachary Robinson
Both of the Hadid girls ugly. Gigi looks like a middle-aged housewife, and Bella is just a horse face who's had a ton of plastic surgery and yet still isn't attractive.