Whats the strangest thing to have made you lose or quit a job?
Whats the strangest thing to have made you lose or quit a job?
Bite the dick of a loyal customer. I never do that
Employer hired a guy that I was to train. This guy was to be my replacement. Fuck that I'm not training my own replacement lmao.
not training him in the complete wrong way
shame on you user.
Fucked a cashier and her orbiters kept harassing me so I left lol
Pretty much every job I've ever been fired from was for a bullshit reason. One time, they fired me because a guy on the other side of the room was snoring. But up to that point, I had fuck all to do, so that's the excuse they gave. That pattern repeats itself all the time. Won't let me work (no direction, no resources, etc), then whine that I'm not pulling my weight.
Worked at a hometown bank for about a year. I was the lowest on the totem pole so I was always covering shifts for other people. One day I woke up to a voicemail from my boss saying I was supposed to be there that morning. Supposedly they had scheduled me to cover someone but I don't remember it. I had never missed a shift before then and not too long after that the lady I was supposed to cover for become the branch manager. Wait this wasn't that weird was it?
Okay how bout this one: I'm about to quit my shitty Starbucks job because of my legitimate hatred for fat people and chubby sorority girls.
Get fired for fucking a chubby girl in the back
Had something similar happen to a friend of mine. He worked at a bank and policy was to have two people present to open in the morning. Other guy never showed up, so he didn't open, until the bank manager screamed at him to open anyway. The next day he was put on the street for violating the opening policy.
>get very, very stressful engineering job straight out of school
>my first real job, and i have massive responsibilities and 60+ hour weeks, with zero recognition
>starts to take toll on mental health, feel myself falling apart
>walking from car to office one day, i think i had a nervous breakdown
>sit down on curb and have a hard time breathing
>call in sick, get chewed out, idgaf and drive home
>realize i cant do this anymore, but my brain is all fucked up and cant think straight
>tell my boss i might be dying of cancer and need time off
>spend the next 2 weeks only sleeping from 8 in the morning to noon, chain smoking and watching anime, paranoid wreck
>boss calls and i tell him im going to die soon and not to call me anymore
I feel bad for my boss. He took a chance on me and I was an immature POS and screwed him over. That whole ordeal was probably the biggest mistake Ive ever made.
Don't feel too bad friend, you may have saved yourself from insanity. How much worse would you feel if you tried to tough it out and lost your mind for a shitty wageslave job?
this is your former boss,
I knew you were faking it all along lazy shit. we will get your signing bonus back you didnt work 2 years. Expect a visit we'll find a way if we have to trick you out on the corner
I did. I trained them, they fired me, I was polite, thanked them for their time, and sued the fuck out of them for wrongful dismissal.
Never had problems, always showed up on time, never received a reprimand. They just wanted to pay the new guy less.
Settled for 6 months of wages.
on Monday I had a first day as an admin assistant / handyman at an rv rental place. I had to clean a bunch of rv's the first day
>crashed one
>cleaned up the mess and moved it to a place where it looked like I never touched it
>had a co-worker discover it naturally along side me
>they think someone else did it
they asked me to come in early tuesday to learn the company software and I just never showed up
I always get shit employers. I worked for a security company that would always short cheques by $30-$50 each payday. I also worked for a from home travel agency that you paid $50 a month to be able to use their services. For the agency whenever you had a problem they would update their little rule book/contract in order to avoid helping you and fatten their pockets.
It's entirely your fault then.
If you have nothing to do, then pretend you're busy all the time and they'll think you're an excellent employee and maybe even give you a raise.
No, not really. If you can't manage a project, you shouldn't be hiring people. I know I know, expecting management to take responsibility for any of its decisions/indecision.
My favorite part of that was when they lied to DoL about how there was so much work to do and I never turned in any of my assignments. See, problem is, when you tell that story too many times about too many people with nothing to back it up, even the government catches on.
Pic related obviously, as I don't know anything about your specific situation and therefore it would be impossible for me to make any non-random judgement.
They were really just butthurt that their contractor in Colorado had strung them along for 3 years with nothing to show for it. I laughed at my boss on the way out the door on my last day because I knew they'd been had but didn't have the balls to do anything about it.
Probably not that strange in general, but I was laid off once because my boss inside the company was laid off. He was a drunk and hired three people, including me, to do his job for him. Eventually someone caught on.
One of the other contractors took over his job though. The one who usually drove drunk-boss around because he was always drunk. Drunk-boss would just sleep in the other room while we worked.
It just struck a nerve. At the time, people told me I should've brought a broom and swept the floors to keep busy. That's the bootstrap and firm handshake generation I guess.
Never got fired but when I worked at Kmart, my responsabilities got less and less because I declined one time from the 5 years I worked there to cover another person's shift because I knew I was going to actually cover one half of the entire store which included layaway (which is always a mess cause no one organizes anything), electronics, toys, garden shop, etc. Basically they took me away from electronics and shoved me with the freight team and gave me less and less hours. One time, they didn't schedule me for an entire two months. I just said fuck it, and never contacted them again after my next shift.
Don't worry user, we understand.
Don't feel bad. Ive been through the same, and came out on the other side. And I realised that mostly our business world is abusive and extreme. Too much is never enough.
Then I started a business, and everything changed.
I would never under any circumstances work for another human being. Nope.
Don't beat yourself up man. Man was meant to work, and man was meant to be challenged, but man was not meant to slave. And under those circumstances normal people either break down like you did or turn to drugs and alcohol.
I have 4 brothers, and all but one of us owns a business now. The 40+ hour work week & 2 weeks vacation, did not sit well with any of us.
I also had a similar incident in a cubicle job. I was typing up some reports and about mid day just realized I was freaking out, short of breath and needed to leave immediately.
Office Space was right about everything.
>Be working for library at my very progressive school
>Doing most of the work shelving/sorting while my faggot coworkers sit at the front desk doing fuckall.
>Ask her about it and she says its because I'm the new guy
>One year later
>Two of the faggots quit, so she hires some transgender and a undocumented student and puts them at the front desk
>Quit one week later
I never understood this "covering your shift" nonsense. If people call off, that's managements job to deal with how they're going to accomplish X task with Y people. My employer has all our availabilities in the Kronos system and we're never required to work hours we're not scheduled for.
Nice ID you've got there user
I've got this dilemma right now. I actually like my job but the creeping anxiety and increasing workload and lessening autonomy to deal with it and constant scrutiny from a team of bosses is killing me.
I can't breathe. I've even fucking cried to break the tension
Do you happen to be of the female gender?
When I was 16 I worked at a big supermarket, at the fresh department. (Meats, bread, cheese, produce). I always worked at the meat section and when someone would come to me for a question about any other section I would redirect them to my colleagues.
Well one day a colleague didn't show up and we were people short. During the lunch break I was alone at the entire department and someone asked me where the camembert cheese was so I shuffle my ass to the cheese section and pretend I've looked at this shit before.
Luckily I noticed a block of it sitting at the top so I give it the woman. She then asks me how much it costs and to my surprise I can't find a scanning label on it. I then shuffle my ass with this lady behind me to a cute cashier asking what the price of this cheese is. I give it to her and within seconds she gives me this weird look. I ask her what's up and she goes "You realize this isn't cheese right?". I give her an awkward "w-what?" back, she proceeds to knocks on the block of cheese and it became very clear to me that this was a fucking piece of plastic. A fake piece of cheese to decorate the cheese section.
Needless to say I was fired a week later and they didn't give me a specific reason but when I asked the manager "Was it because I tried to sell a piece of plastic to an old lady?" he pursed his lips and sorta gave me a "Yeah..." look.
Sounds like reddit
>implying half of Veeky Forums doesn't visit reddit regularly anyway
When I worked at Urban Outfitters, I had some of the worst experiences dealing with this kinda crap. Early when I first started working there I basically picked up any shifts I could, always went in on time, etc.
A couple months later my mom got very very sick and it took an emotional toll on me and my work suffered a bit, but I still managed to do fairly well (although rarely receiving any recognition.) Unfortunately though I started taking days off, and generally just coming in very checked out some days. Eventually I talked to my manager about my situation and she understood and started scheduling me less hours.
As time went on instead I got more and more "on call" shifts, which basically were I had to call in 2 hours before my shift and find out if I was covering someone, or if they needed another person. It got to the point where I was only working 2 times a week and they'd both be on call shifts, which was utterly asinine.
Not to mention out of the 8 months I worked there, one of the months they had only scheduled me two shifts the entire month.
Maybe it was just my store, but it was so bad. I don't think because I wanted less hours I should've had to be cornered into something like that, but I think they were trying to get me to quit because I never really did anything wrong.
Couple months of this bullshit I finally put in my 2 weeks, and then they decide to give me a couple real shifts my last two weeks (which I skipped one at that point) and ended up getting "fired" for a no call no show
I got auto-fired from a supermarket when I didn't turn up for like 2 months. A few weeks later they called me up and asked me to come back so I did. Had to get put back into the systems like a new guy.
lol why did you not show up?
You are lying I can tell by the way you type. Compulsive liars need to leave.
I think it was some kind of anxious breakdown. Like for a period of time I just stopped going to uni, work, and hanging out with friends. Just didn't want to deal with a single thing that could possibly stress me. After a while of not doing anything and having minimal social contact you start getting depressed though. Had to force myself back out. I'm starting to crave the stress free neet lifestyle again though. It's usually bad signs when I'm on Veeky Forums.
It was too hot in the office and they did nothing with it for 5 days straight.
I am a software dev and it's 32+oC in here, also a shitton of humidity.
I used to teach at a private academy in South Korea for a year to pay off student loan debt (no rent to pay, payment is good enough, cheap food and shit).
I got fired in 11 months because my boss is a Jew and didn't want to pay severance (required after completion of 1 year contract and you leave the job). If you think American businesses are bad, never come to South Korea. Contracts and legal documents mean fuck all there. You have to jump through way more hoops to sue people for this shit.
The worst part is you put up with a lot of shit in general in Korea due to being a foreigner and doing underhanded and scummy shit is actually looked on proudly in Korean culture. So disgusting.
no. end yourself.
i just never answer my phone and have pictures of the schedule every day
i tell them that if i need to give them 24 hours notice to call in, they need to give me 24 hours notice to cover a shift.
still aint been fired for it
>tfw I'm every employers nightmare cause im not dependent at all on the income the job provides
Btw if you want a job act like your life is dependent on it lol, bosses like it i would guess
you do realize you can sue for that?
I had my hat on (which was part of my uniform) and my sleeves up.
My sleeves were up because it was May and 70+ degrees and they still had us wearing heavy coats from winter
I have a friend who was a trucker. His company called him when he was on the other side of the country and told him he was fired, but he had to bring his truck and fully loaded trailer back and finish his run.
He told his dispatcher to fuck off and come get the truck himself. He tossed a padlock on the trailer doors, parked the truck in a truck stop and locked the keys in it. Booked a flight home and had a taxi pick him up. They were pretty pissed when they found out what he did, but I don't blame him.
It's called taking the initiative you dumb cunt
He or the manager?
You can sue for wrongful dismissal?
I assumed employers could hire/fire whoever the fuck they wanted
Plus what's to stop them from saying "oh well he didn't really meet quota"?
Yes you can sue for any dismissal that was due to something not related to job performance or innapropriate behavior.
So like if someone just hates you and fires you for no reason, you can collect unemployment and also sue
You can't sue if the company is down sizing. If they are consolidating or trashing positions that are obsolete, then you can probably sue but won't win. Same with training a replacement that could have been taking up a consolidated position
This is true
Fucking cunts, the lot of them.