How often do you guys shampoo your hair?

How often do you guys shampoo your hair?
I shampoo mine every other day, but I realized if I wear a hat all day it smells like shit by the end of the second day, does this mean I should be shampooing every day?

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ive been shampooing after a week sometimes a week and a half and my hair has been fucking terrific lately

i have a very hard time believing that it doesn't smell like shit

it probably does but i have a hat on all the time so who cares

i also condition my hair once inbetween so

you know you can wash it and not use shampoo right, it takes like 5x as long but your hair won't smell unless you do a bad job


also i just wash my hair with cum every other day it really helps with the smell

dude, the smell starts to permeate through my hat after only 2 days for me

I don't know actually, I never heard of this.
I don't know if I want to spend that kind of time trying it, my hair is already shoulder length so it seems like it would take a while

When I had waist-length long hair I had to use conditioner but I never used shampoo.

now my hair is a lot shorter so i just scrub my scalp and different hair sections vigorously under hot water for a minimum of 5 minutes

you can begin to feel your hair oils loosen up around the second minute and you can use your nails to get in there really deep

shampoo just strips away natural hair oil, washing away most of it instantly instead of washing/spreading it out

after about 3-7 days you'll notice your hair feels more healthy and less dry

also wearing a hat will make your head smell worse, just inevitable really.

I haven't bought shampoo in 4 years. feels good man. sometimes i'll be at a friends place and if ive been partying or feeling dirty and lazy ill use their shampoo but for the most part ive gone without it.

I've got dandruff so I have to use some sort of shampoo. Thankfully I switched to a different kind of dandruff shampoo and it's starting to really kill the flakiness. I use it about every 3-4 days right now but it says that after like 8 weeks I should be able to go down to only when needed. When i dont use that shampoo I just condition.

bro that type of shit sounds like it would make me lose my hair
fuck all that
and conditioner doesn't clean tho does it?
how did you actually clean your hair when it was waist long?

yeah i know, but i'm saying i feel like having to throw my hat in the washer every 2 days seems just too damn often, i feel like that can't be right
4 years thing sounds great tho, but I'd have to see ur hair in person to truly be the judge of that statement

I quite literally never shampoo but I rinse with conditioner and hot water and my girlfriend is always asking to smell my head because my hair smells great apparently

dang ok i really need to look into this conditioner thing
i thought it was just a meme product they try to tell you that you need so they can make $$$ off ya dumb ass

wat the hell is this magical conditioner shit
i thought it was meant to be used WITH shampoo
boy i really didn't think i would learn anything from this thread desu
Veeky Forums ain't dead yet bros

just scrub your fucking scalp and you'll feel the hair loosen up around your fingers.

i never did this when i shampoo'd cause as soon as you put it in your hair instantly gets stripped of oils so it feels clean, but your scalp is still dirty.

just fucking scrub your scalp for a while and you'll see what i mean.

my hair has 0 tangles, it's thick, it stays in place better, and much softer.

shampoo only cures tangles and smell, that's it. it makes your hair thin and brittle

I use shampoo a bit over once a week, conditioner once or twice a week

hair doesn't smell bad, or at least have never noticed and never had anyone else allude to it. Sometimes before i shower in the morning i notice a slight unwashed smell but its not gross

i just make sure to scrub scalp and hair properly in shower, takes like 20-25 min for a shower but i prefer that to 10 min and coming out with dry lifeless hair

never once gotten a comment on my hair looking greasy or unwashed, on the contrary i get a lot of compliments

basically, if you've ever wondered why the Nazis and all the other old time people had nice shiny hair with natural volume and texture its because they didn't constantly bleach it with shampoo everymorning like far to many people do today

quality shampoo + conditioner + coconut oil also achieves a similar if not better effect, but it costs money so idk

every three days, sometimes 5

The problem is that takes way too long to do I can shower in the amount of time you just wash your hair. I end up shampooing maybe 1-3x a week, the other days when I shower I just scrub for 30 seconds - Sometimes with conditioner.

well shampoo strips the dirt and excess (and non excess) oils
I'm considering this no shampoo bit but basically this

>how do I make my hair better
>no I don't have an extra 5 minutes to spare

Well good luck then, cause shampoo really doesn't help.

ye i'm gonna stick to the shampoo thing for now
but only because u tried to turn an extra 20-25 min to 5, that's some bitchshit

it takes 5 minutes. scrub your scalp. deep scrubbing. that's it. your hair will loosen up around your fingers.

good luck virgin ill NEVER sleep with u with ur thin ass hair lol

hey the virgin thing is too far

havent used shampoo in a few years now.

idk, i only wash it with water like once every 2 weeks or something. It doesnt smell afaik, and my hair is soft as fuck, not oily at all.

I generally wear a hat all day and it doesnt smell. Maybe ive just been blessed.

Altho ive realized since ive stopped eating animal products im less greasy in general, and dont really smell at all even if im sweating like crazy and forgot 2 put on deo.

My hair has always been thinner tho.

Every day ever since middle school. I get extremely greasy and flakey if I dont.

i'm smellin a lot of bs itt. or maybe that is just your unwashed hair you cretin

attaboy, this man i can identify with

how is your hair btw. any negatives due to daily shampooing?

I haven't shampooed my hair for at least six years.

My hair smells like hair. I don't understand what these people think hair smells like without shampoo.

I wash my hair with just cold water. Same goes to my body, I only use soap.

you better be bald fucker

it's supposed to smell like shit unless you spend 25 min washing the oils out apparently
i don't know if y'all are in the top 1% longest shower takers, can't smell your own filth, or bullshitting through the roof but i'll take a bottle of dove over any of that shit

ditto to you


Every other day here, fem

additional info: i do it every morning though

I can guarantee you that my hair doesn't smell like shit. I get compliments from women on how my hair looks, feels, and smells regularly. Did you get that information from some shampoo industry shill?

i got that information from a functioning olfactory system and two days without shampoo

>you better be bald fucker

It's shoulder-length. What are you going to do about it?

Just because you naturally smell like shit doesn't mean that everybody naturally smells like shit. You're supposed to give your hair time to adjust after you stop using shampoo for the oils to balance out, anyway, so your anecdotal story about going without shampoo for two days proves nothing.

Never! Just rinse with water.

i havent had a shower in 2 weeks and my hair is great

If I skip a day or two of shampooing my hair gets greasy as fuck. I usually do about 5 days a week, condition 1-2 times

Shampoo while wearing your hat

I haven't used any shampoo/conditioner on my hair in over 6 months. Only water. I have 0 dandruff and my hair isn't greasy or smelly in the slightest. All it takes is a good amount of massaging and using your fingernails to work off dead skin. I used to shampoo every day but after going cold-turkey I wouldn't even think of going back. My hair feels 10 times stronger and alive.

Would recommend no-poo

e.z.p.z way of doing this: get hair cut short. stop using shampoo. short hair doesnt get much oil buildup and it takes a couple mo to grow out, and by that time your body is used to no poo.

I usually shampoo every second day but I've brought it down lower to every three days. Today I conditioned my hair instead of shampooing it and it's pretty nice.

wash it

ok, maybe i'll give it another shot
how much time am i supposed to give it

i did this fingernail thing last night and it still feels like i'm just damaging my roots and going bald
i can't shake that feeling, but maybe i'm wrong

i'll try that bro, thx

everyday i do my hair in shower,in summer 2 times a day sometimes

yeboi. i'm talking real short,

ok i'm not going that short.
I'mma go like 2 inches minimum

Dont put on hats when your hair is wet


Anytime I use shampoo it makes my hair dry and hay-like so I just stick to conditioner now and it works fine.