I've been browsing Veeky Forums for 17 hours straight

And I have a question
Why are you guys fashionable?

Is it to look good? (Could it turn a 6/10 to a 7?)

Is it to feel good?

Is it to get girls?

Other urls found in this thread:


No. I do it for boys.

i just like it i guess

You like looking good?

I like looking good


>I've been browsing Veeky Forums for 17 hours straight
This is a slow board, how have you managed that?

It would take less than three hours to read all current posts on Veeky Forums.



Not at first, but more and more.

I guess.

I've always been creative and fashion is just another way to express myself. I don't do it for other people but compliments are nice.

I'm bad at creating art but I like design and color so clothing is a way I express that.

Also, anyone know the settings for this shot?

how have you been browsing for 17 hours this board is dead as hell

The way people dress is an indicator of their character - we just put more effort into it than most other people.
Unless of course, you're the sort of person who just wears whatever the current Veeky Forums uniform is.

Yes. I-don't-care-how-I-dress-core is actually fucking awful, it turns a 6/10 into a 4.5/10. In freshman year of high school all I wore ill-fitting dark-washed jeans, graphic tee shirts, and random Nikes my mommy bought me. I was blissfully unaware at the time but in hindsight I can't believe I actually just threw on the first two pieces of clothes I saw and left the house.

That kinda answers question two, when I'm wearing a good fit I feel a little more confident, but not that much. I don't really dress for anybody else; I live in LA where everyone dresses in streetwear or sags their pants so it's not like anyone around me is going to care about my gay all-black or palewave outfit.

Last one, no. Girls rarely comment on my clothes. Turns out, girls don't actually care about fashion. Chad dresses like shit.

I come here because I'm a tomboy MtF Transgender and high fashion tends to be a lot more unisex and I get to think about stuff to buy that might help me to pass better.

I just like to dress uniquely. I come here mostly to rage at the uncreative cowardly lot that populates this hell.

What style do you have?

for me fashion is a unique intersection of psychology and culture. anything new happening will manifest in fashion as much as art or music.

there is the irony of being unable to "not" be someone living in a society with cultural cues. you HAVE to be a character, so why not exert some control over it? mold others perception of you to your liking. everything signifies something

I like Veeky Forums as a board cause every other board on this website is really quite horrid. Fashion embraces both gender, and is broad in variety. So many styles to explore, so much culture and social contexts throughout history.

I like to dress nice because
a) it reflects my creativity outwardly
b) like-minded people will be drawn to me
c) I won't just mould into a crowd of people
d) I like the attention when I'm dressed nice and my appearance is well looked after.

It feels good because people think I look good, I guess. But I also never wear uncomfortable shit for the sake of looking good, either.

Not to get girls, but boys, yeah. If they comment on how I dress, they're worth my time.


>Is it to look good?
>Is it to feel good?
dese personally
the third one actually comes from it as well (for me at least) but it's not a reason why I dress the way I do

I'm a total loser, but brands make me feel my significance. I buy the feeling of significance, I buy the lifestyle, I buy the personality

>Every other board on his website is quite horrid
I can tell you've only ever seen /pol/ and /b/.

yeah, my version of good - the most important one
visual aesthetics are a language, we articulate few can spot each other from a crowd

to feel even better

girls are more interested in how clean/expensive your clothes are than what you're wearing - has no influence on how I dress

Interesting - also mtf here

Fucking ROCKS

delete this

i seriously love the guy who is making these posts

mw2 guy is literally my hero, i remember being rather disappointed because mw2 sucks and felt like punching a will - but he did it for me

smoking in the shed is pretty fucking effay
don't stop believing fellas
have cig
its cool

I view fashion as another art form

no, but i do look better cause of it, and i did start for this reason
yes, mostly cause i like looking at clothes generally and thus i would dislike looking at an ill fit on meh
no, i dont do anything to get girls, i usually wait for them to do stuff

Yeah I did it because the smokinginthefags series is without exaggeration the most effay thing I've watched. He's one of my favourite people.

I mean tell me this isn't even effay youtu.be/N8i6pytIYII (watch the whole thing)

Re-watching this it has to be one of his masterpieces. 10/10 video

If you didn't understand fashion after 17 hours it just isn't for you. Go look for a different board. It's not that we don't want you here, you're just wasting your time.

damn just came home from work

and that shit is so effay it hurts
if you been browsing effay for 17 hours you will understand how fucking fa this is

i've been dipping for a while because smoking was killing my health but i'm buying a pack o fags tomorrow my mane

he looks dying in his recent videos tho
but he is taking heroin chic back in style no prob

I'm glad you appreciate /ourguy/

why is this pic okay on this board

Yes. Since I got into fashion I've started making friends for the first time in years and now hear cute girls whispering to each other about how badly they want me.

I'm no chad either I'm a thinspo bitch boy that is immediately assumed to be gay by everyone.

hmmmm i'm /dontgiveafuck/core but i like this answer this may be the start of conversion

>Why are you guys fashionable?
I don't know
>Is it to feel good?
When i'm looking good in the situation, it's increasing self confidence
>Is it to get girls?
Yes and it kinda work, the cigarette meme have gotten me all of my gfs

Totally wanna look cool. Fit in somehwere cool, not look like a fucking idiot wearing dumbass shit at a sick ass underground party.

fashion is a creative manifestation of myself. Most people's impression are made up in the first 10 seconds of meeting a person. In those ten seconds you can have a "hi, my name is converastion" or you display who you are with the clothes you are wearing. Its the purest form of expression, of art, of love. It will continue to love on until we all die. That's why fashion is beautiful, because it is beyond us and yet we try to comprehend it and use it to the best of our ability.

Its part of my /style/