Hey Veeky Forums, i'm a fa/tg/uy trying to get my way going, so...

Hey Veeky Forums, i'm a fa/tg/uy trying to get my way going, so, i'm already getting Veeky Forums(i lost like 50 pounds on the last two or three months) and now i'm trying to learn how to dress myself without looking like a giant blank potato

lose the weight first, then go and spend lots on clothes, not only will it motivate you to loose all the weight, but also keep it down
we also didnt need photos of your putrid neckbeard familia

Just shave it all off, get some nice jeans and OCBDs.

Also get good shoes, maybe desert boots because when you are losing weight, your shoe size stays the same.

if you're looking for advice, I'd say drop the skinny jeans first and foremost. Try a pair of straight-leg jeans and get them tapered below the knee if you don't like the fit. Good on you for the weight-loss, by the way. 50lbs in 2-3 months is nuts. How'd you do it?

lose the rest of the weight shave the beard and keep the mustache.

loose the terrorist beard or grow a normal one, invest in some nice, simple shoes first
I'd say your pants are too slim, fat guys should generally avoid that since it makes their fat asses evident
don't buy too many clothes now or you'll have no use for them when you get more fit
think about which styles you like, then think if they'll make you look fucking moronic or not


Even thought 'wasting' money while getting fit isn't the best use for your money doing so will make you feel better.

So, user, get a few more sets, drop the skinny jeans, get some non blank shirts like lumbersexual bullshit(if you are into that).

But, for fuck sake, shave that neckbeard or try growing a full one

Everyone can look good on boots and lumberbullshit, you just need a few things to break your blob outline.

>No way to save the skinny? I really like those
I'm not even user but i agree, drop the skinny, you look like a street sign.

No way keeping the mustache, just when i get 40 them will think on that

Will drop the skinny, i have another pants already

>50lbs in 2-3 months is nuts. How'd you do it?
Running at least 1hour all days, execpt on sundays, also eating proprely

Im cursed my beard don't grow on full, will keep my face clean

OP is in the "not that fat" side of being fat, which is the worst desu. It's better to be fully fat that only a bit on the chubby side, because then you don't have to wear skinny people clothes and you can't pretend shit. People look at you and say you're just fiiiine, and you just know, as well as everyone, that you're fat.

EXACTLY, everything you said is just right

He is looing weight, ATT he's 113kg(1,84m height), and aiming for at least 90kg, which is about 50 more pounds to go on the next two months.

But yeah, i agree too user, OP, muh friend is on the wrost place possible, too skinny to dress like a fatman and yet to fat to dress like a "normal" doodie

>>This thread is allowed to exist

You've fallen so far Veeky Forums

No. This is a repellant ugly fat fuck.

So what's the question here ?

Cut your neck beard u look like you're gonna blow us up.

Already cutted it out

I have no style, wanna get one good for me, any suggestions?

>I have no style, wanna get one good for me, any suggestions?
just lurk more. what, are you gonna ask that question everytime you're gonna get dressed ? you have to know what you like. what do you like ?

smart casual is good if you just want to look like a serious adult, if that's not your cup of tea look around this board for some styles you like
never attempt anything even slightly risque until you're slim, try to get some more relaxed high/midwaisted pants (maybe chinos or something)
the typical newfag casual core is full Uniqlo, since they sell decent quality, inoffensive basics for cheap
try to limit your color palette to versatile colors for now, like navy, black, grey, white, khaki etc.

You've got two nice dresses in the back, show us what they look like on you.

>mfw this is sieg

>>>This thread is allowed to exist
>user needs help and guidance
>totally not Veeky Forums

Oh you really what to see?

He is fat as fuck, idiot.

nah, fat as fuck is when your belly is wider than your chest, like here

Not that user but i'm starting to like how Veeky Forums defines fat, fat fuck and big

I mean he is a fatass, just not what I'd call fat as fuck, more like "generic middle-aged man" fat

Wear baggy clothes. They make u seem fat by making it seem u look fat because of clothes but not because of your disgusting man fat,

I think beard looks alright for now but definitely shave it when you're at your goal weight, it doesn't cover your cheeks enough. Alternatively, you could just keep the mustache but you said you didn't want to do that.