Is there any benefit to wearing anime graphic tees with an outfit?

is there any benefit to wearing anime graphic tees with an outfit?
do they ever attract conversation?

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A friend of mine was wearing this shirt and ended up sleeping with a girl because of it. We refer to the incident as 'that time he lost his glasses' because he left his glasses at her house and didn't have any spares or contact info.


IMO it should be subtle, like this. Otherwise you will look like a neet/n3rd/manchild.

I own this shirt.

The only people who've ever commented on it are other nerds who try to feel superior to me by mocking me over it.



It MUST be high quality, dont go for some shitty paper thick printing.

Definitly choose anime merch that isnt mainstream shit, ie attack on titan, toyko ghoul.

And dont look like a manlet.

Follow these and you should be alright. If you want people to recognize then you need to be around people who also watch anime. A library might be a good place to start.

Also I like this, source user?

The only conversation I had with any of my coworkers at my last job was on my last day, and it was because I was wearing an anime shirt and one of them noticed when they came to say bye.

They're lame cause it's just unsubtly broadcasting this point of "HEY LOOK AT HOW INTERESTING I AM I LIKE THIS THING." It always tends to be really shallow, like people who wear other "nerd culture" shit like Bazinga shirts or generic superhero stuff. If you dislike that, why would anime shirts be any better? "Powerlevel hiding" shit is even worse, because there's this smugness on top of it. There are a lot of implications that pop up in my mind when I see people wearing shit like his, most are bad. To draw attention to yourself and establish this vague identity rooted in some "obscure" subculture tends to come off as disingenuous. But hey, that's just my opinion and my personal style.

The only exception I can see is if it's hard to find merch/collectable stuff (which you probably shouldn't be wearing to preserve?). If you're really into it, like say a certain band, it's cool to fly, but in that case there's a difference between getting shirts from a local show and just picking up a piece of shit from Hot Topic (and guess who also sells anime shirts?). At best the average person won't care, but for other fans, it can come off as tryhard/showoffy, like you're a poser. If you want to take that risk or don't care then go for it I guess. I don't see the point in opening that can of worms, most of these shirts fit/look like shit anyway.

Outside of anime cons they tend to not elicit any positive attention, except from people you probably don't want to talk to to begin with.

See. This is essentializes what you shouldn't do. Shit like this and OP are gay as fuck; Geek Chic 2.0. It's played out, loud, obnoxious, and embarrassing. You deserve to be mocked for wearing a lame meme shirt that isn't even merch of an actual series as far as I can tell. Absolute niwaka/oblivious weeb territory, ironic or otherwise.

Its just a shirt

where would one get high quality anime shirts?



>autisim: the post

...but they're sold out??


You can wear anything if you're attractive/fit.
Keep it simple.

Nah. It's never "just a shirt" when someone goes out of their way to buy something with a particular graphic or brand on it. Like a person who went and grabbed a Che Guevara shirt when it was hot, it communicates a particular ideology/mindset around consumption. If someone wants to wear something, that's their own business, but they should be aware of their intentions and be willing to accept criticism. I call it as I see it. If it was "just a shirt" OP wouldn't have such a question.

The choice to also not buy something with graphics on it also tells people about your ideologies.

Uniqlo puts them out occasionally. Listen Flavor as well if you're into that style.

Its in the file name guys

Found it on some archived Veeky Forums website. Looks fucking dope. All sold out though, and shipping costs as much as the shirt. Which, I mean, I wouldnt mind paying 50 bucks..

What does that communicate?
Just curious, because I don't buy clothes with graphics.

i wore this shirt and i got asked all day what it was from
fuckin annoying haven't worn it since

>Which, I mean, I wouldnt mind paying 50 bucks..
stop shilling you faggot

Lmaooo wait wait wait. What's going on here. I'm out of the loop user. Is this a well known brand?

Sure. But I think avoiding obnoxious and overt branding and labels speaks much better to a person's character than otherwise, precisely because it doesn't claim much. It's understated and because of that, it's powerful. It implies that you don't need your clothes to compensate for a lack of identity On the flipside, it might be considered "boring," but I think there's a reason why graphic tees are associated with teenagers. There's really nothing special about a person's media or clothing brand tastes and thinking so comes off as immature and egocentric.

If you rock an anime shirt, you open the door for criticism and scrutiny. If you can handle that then by all means, wear it, but I think it's needless and if a person is asking on here if it's acceptable, they clearly care about how it'll be perceived. If you care that much, just avoid it. Be like the majority of fans who are able to enjoy something without having to broadcast it to everyone. Showing everyone you're hip to the skip and know about the beaten-to-death "waifu" meme doesn't impress anyone. gets well-deserved mockery, but looking at his post he probably gets super defensive when his shirt (and thus identity) is challenged. It's rather silly.

Fuck you for real.

This brand has been posted in every single graphic shirt thread in the past few months. It's always the Asuka shirt too, trying to hook idiot weebs into buying a "cool" anime shirt. I saw shop with asian stereotypes doing the same shit months back, again with shitty "cool" anime shirts with some stolen graphics.

Not shilling but showing an example
I do like this shirt though

Huh. I see. Yeah I get how it could be annoying, especially if that's the backstory of the shirt/people who post it. I do kinda like it though. Thanks for the explanation user

My years on Veeky Forums and running into all the people trying to guerilla market their shit has made me suspicious of pretty much anything that I see more than once or twice, particularly for clothing and music, and especially when it's repeatedly posted like someone just "discovered" it, or posted without link, followed up by the usual pattern of "w2c"/"wow this is cool what brand"/etc.

This spam campaign is really annoying because it's not subtle at all (seriously, practically every single thread) and while I get that a lot of the "interest" is likely samefagging, people are still obviously falling for it. Tactics like this don't deserve to be rewarded.

Yeah, it starts conversations like "What are you a fag?"