Veeky Forums Movie Thread

Can we get movie thread going? What are some fashionable movies? What movies have a great overall aesthetic? GOATs in set and costume design? etc.

Naked of course



End Of Evangelion
American History X
Ghost In The Shell
Blue Velvet
Ken Park


beat ya to it user

sorry, babe

Inland Empire

fuck you

only good bit was the dance scene at the start

only good bits were the rabbit bits

>only good bit was the dance scene at the start
I forgot the theatre scene


Donnie darko wasn't really that aesthetically pleasing. It was a good story though

Plebs. Inland Empire is the culmination of Lynch's style and a perfect complement to Mulholland Drive. Both films explore duality within an actress and actually comprise a duality themselves; Mulholland ultimately ends in darkness, but Inland with jubilance and light.

u already know

>not neon demon

If yr 13




kinda, great film though

for sure


hmmm, naah

the dreamers moreso but its not a good film.

n o p e

underage b&

Yall niggers never post Pi, it's always me.

not bad

anything by fellini, jarmusch or tarkovsky is also very fa


that's Funny Games not The Dreamers

Great movie about punk scum.