Is there even just one pair of these for sale on the internet?
I can't find these motherfuckers anywhere. Not even for super high prices.
Is there even just one pair of these for sale on the internet?
I can't find these motherfuckers anywhere. Not even for super high prices.
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Grailed lol
maybe I'm naive, but Im struggling to envision a place that these would be acceptable to wear.
There is no reason to purchase these outlandishly expensive and impractical shoes
they allow you to dunk without previous training
you mean chuck taylor all-stars.
Rick is for runway ninja fagsticks
How come rick never made 3rd revision geos? He's stuck with that second design for a fairly long time.
because he's a shitty designer with unidentifiable vision.
Tried it
Nothing on there
fuck off
did you even try?
cmon man
Shit I must have missed those on the bottom left.
Can I get a link? If not then can you tell me how far you scrolled down to find those?
literally not even 10 seconds
I just realized it's because I searched for "Geobaskets" instead of "Dunks". Didn't realize they were called that and weren't just a type of Geos.
>open grailed
>Market: Grailed, Hyped, Basics
>Category: Hightop Sneakers
>Designer: Rick Owens
>Shoes Size: (enter shoe size)
>press Apply
>Click On Magnifying Glass Icon
>enter: Dunks
there ya go friend
Yo thanks bruh. Sorry for the slight moment of retardation
Ive seen one pair on grailed
It was really expensive though
what are those nikes? xd
No, because geo's were only supposed to be 1 design. The only reason he revised the dunks is that Nike threatened to sue
you care too much about what other people think
A new rendition of the geos would be really interesting, maybe even enough so to make me cop.
People hate on yeezys but will spend 3000 on a pair of crusty moonshoes
they can work surprisingly well if
1. The rest of the outfit is matching
2. you don't try to pass them off as being anything more than they are (i.e they're not dress shoes or shoes you wear to your great nan's funeral)
3. You're attractive and tall
Geos are far superior anyway. Reconsider