honestly Veeky Forums
is this plausible? her ig is nothing but her "eating" super calorie-dense food. how? is she lying to us?
Honestly Veeky Forums
she looks like the type of person that dies a little when people don't acknowledge her in real life
with exercise and controlled dieting, sure.
Skinny faggots like to say "woah dude lol i ate like a fucking half a pizza and drank an entire milkshake today and THEN I totally had a big mac bro" and then talk about how they can't gain weight because they're retarded
>Skinny faggots like to say "woah dude lol i ate like a fucking half a pizza and drank an entire milkshake today and THEN I totally had a big mac bro" and then talk about how they can't gain weight because they're retarded
Educate me please because I am in that mindset.
>half a pizza
I see the problem here.
It's just young metabolism combined with increased fitness levels. People who tend to say that are teenagers or very young adults who are outside walking frequently, or had a childhood with diet carefully monitored. Unless it's a medical condition, typically that effect will wear off when age slows down the metabolism and a largely stationary job cuts down on former levels of exercise. I've seen it happen all too frequently.
>is she lying to us?
of course
>bro-science and anecdotal evidence
Veeky Forums loves to repeat this like a mantra but some people can actually eat more than others and be skinny still.
Reasons for lack of weight gain: the portions they're eating are smaller than they think. They have a good diet at home and only eat large quantities of junk food maybe once a week, and because they're already thin the calories don't have a drastic effect. They exercise a lot and burn off all the extra calories they eat. They have parasites.
This article might help explain her diet.
she exercises
I guess it's plausible since she probably exercises a decent amount considering her body.
But unless you didn't know, the meals and desserts she posts on her Instagram are actually advertisements for the restaurants and other food joints that she mentions in every single one of these pictures. She's an Instagram model after all. I doubt she eats them all.
>Veeky Forums loves to repeat this like a mantra but some people can actually eat more than others and be skinny still.
No shit asshole. Some people move around more than others. Fuckhead.
have you even looked at her ig?? shes also doing cardio constantly lmao
>some people can completely ignore the laws of thermodynamics.
how boring is her life
wake up
work out
wear some bait streetwear item and photograph yourself
work out again
photograph yourself working out
be interviewed by hypebeast for being a "female leader", or something, where you talk about photographing yourself and working out
change into some different bait streetwear
walk around soho until dusk photographing yourself
work out
go to bed, busy day tomorrow
I don't really understand why she's popular or considered pretty. Every fucking taobao store has a million screenshots of Instagram photos with her in it wearing some logoed item. She looks like a generic not-black woman with access to the internet and is completely unremarkable outside if the gigantic circlejerk around her.
yea she should be jerking off to hentai and posting on a mongolian ping pong board like me
yeah but show me an actual interesting instagram thot, they don't exist
actual modelling is a job like any other and you put time into it and then you can do other stuff when you aren't working, so runway models have personalities and interests and shit like that
instagram figures literally never get a break because their whole career is in the palm of their hand or their pocket or whatever and every day that they don't post they lose money and attention, so they legit have to think through the vector of social media at all times. they probably dream about notifications and shit like that
i would never ever want to be a "brand" or whatever these people are, where you just like do x activity to be photographed, stand with the pizza you didn't eat looking hot and then go and pretend to be doing another thing. where's your time for yourself? how can you give yourself to hordes of weirdos and not even have a product? being famous for doing something is one thing, because then all your social media bullshit is secondary, like leather being a byproduct of the meat industry. it makes me depressed thinking about it
That food might be unhealthy and whatever but just that alone still isn't that many calories over a whole day
not understanding how metabolism works.
You're fucking retarded, read about nutrition and weight gain/loss before giving misleading information.
i genuinely think peanuts trump calories in/calories out
i have binged on what must have been at least 2000 calories of mixed nuts, and i shit it out immediately. i think calories in/calories out isn't a hard and fast rule
>Theta Chi nice guy
not that hard lads
I've always had a very small appetite so although I constantly eat unhealthily and drink can after can of coca-cola all day I stay super-skinny and borderline underweight (as long as I don't snack between meals at least).
Crohns disease might be keeping me skinnier than most but I was underweight even bofore I developed crohns(at one point it made me 92lbs at 5'5 but overall it made me fatter because having a nutritionist meant I never fell below minimun healthy weight).
I know non-bio stem fags love to approximate the human body to an instantaneous bomb calorimeter but did you know the process of digestion, energy expenditure and storage involves complex systems of hormonal control that can vary widely between individuals?
I just skimmed through and didn't read every gay post word-for-word, but - and get this - what if
> takes photo
> eats
> doesn't eat much through the day
Calories in, calories out. The reason Jenny Craig or whatever the fuck brags about "eat all your favourite delicious foods like chocolate mousse cake" or whatever the fuck is 'cause you can, as long as you don't exceed your TDEE. Wow, so amazing
She has the same expression on her face in every picture. Not a very good model, just pretty.
She looks like Kuvira from LOK
kek, this desu
Asians have magic powers when it comes to food, but in all seriousness you can have fancy calorie dense meals if you fast all day.
2000 calorie meal= three 633 calorie meals
How does an asian have such bushy eyebrows?
By being mixed-race.
>you torture yourself with DIET and EXERCISING while CHAD eats pizza and stay skinny
That's not torture desu.
I doubt she eats all of it user