Save up more than 50 thousand

>save up more than 50 thousand
>decide to invest for the first time
>lose it in a single day
I've already called the suicide hotline 3 times. I'm thinking about killing myself There is no going back from this.

What did you gamble I mean invest in goyim

go away iHaz

What in the lords name did you invest it all in?

wtf OP. you "invest" in relatively stable assets. i "trade". i also have been watching the markets for a long time and done a year of sim trading.

you don't just go all in with 50 grand in your first shot.

OP deserved this

Op confirmed for retard

Do you have enough money for a decent gun and some ammo? Go on a rampage bro, take out some niggers at least

So OP wtf did you invest in like an idiot without consulting the might Veeky Forums first?

>He "invested" it all in one penny stock thinking it'd hit $1 and he'd be a mad rich millionaire

>Company closed today.


Just press the back button on your browser. Voila, your money back.

How OP? Story?

This. More info or you are just baiting with a shitpost

I'm sorry but I think you are bluffing. How could you possibly turn 50 thousand into 0 in 24 hours? Did you invest it all in a single penny stock? OP tell us what you invested in.


>literally, physically, metaphorically, allegorically, spiritually put all his eggs in one basket

I'll lend you $50,000 at only 2,5%/week, you'll make it back in no time.

Is that 130% annum? Did I do that right? I want to get into payday loans, asset collections.

Once I lost a grand bc I bought weekly options by accident they were out of the money and I realized 1 day before they expired but still couldn't sell for anything. Feelsbanman.jpg and that was 1 grand not 50. I still think about an hero'ing over that faggotry. you must feel shitty. Pretend you spent it at a strip club if that helps.

No. That was just a stupid mistake. You have learned a valuable lesson. A 50k lesson!

At least you weren't leveraged 6x

>a single day
Jesus Christ I can't even imagine


You're a little late broham