Why doesn't he just shut the fuck up?
Why doesn't he just shut the fuck up?
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I like his stuff about medieval hats and armor
Enough knowledge to know more than the average normie, but too little to actually be called an expert.
Also his fans dickride him, so that probably encourages him.
Apparently he's got a degree in Archeology though, so its not like he's some dweeb who takes everything from DnD.
I think he spergs out a little about roleplay stuff
What? He's a pretty neat dude, and even admits when he's wrong. I think you need to chill OP
Why don't you just shut the fuck up?
He is a know nothing know it all. Useless.
I think hes waiting for someone to actually make him look stupid, such as you op since you clearly know some brilliant criticisms that you just aren't sharing for some vague reasons
I guess he will never shut up since everyone cleverer than him is too clever to show it
He researches really well and his methods are quite good as well but the reason that you distrust this guy's intelligence or knowledge is the topics he generally chooses. well, it might seem quite meaningless to us but then we should not be his audience on said topics.
his videos taken in archeological sites or in museums are also very informing and entertaining.
Opinions on this human being?
Really fucking boring. Lindy might make broad sweeping statements on complex topics which he shouldn't, but he's damn entertaining and fun to watch. Whereas that guy looks like a goblin and just stands there saying "I mean come on guys..". At least show some images as you talk.
You like your history books in comic book form?
Been following him for like two years now and I haven't yet heard him say a single thing I vehemently disagree with.
>You like your history books in comic book form?
I like to be entertained rather than a guy droning on really boringly almost like he's bored.
stop bullying beigeman
a friend of mine has a degree in archeology and he just sits in a pub all day
Are you watching the same Matt Easton as I am? His videos have quite a lot of good info condensed in them while Lindy (while entertaining) goes all over the place with occasionally factually incorrect statements.
Masters in archeology and he says he reads books about the things he discusses
>It’s an accident of birth that I was born British
There is no such fucking thing as 'an accident of birth'. In any circumstance. If you are born in x country it's not because of luck its because;
Your parents made a conscious decision to have sex.
Your parents made a conscious decision not to abort.
In the case of rape, one party made a conscious decision to rape, one party made a conscious decision not to abort.
In the case of failed contraception conscious decisions to have sex and not abort were still made.
If you were born in a territory that uses jus soli then there was a conscious decision to either remain within that territory or to migrate to it before birth.
If you were born as a result of your mother being illegally trafficked to a territory then there was a conscious decision to do so and a conscious decision not to abort by the trafficker.
There are no accidents determining your citizenship, ever.
This was not the post, thread or board I was looking for. Disregard.
Whenever I see this man's thumbnail, I think it's Limmy.
Matt Easton is boring. If i just wanted facts I'd read a book, youtube is for fun.
Well I don't think I have anything to say against that besides that youtube can be used for educational purposes.
He does, in fact, research extremely poorly. See his latest "spandau" vs bren video
I only watched a couple of his videos before the Bren vs Spandau one, but in that it seems like he is the master of setting up a strawman and following up with some weak argument while acting like a condescending chucklefuck, as if his "logic" is common sense.
t. petty determinist
>Why doesn't he just shut the fuck up?
If you made $600+ per video via patreon, would you?
What's the point of shutting up these days when no one else seems to be capable of putting a break on it?
>He researches really well
You clearly still haven't seen his latest embarrassment of a video on the Bren vs the """"""""Spandau"""""""".
hes right though, he's just pissed off germboos
I just wish he would unpop his collar
Nah dawg, here's an MG08 Spandau for you. Doesn't help that he thinks the MG-34 = MG-42 or that the MG-42/56 or MG3 is not being used. That video was extremely poorly done.
yea what's the deal with the collar. Normally I only see whitetrash wear their shirts like that
Here I'm nah fae Yoker
He explained precisely why he called it the spandau and he's correct, it was the British term for the 34 and 42 during ww2. He didnt need to use it and get all anal about it but hes not wrong.
Extremely well-informed and makes great videos, but is less entertaining than the Based Beige Man to be frank.
OP back at it again at trying to make Veeky Forums hate him. It's okay, we understand that he shaged your mommy.
Yes the British soldiers used Spandau, but as a catch-all for basically every German machine gun. My problem is more that he still, always, views British terms and slangs and points of views as the universal standard for some bizarre reason.
because he is objectively the best history related channel [spoiler]for the plebs[/spoiler] on the youtube
is anyone here going to buy his graphic novel?
Why should we ? There's already a good manga about scipio and hannibal. The art also looks much better than your generic american comic, so no thank you.
This desu. I watched a lot of his videos and he's pretty entertaining, but his enormous bias and revisionism for everything that is related to the british is starting to piss me off.
> Romans
> blond
... jesus christ.
yeah, even if he flubs the story, i have no doubt it would still be great from a historical and visual standpoint
hannibal's story is pretty damn well impossible not to make really really cool if you follow it accurately at all, which he will certainly do
>for basically every German machine gun.
They primarily used two, the ones he mentions. If peoples problem with the video is the name he uses then thats really weak. He explains his points poorly and makes too broad statements and he should separate the 34 and 42 more, they do have the same battlefield role, but they are not the same, but i think the gist of what he said was correct.
Primarily that the Bren was very accurate and a good MG, while the "spandau" was better for suppression and not particularly accurate.
>He researches really well
He routinely talks out of his ass.
He dies that on his own if you actually know something about the shit he spergs about.
but that's wrong you idiot
a roman could be potentially be blonde even if they had 100% latin blood
there's no magical racial divide where only one tribe gets to have a certain color, white peoples all have variance in hair color
No you don't understand,
Blond hair and blue eyes are unique to germanic hyperborean nephilim.
The fact is, the fact that he calls them both spandau, then doesn't care to identify which one he's talking about, renders the whole video useless. There's differences between the MG-34 and the MG-42, but he just uses them interchangeably as the "spandau."
For all we know if he hadn't specified the MG-34 and MG-42 he could've been talking about the MG08.or some archaic relic.
The fact is, he doesn't specify or know the differences between the MG-34 and -42. It renders the video moot. The followup video "Lindy vs the fanboys" does not help his case in the sligtest, at least he can admit if he's talking right out of his ass instead of pretending like one wiki article and a book makes him a master of the subject.
>while the "spandau" was not particularly accurate.
[citation needed]
>implying no flithy germanic man ever fucked a roman before Hannibals time
More than likely it's a visual choice to further juxtapose the two characters. This was more common back in the day before people bitched all the time about ethnic representation.
tommies called most ww2 german machine guns with a bipod or tripod a spandau. i've read enough "battle picture library" and other "commando" style comics to know this, apart from knowing this from actual books without pictures. your ignorance is not a criticism, dumbass.
I know right. It not like people are patriotic or anything the fucks his problem
Yah but we're not weebs
Because of course the scippio family would have Germanic blood ya fucking mong
Why must one narrow their worldview for the sake of avoiding a certain stereotype. You don't have to be a enthusiast to enjoy a specific art in a certain medium.
Lindy's personality is almost like a caricature of a stereotypical Englishman. Everything down to his accent, dress, and ideas (such as on class mobility) is so English it seems fake.
I remember in a few previous threads about him there were Brits commenting on how weird it was that he existed.
Get in here faggots.
He's a fucking nerd
Don't bully the Beigeman.
I already gave money for his dorky little comic book I'll call him whatever I like
You don't want to make the Beigeman angry.
But I don't understand, the British point of view is the only relevant one...?
>porntube is for fun
ftfy :)
Porntube is for intelligent and reasonable comments discussions.
Because grorious Nippon cannot into foreign culture, thus the writing generally sucks, plus the visuals are actually subpar, despite what weebs think (with a few exceptions).
what are some of those exceptions?
>He dies that on his own if you actually know something about the shit he spergs about.
yeah i don't and random internet users going DUHH HES A FEGET doesn't really convince
Great lindynigger qoutes:
>We don't know how great swords were used
We actually do.
>they swung them in a figure 8 and ran into pikes
They didn't.
>you can't defend your legs with a shield with straps
We actually can
>demonstrates by trying to bend at the waist like a retard
Meanwhile, any non autistic five year old handed a shield naturally goes into a slight crouch to help get better coverage and aid in fast movement.
>tries to comment on phalanxes based on his fucking LARP experience
>Also his fans dickride him
Literally every single populat youtube persona.
Internet culture is fucking cancer.
More shit from Lindynigger from the Bren vs Spandau rebuttal.
>English speakers referred to them as spandaus
Let's refer to all German tanks as Tigers! After all, the English speaking Allies were notorious for reporting Tiger I encounters all across the Western Front just because most German tanks were capable of penetrating the average Allied medium tank. This is despite the fact that the Tiger I was no longer in production and the remaining ones were in the Eastern Front.
>What? It's an MG-42? I thought it was an MG-34!
Only Lindynigger could think of such a ridiculous scenario. If he couldn't identify the report of what troops called Hitler's buzzsaw, he should have been executed on the spot.
>Part of the reason I do this is to make the video short.
>goes on tangents about movie depictions of machine guns
>What happens when you use a katana to cut through the barrel of a spandau?
Nothing but strawmen here.
There's patriotism and then there's making shit up
Why can't youtube faggots just die?
Are you implying that's good art?
Cause it's not.
I could draw better chainmail with a pencil squeezed between my asscheeks.
If you don't like him, to the point of making aggressive posts about him, stop watching him.
You do realise by watching him, you're funding him to make more videos and giving him moral support of views.
A degree in archaeology doesn't teach you about medieval and ancient weapons. It teaches you to scrape dirt and dig ditches. He even says as much in one of his videos.
For "research" you mean, reads a handful of pop history paperbacks and then pontificates on their contents?
Having a catch-all term is not the same as misreporting, bruh.
Better than getting your research from an online Mongolian basket weaving forum.
>they swung them in a figure 8 and ran into pikes
1. Strawman
2. Yes, some swords were used like that. Reported in manuals and proven to have been used like that in battlefields.
I feel like you who moan that Lindy is wrong on something are just more misinformed than him.
There are other avenues of research other than pop history and Veeky Forums.
Many Romans were described by contemporaries as being light-haired.
Why do so many Veeky Forums posters have raging hate boners for him? 90% of the criticism ITT is assblasted Germaboos who can't get over an MG-34 being called a 'Spandau.'
sure showed him
He's just an unsuffurable fag and just say trivialities. Don't even care if what says is right or wring.
He looks like a young jeremy corbyn
Are they related?
See earlier criticisms, it's indicative of how poorly he does his research.
>Gee wilikers I can't sit down easy in this battle armor
>I cannot have made it wrong
>It clearly wasn't made from this material
Dude seriously needs to accept his baldness
>1. Strawman
I love how the things Lindy literally says are so retarded that even his fanboys think they're strawmen.
>2. Yes, some swords were used like that. Reported in manuals and proven to have been used like that in battlefields.
Do you have a single source to back that up?
>I love how the things Lindy literally says are so retarded that even his fanboys think they're strawmen.
First of all, calling me a fanboy is not an argument. Secondly, let's look at your claims:
"We don't know how great swords were used"
(paste into search bar, embed can't handle times tamps)
>"Well, how were they used? We don't really know, BUT IT IS BELIEVED that they were largely used for hacking their way into pike formations"
Not only did you lie about his claims, you misquoted him to make it seem like he said all of those things as 100% factual.
>Do you have a single source to back that up?
Hans Delbrück's "History of the Art of Warfare", Volume IV the parts about the use of Zweihänder is based on an Veterans memories about the Italian wars
That Spandauer really fucked up his rep holy shit.
He's a walking, talking British stereotype. Being unjustifiably smarmy and Francophobic is part of his charm.
I like him. More informed, less of a stereotype.
It has brought to light to more people how much he talks out of his ass. Which, Imo, is a good thing. I like him and all, but he needs to stop being so aloof and shitty.
Then you just say "they got a machinegun", I'm pretty sire the commander will understand what you mean.