Help eastern Yuropoorean guy from Croatia find job or earn money, I'll do anything, I am listening.
add me on skype protoss.m
Help eastern Yuropoorean guy from Croatia find job or earn money, I'll do anything, I am listening.
add me on skype protoss.m
Skype spies on you, don't use it
Why do I need to hide, I only need job, or really good advice or mentor I am not joining ISIS
1. Learn proper English.
2. Lear Linux management (Enterprise stuff)
3. Learn Python and Bash / ksh
4. Add all the fancy words related to linux, python and cloud in your resume
5. Get job in a fortune 500 company as Linux Admin
6. Learn more while working
7. Get a job in a Western EU country
8. Work there for 10-15 years, save 50% of your income
9. Retire on a beautiful island in Croatia.
>Lear Linux management (Enterprise stuff)
Excuse me but Linux is simply a kernel, you may be referring to Gnu/Linux.
You all sound like its too easy just to do that.
I am 27 and I can only wonder how much time would I need to learn all these programing languages to profound level to be competative.
Give me something more realistic. I don't aim for luxury just something to depend on like $300-400 bux over internet or irl
i know what this Kleenex is for ;)
Why not learning marketing or so. Make niche websites and earn money with ads.
What the fuck else are you doing with your time? You litteraly asked for a way to find a job and when presented with an idea you said it would take too long? You seem to be good at being lazy as fuck. Get used to putting a little effort into something instead of bitching about how 'hard' something might be. You are clearly in this situation because of this very reason.
Whoops, looks like I need to take a little more time to proof read.
I'll work on that while you do continue to do nothing.
your advice is literally
>become smart
>Become rich
If you're really desperate for some cash, sell some stuff you don't need anymore and use that money on some service like ebay to buy and sell stuff for a profit. Or if you don't have a criminal record and aren't fishy as fuck, you could probably get some sort of job at a store.
Your best fucking idea is to become a linux admin for a fortune 500 company, and act like anyone could do it. Ricing your desktop won't give you a six figure job and OP clearly wants something with close to no qualifications.
If by some miracle a human mates with you and your kid asks you for a new bike, will your solution be "Well, go get a PhD in aerospace engineering and buy yourself a bike in your 30's, you lazy fuck?"
Know what won't make you money? Being a little bitch on Veeky Forums.
I asked for Advice you dumb fuck I didn't asked you to insult me. After all this is Veeky Forums not /b/ what else did you expect to discuss about.
You must have issues with yourself if you have need to insult someone asking for help
You're not asking for help, you're asking for a magical solution to all your problems.
To ask for help you need to be already doing something.
I was just about to hire you I need someone like you Niko but now I see you have a temper issue that won't work. Goodbye
No I asked for help, for mentor to guide me not to give 2 word advice.
>become rich
>become engineer
Of course you do among 1 billion pajets to code for you.
Sell digital to the world
You don't ask for a mentor. You earn one by showing them that you can be successful or that you have the potential to be successful.
That's why homeless drug addicts don't get mentors.
Did you came here to argue with me or to help me?
Lol the croatian guy #REKT you.
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called “Linux”, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project. There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use.
Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine’s resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called “Linux” distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.
Fellow Croat here. The only solution is killing yourself. There is no hope for us slavs, maybe in another universe.
suck dick.
W-what if we bring about Socialist/communist revolution again and live good again....just joking
Communism was crap thats why we are in this mess.
Guys settle your autism pls. He's not asking for a magical solution.
He just wants to find his purpose in life.
OP I know the situation in your country is desperate. Thats why you're asking here.
Its the same in mine. I know. Trust me.
Every entry level job is dead end, with a shit wage, and you know it will end up killing you inside.
Think about what you like to do. Is there anything you are passionate about?
If you are good enough at doing it, there will always be people willing to pay you for it.
Have you tried searching job listings? Maybe you can find a job you like.
If you're not qualified already, try and get those qualifications.
I know this is not what you want to hear, because school feels like a long term solution, and you probably feel like you've wasted too much time already.
But you won't get back the time that you lost. Instead try to use wisely the time you have now.
Or you could try opening a business.
There's lots of opportunities that come with a tourist industry, and yours is growing. Try and get ideas from similar countries with a better established industry like Greece†, Spain and Portugal.
Like property management if you live on the coast. Or pool maintenance or something in that area.
Or buy a classic wedding car and rent it to destination wedding tourists.
Or maybe something to do with boat/building/repair maintenance. A job in that sector will teach you skills that will allow you to go into business on your own.
If you know basic carpentry or plastering, maybe you can get a job on a film set. The pay is around €10/hr with lots of overtime.
You like diving? Get certified. A PADI certified subacua instructor can work anywhere on earth.
See where I'm going with this?
Yep thanks for input.
I actually changed my profession 3 times
I also work abroad in Germany/Austria occasionally 1-2 months then back home free 1-2 months then go back.
Now I am thinking in what could I invest my money, I don't expect big returns just steady flow of money in pocket, like maybe selling over ebay, amazon...etc.
I also want to avoid taxes and state I would rather work on black then with state because they would take 25% of my earnings.
Later if I establish myself I would like to start something serious or specialize in something.
How does one go in researching and finding out what markets really need... how can I find what jobs, services or what commodity people need...
Sve u kurac brate
don't you have a job in tourism lined up in a few months?
>How does one go in researching and finding out what markets really need... how can I find what jobs, services or what commodity people need...
You said you work in Germany/Austria. Look at whats going on there that is making people money, that isn't happening in your country.
You don't have to come up with new ideas, you just have to import them. Find a successful business model, and copy it.
>Now I am thinking in what could I invest my money, I don't expect big returns just steady flow of money in pocket, like maybe selling over ebay, amazon...etc.
I personally wouldn't bother. There are better ways to make money that don't involve competing directly with 20 million chinamen.
First of all, ebay and amazon shouldn't be the first things on your mind. First you need the "product" to sell before you think about the market.
If your product is somewhat unique, then go right ahead.
Just yesterday I came across someone from Portugal selling custom modified Opinels on ebay. Some of them sold for €40.
You know how much an Opinel costs. The modifications likely took him less than an hour to complete and a whole €2 in materials.
Thats practically nothing in investment. But the profit is not high either.
Try and open a business that caters to the needs of other businesses.
Regular local people do not have money to spend on luxuries and services, and will always go with the cheapest they can find.
A wife will get her husband to fix the washing machine. A business will pay someone to fix it because they are losing money without it. See the difference?
>I also want to avoid taxes and state I would rather work on black then with state because they would take 25% of my earnings.
The best ways to do that are obviously jobs dealing in cash, or where your employer deals in cash.
A hot dog or other fast food cart is not very expensive start up and deals only in cash. There is decent money in fast food, because its one of the luxuries that everyone will spend money.
Just remember that every business needs the service of another business and it goes on. So maybe you don't like being behind a hod dog cart all day.
So how about buying some, and renting them for €30 or more a day. Don't want to deal with the hassle of permits?
Try building the carts instead.
Don't like hot dogs? Try selling ice slushies or whatever the fuck they're called.
Or come up with a new business model. Purchase a couple of slush machines, learn how to fix them, and then lease them to shops.
Some commercial kitchens in the US and EU lease knives this way. You buy knives and some sharpening machines, then lease them to restaurants.
Pick up the knives once a month and switch them to a fresh set. You will have to pay taxes though. Kitchens prefer leasing because they can claim the cost as expenses.
Or learn how to fix windscreens, polish headlights, detail cars, repair plastic bumpers, pull small dents and shit like that. They are all easy skills to learn and require very little in the form of investment and operating capital.
But remember, a low barrier of entry means lots of competition.
FYI, Spain is hot real now, since because of immigrants from Syria, the whole terrorist thing, migrants, etc.
Spain has seen an explosion in vacations and flights there, since it has avoided most issues with other countries. A lot of britbongs here are going there, otherwise staying in The UK.
What do you like?
Because Portugal and Spain are pretty weed friendly, for instance.
Are you in Croatia?
What skills experience or job history can you elaborate on?
Also, tourism has many live-in jobs which seriously saves money.
I also have a lot of online earning experience, so AMA.
$3/400 if you wanna stay in Eastern Europe os doable.
So, a hundred bucks a week?
So 20-40 hours a week ok?
We'll work on more later.
>Try and open a business that caters to the needs of other businesses.
>Regular local people do not have money to spend on luxuries and services, and will always go with the cheapest they can find.
>A wife will get her husband to fix the washing machine. A business will pay someone to fix it because they are losing money without it. See the difference?
This is the smartest fucking thing I've read on Veeky Forums regarding doing business in Balkans. Seriously, this is a mindblowing insight.
Google your country's coin dealers and see if you can find some offering bags of world silver coins at spot price and who ship to european countries. $50 paypal if you find something.
I finished high school for car technician, never done thing in that field.
Than I finished course for CNC programmer done that crap for about 2 years, it sounds like Its good profession but here in Shitocratia you earn jack shit with that bit more than cashier.
Now I go abroad taking care of old folks it pays good because I don't have to spend on anything.
Add me on skype :protoss.m
be my mentor on online marketing
I am not aiming for anything high just to break thru and establish myself in some field, I don't want to change my profession every 5 years
Why? How will you make money off of that?
Balkan scum
another Croat here, same age, similar situation
somehow collect 20-30k HRK (4000€) and try to move out of croatia
if you can find something in foreign lands while still in croatia - great
you life will be shittier for couple of first years
I don't do Skype lol.
I make most money from writing.
The reason I write is because I'm a bit fucking autistic. Actually having to talk to people face-to-face or on the phone is one of the main reasons I stopped working for others.
The typical pay in writing is -
Data entry - pleb tier
Article Writing - mid tier but competitive.
Residual income possible too
Copywriting - mid to high tier
Getting published/publishing own content - you work for yourself. Sky's the limit.
The market will pay what you are worth.
But you have to ask for it.