Cool rapper fashions


Other urls found in this thread:









Rick Ross



well i guess this counts





whats with you picking the worst photo possible for each rapper listed on here



might get mucho hate for this, but honestly the entirety of upper class Parisian ""fashion"" gets all its inspiration from the banlieue, and has a weird colonialist fetish for it. so here you go.

moreover i want them to raw me simultaneously in a basement but that's besides the point



also check out Jonathan Mannion's work, the real deal



You're right about banlieue's fashion spreading across the city and even the country. But what we consider as the upper class does not dress like this (sportswear for sports does not count)

right, absolutely, i was referring to the cool/rich kids, not the XVIe Jean-Charles & his pale blue polos



Holy shit cringe, it's like they're cosplaying some GTA type of game
