old is gone.
so Veeky Forums, WAYWT?
Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I give up
morning boys
Cool but I've always thought those kinda shoes look elflike and weird
Sorry the lighting isn't very good
Do u have polio :/
Haha no but I totally get why you'd say that, i'm just standing weird. I should of checked the picture properly before posting it.
>should of
Nice mullet.
shoes look petty cheap and shitty
otherwise really good
they're my Yohji derbies I've been wearing for like 2 years ): I will wear them into the ground and then get new ones
Get guidis next time
I've got some, they're great. I'll get black ones soon
also thanks guys
the boots look weird here but i promise its the angle
what i can see looks good
the texture on that shirt is a1
the mullet is comin back
Dye them!!!!
They will eventually fade but they look really good in the mean time
I'm going with a candy core outfit today what we think ladies
i'm not a lady but wew kys bud
I'm sure the whole fit being garbage is just the angle too
Looking pretty dope my dude
Your legs look disgusting in this pic.
Sloppy and cheap
i dunno what the heck is up with this weather
uncuff those pants boy
I thought cuffed pants were meant to be fashionable senpai?
No. Cuffed pants are only for manequin/promo shots for online stores to display the shoe properly.
It looks retarded in real life.
im not that mean person before me, they look fine when executed perfectly and these are not
By perfectly do you mean symmetrical?
w2c jacket?
you posted this last time what jeans are these
do you go to nyu
go back to le.ddit you unoriginal faggot. stop copying our trends for the gratification of plebs
you shouldnt smoke
Nice floaties
weird jacket
I like to hop on Veeky Forums and just fucking laugh. Can't believe you ppl leave your house looking like this.
you aren't really doing justice to that jacket
Fight me.
I think it would probably look cleaner if I tucked the shirt into the pants, and the pic doesn't really show the color of the pants, which look more brown. Idk if that would help the 'cleanliness' of the fit, but whatev. I can't argue that it's not cheap.
gonna get these pants tapered tomorrow
h&m yohji ripoff - looks much better in natural light
shirt looks like a renaissance fair tunic but i'm digging it
the top doesn't match the bottom in terms of style, try to break out of the black pants/boots combo
classic rick
do your cuffs properly (they shouldn't look like donuts), the rest is good
why didn't you buy real Yohji?
> looks much better in natural light
I doubt it
are these fits considered boring or why aren't they getting any love? good fits but nothing new?
Really cool. That jacket is the Thing. What's it?
i'm a poorfag
the black color hides imperfections & the skirt has a lot of movement so it draws the eye
you look like my hs crush
w2c sweater
yeah, its tacky as fuck (the pattern is in velvet) but I guess that's the appeal
>our trends
shut the fuck up
pants are too thin
you heard it here first folks, a classic reebok sneaker is a Veeky Forums original trend!
levi 511s i altered
scarf emoj
is that the cdg armour suit?
give me honest criticisms of my outfit, lads
Nay, it's a Number (N)ine hybrid jacket from aw05
this is garbage m8 your usual fits aren't half bad but cmon you are better than this
I dig it
hey i have those shoes
Native Americancore hard af bro
you look like a slimmer abroadin japan
Not you
Nope sorry.
Fix your feet ho
what is that top looks great
thanks - I thrifted it, but the brand (Bojo) doesnt seem to exist any more
>renaissance fair
w2c top
Fucking with this. Like the ramones in this
Just kill me, senpai.
w2c everything shirt, pants, shoes
mainly shoes
shirt and pants are thrift, shoes are onitsuka tiger DUALIOs
reminds me of ader error in a good way
socks + sandals are cool but that red doesn't really work with the all black fit
pretty good, more interesting top could help it tho
lose the graphic tee and stand up so we can see the fit better
>all those browns with clashing undertones
commit sodoku baka
the pants are green
no u
i love your fits, does you (or anyone else) have your old fits?
are you back mamadod?
ill love you forever
I just want to point out that this is the first time in a long time that /waywt/ didn't start out absolutely badly. I rather like what you two did, for what you've done.
This is actually one of the better ones so far.
Come back next thread and your comment will in all likelihood be more relevant.
even tho i fucked up the picture for the 100th time lmao
xtra shitty pic jus 4 u
nice my dude
idk what those other guys are on about, shoes are great
(((the j a c k e t)))
>throwing every black piece you own together + stealing your mom's coat: the look
dumb trollpost
thanks but i cant be bothered to collect them
you should tho