Ideal height for thinspo look?

Sadly, i'm 5'3 and i've always wanted to be at least 5'7. Life seems so much easier when you're taller plus weight loss isn't as much as a struggle at a bigger height. ie. I look like an ape at 145 lbs. but on a 5'7 girl or higher they might be a fucking size 4/2.

I'm a girl at 5'8 and being tall isn't that fun but if does have the fashion perks. I'm skinny and I have long legs etc

So basically you have the perks of people thinking you're attractive, skinny and pretty. And you're telling me that it isn't fun?

>plus weight loss isn't as much as a struggle at a bigger height

dumbest comment of the week award goes to...

5'8" is not tall whatsoever for a girl. im in a tall family and my sisters are each 5'10"/5'11"

>5'8" is not tall whatsoever for a girl
yes, it is when the average height for females is 5'4"

>things womanlets tell themselves to cope

It seems like I find all the short guys and they get self conscious about their height around me lol
It's pretty above average but not like a giant

lmao 5'8" is barely above average, you're not special

1. stop making attention whoring IM A GIRL XD threads
2. post in generals

you're fat because you have no self control, not because you're short

stop whining and lose weight. it's true you'll never be a leggy goddess but at least you won't look like a toad

kek. when will stumpy womanlets learn?

How the fuck am I attention whoring???
This is Veeky Forums. I would say you're a faggot gay man for being on this board.

As if i want to be a muscular dyke. Nice try Emma Goldstein.

But you look thinner at a higher height with the same weight compared to a shorter person faggot. That's what i'm getting at.

>omg Veeky Forums I'm like sooooo fat like I wish I was tall cuz then I wouldn't be disgustingly fat XD

fuck off with your blogposting, fatass

yeah and if you were an elephant you'd be super small

absolute retard logic, only a hamplanet could rationalize her weight this way. it's not like you shrunk from tall to short overnight and kept all your weight. you're fat now because you eat like a pig and don't exercise. it's that simple.

I'm 5'10 and although I can eat more than a smaller woman, it's relative to the size of me. And so I think a lot of this is all relative if you're thinking about weight loss etc. it isn't easier for me to lose weight.

Being tall can be shitty at times because I admire petite women and would like to have a smaller frame (I have giant hips) so even though I can be skinny I still feel large compared to most women. Also I am taller than a lot of men and so it makes me less approachable.

Being all sucks. People, assume you're a guy from behind if you're not dressed up

Still sad you're a faggot huh? At least I can change my weight. You get to stay a faggot for life.

I am bettering myself Jezebel. Jez I come on here asking for help and I get faggots being angry lol. So much for the hitler youth meme.

What? Maybe if you are 6'3. But even then the girls I personally know that height (I play basketball) clearly look nothing like men. Does not matter from which angle you look at them.

>5'8" is not tall whatsoever for a girl. im in a tall family and my sisters are each 5'10"/5'11"

OK, so you're telling us that how tall your sisters are is a better standard for measuring the average height of women... as opposed to looking up what the average height of women is

that's what your fucking telling us?

Can all you bitches bragging about how thin tall and attractive you are post some pics? Fucking useless thread gimme some jackoff material ffs

>6'4" isn't tall at all my favorite basketball player is 6'10"

no one gives a fuck about your family

5'8 is tall for a girl, your 5'11 sisters are freak zone tall

>5'8" is not tall whatsoever for a girl

>im in a tall family

So you're just used to see tall people.

Are you retarded?

>tfw 5'6" and want a tall gf but don't know if they're down with that

My brother is my height and has a tall blonde girlfriend, they're very happy with eachother.

5'7 145lb for a female is still gross and fat

i weigh that much as a 6ft male and am not even skinny

if they are shorter than you and they are 5'8 then they are short to everyone else that matters

yeah you are skinny. 145lbs on a 5'7" girl is fat though.

I don't mind at all, its all about the guys confidence

145 lbs at 5'7 on a female is still pretty fat

t. 105 lb 5'7 male, if i was 145 lbs i'd feel so fucking gross

I'm 5'5" and ~115lbs and it's perfect. Lose weight you fucking landwhale

bro you must be pretty skelly
I'm 5'8 and 120 and I'm considered underweight

>tfw 4'11"
Lucky bitches who made it to 5


4'10 over here usually 90-97 lbs op you just need to really change your diet and be more active

>tfw 5'7" 105 lbs
>tfw guy

do i end it

holy shit lmao

6' masterrace or bust.

but do you have a cute little trap butt?

tiny girls are cute

if you're a guy then i'm so sorry

short girls with fat asses are my fetish

Being short is great for me. It's cute and feminine to be short if you're a woman, and easier to find clothes.

That's why you just go down to a lower weight duh. When you're short you can afford to weigh less.

They're just skinnyfat butterfaces that crave validation.

No just eat more.

6'7; tailoring my own loose comfy clothing. Can't wait until summer.

girl. i'm 5 feet even. 88lbs currently
i don't look that short cuz i'm thin but uh the key is being thin
i used to be fat too um stop complaining and stop eating lolz

you /can/ change your weight, but admit user, you're not going to.

also with your misunderstanding about what 145 looks like on a 5'7" girl, i'm gonna wager you're a lot heavier than you say you are

>ITT: whatever heigh i am

fuck you. i'm 5'11" and fat and it's the biggest load of bullshit i've ever dealt with. at least at your height, you can be chubby and cute. but at mine i'm just massive.

>6'3 is not tall for a guy
>my brothers are 6'8

You're 5'3" and 145 and want to go for thinspo? I'm 5'3" 120 and I thought I was fat, guess I was wrong

If you're trying to achieve thinspo, it all depends on your frame size and body. I'm also 5'3 but I have a large pear frame. My lowest was 100 and I looked like absolute shit. At 120 I looked pretty damn good. 105-110 is the lowest I can go without looking like a crack head. Point is: thinspo isn't everything. Lose some body fat and find a weight comfy for you. Anything is better than fat. And that goes for people of all heights.

you don't "look" thinner, you actually ARE thinner.. jesus what kind of a retarded logic you have lmao, why not just say that its not fair a man the same weight as you looks thinner because he has muscles and larger bones lmao

you can always lose weight but femlets will be femlets for life, there is nothing I can do about my disgusting stubby legs