Now that the dust has settled. Are these hats Veeky Forums or not?

Now that the dust has settled. Are these hats Veeky Forums or not?

its a gas station hat for gas station people

I fucking hate trump and people that wear these are generally edgy teens / retarded

but the MAGA hats are genius

Just Sg&Rprt the thread guys.

literal political fedora

No. Kill yourself o stop posting.


Bump ;)

im an afghan mexican communist but i still think they look kinda cool
but whenever i see someone wearing one i give em a staredown til they look visibly uncomfortable lmao

Go back

future / current grail, no lie
glad I copped mine


yeah fucking right

It was only good when he was running and the odds were against him. Is this still good though?

No you don't pussy

whats a sg and whats a rprt

>things that never happened: the post

do people wear these unironically? i see some kids wearing them but they dont seem like the trump type

Only ugly fat neckbeards wear them irl

wow what a weirdly good descrip


Yeah I gotta agree with this. Would of been cool before but they would be kinda lame to wear now.

fuck off subhuman double digit iq mongrelised Americuck...shill that shit somewhere

If you are Irish yes.

Britfag here, not a trump supporter but these hats are Veeky Forums as fuck in the same way that redneck outfits are actually Veeky Forums as fuck

the green ones are especially Veeky Forums since only 138 were made

an interesting point to make is that if you wear this outside literally everybody who looks at you will make an immediate judgement based off of it

ballin for jeb