What clothes will make me look older?
I'm unbelievably skinny, and I have a kid face.
Please help, it's very very annoying, especially knowing I'm 22.
What clothes will make me look older?
I'm unbelievably skinny, and I have a kid face.
Please help, it's very very annoying, especially knowing I'm 22.
Other urls found in this thread:
gain weight
if you have a baby face there's not really anything you can do in terms of clothes unless you're dressing like a teenager
if you're a male, lift. get wider shoulders, tone your muscles. You already have low bodyfat, you're halfway there. Don't bulk, its shit for effay.
90% of looking older is getting clothes that fit. if you try to wear effay clothes that don't fit, youll look dadcore and like a fucking jackass kid who got into daddys wardrobe.
Cut your hair short. Light fade on the sides, longer on top. Style it, don't be a faggot who lets his hair hang.
Shave your fucking face if you can't grow good facial hair. If you don't you'll look like a prepube trying to look older.
Oxford cloth shirts, slim fit. learn to tailor if your body is oddly shaped. Roll up sleeves below elbow. don't let them hang there, make them wrap your forearms. Work forearms when lifting, they're one of the only muscles that show when properly clothed.
invest in some oxford shoes. I like wingtips for an intricate look, whole cut for a simple.
don't wear light blue jeans, dark colours only.
get a watch. Match it with a belt if it's leather, silver works with almost anything. Gold is a bit overdone unless you know how to match it.
Thanks a lot for the sound advice, didn't expect it to be so quick.
no problem bro. I dealt with this problem, I know all about it. I'm 20, can EASILY look 15 if I stop wearing fitted clothes, faking my jaw (i do some weird shit with it to make it look normal because it's fucked), matching correctly, etc.
Not OP but I'm fairly new to this board so excuse me, but why are you tripfagging?
Because i'm treated like shit by older people. I know from experience, it's not just an impression. Looking older when you're young is a blessing.
Use shirts, they make you look serious about your shit. I'd also recommend getting wider shoulders, it is not that difficult if you're committed.
Baby face can be harsh but it should change if you start smoking or do anything that might change your appearance (1 year of football and 3 of social smoking helped a lot)
Why not go to the rave wearing a shirt with a ripped off midrift that says TEEN on it and try to get pounded by all the fuzzy berghain bears. ;)
Im almost 23 and people still treat me like a 16 year old boy.
>be in interview
>'wtf user do you have parents permit to work'
>dont get hired
Its nice from other fronts tho, kids want to hang with you and you're still part 'of them'. Nice to bang 19 year old ass too.
It's the fucking worst really.
there isn't much you can do but be more confident . learn how to handle yourself around condescending people and forget about the age factor.
you don't have to look young to 'bang 19 year old ass' lmao
girls love older dudes
just have terrible genes and go bald dude, im 20 and look 32 at best
That's a good thing, believe me. In my experience, personnality correlates heavily in looks and you'll get much more trusted if you look older, you'll also have your shit together before your peers.
>reverse image search
>Best guess for this image: Jewish people
Don't start smoking just to look older/cooler
Idiot. Others' behaviour toward one depends on their perception of one. Both youth and old age can have advantages and disadvantages. You should maybe read some books or try to develop the ability to think independently before you put on a trip and try to school everyone around you.
don't sweat it. you'll probably be thankful for this when you get older.
I know, but i dont like girls ;^)
Plot twist
I'm 24 and people still think I am 19 or younger. Dressing "older" doesn't do shit. Just embrace it
I'm 19, regularly people think I'm about 24 because I look like I'm 30 but go to uni. I've got a buzzcut but have a receding hairline and the ability to grow fairly good facial hair. If you can grow facial hair and it looks good, you will look older. I was served alcohol in restaurants when I was 17 because of this (in the US too). Carry yourself with some confidence. I can spot people that are young freshmen here at my college because they tend to look uncomfortable. Agree with the watch that user above said. I wear either one of my Seikos or my great-grandfather's Omega Seamaster. Wearing a watch in general makes you look more mature, unless its some garbage fossil watch you asked your parents for christmas when you were 15. Dress maturely. This doesnt mean dad-like or a suit everyday, just simple clothes that fit well, like most other people have said.
Lastly, don't worry about looking young for now. I worked with young kids (8-10) this summer and sometimes people would think I'm their father. It kind of sucks, but I rarely get carded for alcohol or bars/clubs. Look youthful for as long as you can, but if you want to look more mature, thats different, most advice here is solid.
hi guys, i'm not OP but i've kind of got a similar issue where i'm a bit too young-looking and ugly
i've performed (busked) on the streets to moderate success but a guy that i compete with rakes in $200+/hr regularly. he's very attractive in a pretty standard way, with a HY and skinny jeans and everything––and i wouldn't say his act is much better or worse than mine.
basically, what i'm asking is, what can i do to look better/good/attractive/like an actual musician? i'm thinking of wearing workwear + chelseas but i dunno man
and yeah i get a lot of "are you gerard way/elliot rodgers/maisie williams"-es
>I'm 22
you aren't 'older', why would you want to look old?
are you a grill?
you can't.
you look freakish at first sight.
looking at this again and again, you grow on me, but you are definitely underwhelming and nothing but your talent will carry you
give us a vocaroo and we'll /really/ tell you how fucked you are
not a vocaroo but i was ceebs recording something new (shoutouts my mum at the end)
struggling with writing and talent is a whole new thing, but i JUST quit my job yesterday and i'm forcing myself to busk and sing covers to make a living for a while––so i still need to have a "look" and all that superficial stuff
Good: Your singing voice sounds nice, so regular voice is probably cool and alright
Bad: Your huge brow made its appearance and assures you're probably actually uglier than the pics suggested
Consider a headband of some sort. But I don't really know how to alleviate your face.
wow, thanks for the swift response senpai. i've currently exhausted the ideas of short hair, bleach blonde hair, plucked brows, and man bun but headband sounds like a doozy
perhaps some sort of surgery to move the hair on the back of my neck to my chin so i could grow a beard? whatever, haha - thanks for the help and opinions dude, i always appreciate honesty
No problem. Your idea might be worth pursuing if it isn't too expensive. Get someone to photoshop on a light artist/bohemian beard/goatee beforehand though.
In fact, photoshop might be a tool to help you find the answer in general.
literally a y y l m a o
ya i'd like to take a family photo with these guys
whats wrong with white people
as long as someone is unironically attracted to anya taylor joy, i'll take my chances in this life
First 5 are weird attractive tho
Maise or whatever she's called is more of your alley
You're dumb.
I got a mini crush on her after watching Split and Witch
You are so fucking annoying. No one thinks your intelligent and you know deep down that you aren't so stop posting you pseudo-intellectual fuck
stop posting any time, faggot
pluck your disgusting unibrow
clean the grease from your face
lose some weight
bam, you can now model assuming you're not 4 feet tall
you look like hunter hunt hendrix
start a black metal band and see where it goes
same boat as u OP except I'm 25. I fucking dread every damn time I meet new people wherever and the inevitable, "how old are you?" comes up. probably because I confuse them as I look younger but act more mature/well-spoken etc.
I tell them and they always have the "OH! Lol! oh my! Well I thought you were like 19! haha! wew lad!"
its annoying as shit. especially cause I don't wanna be that creepy older dude who acts like he's a teenager for high school pussy
its really crazy. looking like a high schooler but my mind is a full fledged adult. definitely some dissonance going on there.
see, now i always thought i should keep the brows as close together as possible to mitigate the distance between the eyes, but you've made an astute observation there, buddy
he looks like bill hader to me
you are entirely correct on this one, anyone who disagrees with this sentiment probably wants to be treated as more than they are.
this thread is essentially a toddler putting on daddy's trousers and wanting to feel like a man.
If you're a girl dress like a slut if you're a guy grow a beard
workwear-y kind of stuff will do you well btw, if you can pull it off. shirts instead of tees and boots instead of sneakers tends to make people seem older
No, I am pretty sure that you are dumb.
Harry was so cute
To bad he's a skinnyfat air head now
He probably has a kid face because he is skinnyfat and has shitty facial structure.
Nothing will compare to Lachowski
I would just advise him to get a bigger more muscular body
You have weird wide set ees. Creepy a fuck. Honestly, just lift weights and lose bodyfat percentage. get a bigger body
nah his 2015-2016 style with long hair is my personal GOAT, i just wish i could pull it off like him
also i'm pretty sure he's always been wearing makeup outside, which is pretty relatable and cool
looking bloated, acne ridden and kicking it with a solid 6/10. fuck me
eh i'd put alexa chung at an 8 or 9, i don't even think she's THAT bad without makeup, compared to most girls. not to white-knight my boy harry either but acne at age 19 makes him pretty human :)
but idk man, i guess it's all subjective
Because he/she is an annoying attention whore who thinks their shitty Veeky Forums personality is somehow worth abandoning the gift of anonimity for.
he has cool ass tattoos
look at those chinese genes
how can white women even compete?
she looks really inbreed
Name or sauce on this specimen. Dressing older does not make u older. Its ur action and personality that determines ur maturity. Just do ur thing op
a small price to pay for having the purest han lineage this side of 陰莖鎮
>Looking older when you're young is a blessing
for men yes, for women no
Is height really THAT important?
I'm a bit over 6'0" and I look mediocre. I'll be fucked if I ever get anything positive from it.
>27 years old
>new company
>new coworkers guessing my age
>guesses range anywhere from 17-22.
They still treat me the same before and after I tell them my real age. If you dress appropriately (not necessarily Veeky Forums), and behave with politeness, strength and integrity they will reciprocate. If they don't, you avoid them and find people who will. Age is not a valid complaint.
Some people give you shit for one thing, some give you shit for another. This is life. You dealt with it in primary school and you will deal with it in your retirement home.
>girls love older dudes
like 5 years max though
when i was in high school, i knew a girl who was 16 and going out with a 23 year old man
it was weird
meme Chief Keef, look at him he is 21 yo and he looks like 40 because of lean abuse.
lachowski looks 16. the op is trying to look older
he looked completely different just 5 years ago
it looks like his face got longer
Goddamn, if i looked that much older i'd kms
Shit, how did he do it?
Go to the gym
honestly I get told I act and look a lot older than I am at work all the time. Some tips i can personally give would be Posture, eye contact. I think wearing a watch might help out, I wear one but im not sure if it has any real influence. Also being respectful and in general how you talk will have a much larger influence on how people will receive you rather than dressing well. But staying away from anything flashy and going for more timeless looks will also help you out. IE collared shirts, A nice leather jacket, leather belt, and an unoffensive undershirt. NOT necessarily dress shoes or boat shoes but not sneakers either.
>pic semi related
God, I love Yohji Yamamoto!
Purple drank
Historically true advice is ALWAYS to dress your age, no matter what.
Older people wearing clothes to look younger look bad. Young people wearing clothes aren't suited to their age look equally.
Basically you try to dress older than you are it will only draw attention to how young you look. Whatever style you chose to look more mature should be contemporary to you age group.
Cool, now give advise for dressing in every age group
Nobody has defined what 'dressing like a youth', 'dressing like an adult' means
>nice leather jacket
>that fucking abomination
W2c shirt
>tfw have the worst features of age and youth at the same time
Bald + baby face
Am I beyond hope, Veeky Forums
>Bald + baby face
That must be hell.
Genetics really did a number on you, user.
you know guys, these sunglasses arrived today and i put them on and, to be honest guys, i felt pretty confident in my look, because i've been looking at it my whole life––i can get pretty depressed and insecure when people react poorly to my face but deep down, there's a voice that's saying "fuck you, you're wrong, fuck you, i'm right" in everybody. i'd like to spread the message of self-love and self-respect!
nah i used to lift weights, it's a huge waste of time, my body goal is now harry styles and he's just a bit skinnyfat
t-shirt is fake aliexpress ($6)
hawaiian shirt is fake tommy bahama from aliexpress ($40)
sunglasses are fakes from aliexpress ($4)