Is the American economy doomed?
Is the American economy doomed?
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it depends.
do you think your elected officials will work hard in the coming term to eliminate the deficit, commit to refinancing our long term debt at low rates, and establish an infrastructure replacement plan, coupled with entitlement reform?
no? well then, we're fucked.
This isn't the 30s, politicians don't really do anything significantly beneficial.
well, congress does control the purse
It won't in the short-mid term. Long term (50+ years) is none of your business, or anyone else's. Don't worry. Some big crash will happen in the mid term (15-20 ys) but it will get back up soon if technology and innovation pick up at a good growth rate, and they probably will.
But it's the strongest it's been in a long time. Why would it be doomed?
They're doing a bad job.
>/pol/ no replies
lol what a shit board
Veeky Forums 404 is cuck tho
its been growing for 6 years, we're due for a recession.
Umm... Big crash in 15 - 20 years?
No son, that's like tomorrow.
How do you know about my other threads?
> commercials for loans
> commercials for investments
> commercials for flipping homes
> people getting cars can't afford
> credit cards being handed out
It's happening again.
it never stopped happening
there you go.
someone's paying attention
I made one small inquiry for more info on a rental property and got 3-4 daily calls for a week straight from different locked numbers for quickenloans....It is happening
Did rampant consumer borrowing ever even slow down?
The suffering people endured in the recession and following rebuilding efforts was not nearly enough to reject laissez-faire in the minds of the masses.
I say efforts because they were largely a joke. With the fed rates as they were we should have gone to the fucking moon but instead we just had a modest """recovery""" that ultimately might be thin as paper
That big crash is already in our backyard playing hide and seek. I can see the crash happening no later than the end of 2017 and at the Earliest end of 2016
>don't pay for 24 months
>finance your fridge
>finance your couch
>finance your dish washer
>buy that new iphone even though the one you currently have is only 6 months old and still on contract
>renew contract
The list never ends
Most people are living in the now and pay later scheme of things.
>They're doing a bad job.
I don't know about that. QE and sequestration were both great!
Eventually yes. We can't just sit on massive debt and cheap labor forever. Eventually that cheap labor is going to no longer need our American Dollars, and thats when the whole house of cards crumbles.
I think the one of the big reasons the US economy is still holding up is because of consumerism.
Looks like the struggling sales of tech and auto companies means not a lot of people are willing to spend now
Just a matter of when the economy will fail. I don't think it'll be like the 2008 recession though, I think China and Russia will play a big part in the domino dropping
It's the cheap labor that's killing us. Most jobs don't pay dick because there's a million niggers in some 3rd world hell hole desperate to do a shit job for table scraps. But on our end, we're charged premium 1st world prices anyway and screamed at for not being able to consume enough. We can't spend or save or borrow and then these chucklefucks keep pushing more of the tax burden further down the scale. I'd be scared if it DID work because that would mean the laws of math and physics had been thrown out the window.
I think the biggest reason is the US military myself. All these economic shenanigans end in huge wars and that was before the world was running down.
When a national monetary system collapses under the weight of debt and usury, it's just a matter of pointing fingers, be it the long noses or rag heads, one or the other when you have In God We Trust right on the paper itself.
Fucking monkeys!